Early bird, bent neck. ontario canada.
yes that's a gong.
Yeah, that's the fucking shit right there! Thank you for that glass / vape pr0n. I mean seriously, that right there got me cotton eyed and I'm stone cold un-medicated right now. Awesome set up guy, kudos
Congrats to VXL and Swagger. The tube looks fantastic and like a lot of love and thought was put into it. Even the size and placement of the logo greatly exceeds expectations for me! Swagger got their new logo, but it's not oversized! Everyone wins!
This set up is so pretty, and the Evo is getting such good reviews, this could be the perfect time to introduce my GF to vaping w/o worrying about sub-part hits or harsh tokes...
No one can predict the future, but if I were a member of VXL, just looking at these picks would fill me with confidence. A lot of people try to sell products that look good, or sound good on paper, or have an "iProduct" name ... But this. This is a true, quality, high end product that kicks all types of ass in this product space. It has the look, and the performance! Is it the Tesla of vaping?
When's the next cannabis cup?
This is the kinda thing that could convert the smoker crowd into vaping. I could see Rick Steeves as a potential partner in this
I'm calling it right now
Cloud Evo Launch >> XBONE/PS4 launch