Bad dog. Dude... thank you so much that clears up a lot and you didnt have to do all that for me. That does answer a lot of headscratching on that device. The price is right i may juat look into that.
no problem my man

even with pics and vids, answers aren't always obvious if you don't know what your looking at in the first place, been there many times. and if your experience is limited to one vape, just a pic of another isn't always clear about how it works, again been there to.
but this
Any obtuseness is dumb but like I said... sometimes folks send me pictures of attachments i have no idea what to make heads or tails of it. Obviously... just being told "google it man" isnt gonna make my life easier. Not intentionally obtuse just dumb i guess.
the only way to be truly dumb is giving up on trying to understand. just because you lack the knowledge doesn't make you stupid only refusing to try and give up makes you dumb.
this I can also relate to
its all about what you put into the search box. you could put, how to hookup a evo ht to a hydrobrick maxx, and not find what you want or understand. trying something like, hydrobrick maxx + evo hydrotube + picture, might work better. look on YouTube for google search help vids, they might teach you a few things to do to help with the way you word searches, and make you a better google'er.
@Grass Yes is very helpful, probably more so than me, more experience with different vapes. but when you've been on fc long enough you deal with a lot of people who aren't willing to put the work in to understand or just have unreasonable requests, and it can get to be a bit much when you come here everyday, not to mention we are all capable of having a bad day or making a mistake with the intentions of a post because of wording, or reading to quick or whatever, but grass is good people I can assure you.