On a Permanent Vakation
I didn't mean to imply that you were making an issue out of this, but I can see how my post came across that way. My apologies, as I was simply trying to reassure you...I didn't do a great jobI wasn't trying to make any issue out of this and I'm sorry if my post comes across that way. I've got nothing but mad respect for SM, Troi and the VXL crew. I was just looking for some reassurance to help ease my excitement and jitters while anticipating the arrival of my Evo.
That said, my concern has more to do with the temp range of the Evo. You said it yourself @Purpl3_Haz3, herbs are different in preparedness and to add to that: The temperatures at which herbs and their unique composition of chemicals vaporize can vary from strain to strain. With less "clicks" or steps on the dial to find the precise setting for a particular strain (because more of the dial is dedicated to higher temps for concentrates), the middle edge (of milk) between wispy and combusted becomes thinner. I suppose one can account for this with technique, like the rate of draw or ELB, but I had thought using the Cloud well didn't rely on such things.
As I don't have my Evo yet, I'm going to withhold further comments on this topic so as not to look any bigger of a jackass. Thank you for your replies guys. This is me ->reading your posts.

As for @Live-N-Learn, who is or was having trouble finding the sweet spot...I believe they are looking for the spot that milks, and provides intense flavor. IMO, you can't quite have both, yet the Cloud/EVO should be as close as you may get. That being said, I know that flavor is always going to be far more intense, and tasty, IMO, at lower temps; and that when I want milk, it will not taste as good as that lighter fog. Just

So, @Ezzie Koffer, I hope you continue to ask questions, and stick around for more replies, from those who have EVO's already (unlike myself.) I'm sure you will be able to rest assured before long.
One other note that just sprung to mind. On my OG, even though I take advantage of the full range of temps, I find myself really only using a smaller range (9/10am to 2/3pm) which seems to be equivelant to the applicable flower range on the EVO, from 7/9am-1/2pm. Maybe things aren't so different? I'd definitely wait a little while longer though, before we see how things are going with the received EVO's. And please, don't let my posts push you away (anyone) and don't hesitate to tell me when I'm out of line

No clicks, the dial can go anywhere between the lowest and highest settingI have one more question about the temperature setting. are they set? what i mean is does it click into the 7 am or 9 am position. or is it just a dial that you move around to an approximate location

@oldiebutgoodie, always saying it a little better than I ever could. I should have just not replied, knowing you'd probably come along and say what I was trying to, in the better way.If you got that impression from my post, then mea culpa, not my intent or meaning.
With virtually any vaporizer, there is some variation independent of the machine. It starts with moisture content in the herb, and possibly even ambient humidity. A very fine grind, especially of dry herb, affects air flow and extraction (how it happens varies by vape design, but whichever it happens). The strength and length of your pull affects the vapor/air ratio. The heat regulation of the EVO will maintain a constant temp (no matter how fast/hard you hit, btw).
When you get your EVO, I suggest the same approach as we did with previous Clouds. E.g., use a medium/fluffy grind, load a small amount (about .15g or 1/4 of the ELB), set the temp relatively low (try 9 o'clock), try hitting it light and hitting it hard, see your results. Then experiment further with load size, temp setting, and technique (which also btw can change with whatever glass you use) to find your sweet spot. Many here have different routines for time/activity of the day, e.g., a low temp to get more THC for socializing, a high temp to get the CBD's for a stone or for sleep, etc.
The experimenting is part of the fun. The range and versatility of the Cloud enables you to find exactly what works for you at a given time. You are able to effectively control what experience you want to have, without being constrained by the vape. And it doesn't take long to get one's routine(s) nailed down. Once done, it will be your individual "drop and inhale".
Finally, none of this has to do with the prior "manufacturing kinks". The heat delivery system of the EVO is one of its great strengths, and is more superior to prior Clouds than most of us knew. The extraction is phenomenal and totally complete. That the range extends to handle concentrates is a plus even for those of us (incl myself) who don't dab.
As others have already said, nothing so far indicates cause for concern. We just weren't quite prepared for how much better the EVO is.![]()