Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO


Well-Known Member
So I see a lot of people still love the evo for concentrates, personally I prefer my SiC nail or QQ, I can't ever seem to get the same flavor without it being really slow whispy hits.... any one here with dedicated concentrate equipment still prefer the evo ? I feel like maybe I'm just using it wrong, tried many different techs and still don't like it for concentrates at all. Don't get me wrong it's a beast with flower but I just don't see the point of using concentrates in it if you have other devices. just curious what others' opinions on this are
I never use my EVO for 'trates. I don't want to gunk up my favorite flower vape with concentrate reclaim and like yourself I have two dedicated enails with SiC inserts/halos.

What a flower vape, though. Yeah?


Almost there...

Just checked my 420 bud order and i missed GSC!!! Next time for sure!!
Still amazed at the size of clouds this vape can produce!
Still degrades the taste very quickly after1pm to me, I stay just over the notch at noon.
Brought out the Swagger LE Turbine, man this thing is awesome!
It seems to pull everything from the load, really missed this part as well.

Sunday afternoon with the EVO has been going great!
Whatever updates they have done since the IG units are all impressive!
I don't remember my original unit being this good.


I have the same set-up but much prefer just inverting the EVO for a hit.
After a while a lot of honey oil will build up in the dome an don the first 2+- inches of tubing.
Judging by use, I notice that i get less accumulation in my WT and more in the whip adapter.
To me this means I am missing out on goodies!! Not good at all..LOL!

I have no idea if this makes any difference at all! I just notice less reclaim built up in my WT.

I do still use the whip for when i am feeling lazy...LMAO!!
Just not looking forward to the cleaning process.



Just checked my 420 bud order and i missed GSC!!! Next time for sure!!
Still amazed at the size of clouds this vape can produce!
Still degrades the taste very quickly after1pm to me, I stay just over the notch at noon.
Brought out the Swagger LE Turbine, man this thing is awesome!
It seems to pull everything from the load, really missed this part as well.

Sunday afternoon with the EVO has been going great!
Whatever updates they have done since the IG units are all impressive!
I don't remember my original unit being this good.


I have the same set-up but much prefer just inverting the EVO for a hit.
After a while a lot of honey oil will build up in the dome an don the first 2+- inches of tubing.
Judging by use, I notice that i get less accumulation in my WT and more in the whip adapter.
To me this means I am missing out on goodies!! Not good at all..LOL!

I have no idea if this makes any difference at all! I just notice less reclaim built up in my WT.

I do still use the whip for when i am feeling lazy...LMAO!!
Just not looking forward to the cleaning process.

I usually use something else?
This morning I was thinki9ng about your session with a CIVILIZED device?
No matter what glass I pair it with it taste amazing!

I only have 1/2 oz (1/2 ZIP) left from today MONDAY.
Thie week I might get some POWER PLANT?
DUTCH TREAT I get 4 sure (love this one)

Then EVO has very doable flavor!

Almost forgot the LEMON KUSH & CONCRETE SHOE'S I have.
Da SHOE's is way too strong 4 me?
Da LEMON KUSH is super sour! ((I use to add tartness 2 whatever I'm vaping on!!)
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I must admit that I am not half as impressed as I thought I would be. I will give it some more days before coming to a final conclusion for myself, but I expected more somehow...
We all have a different need?

Some want to be STONED!

Some want to MEDICATE?

I like FLAVOR so I like the EVO.

EFFECT = HOW awesome is your CANNABIS?

We all see it through a different LENs?
GSC grow's all over where I live so it's my go to.
We have other strain's I want to try?

@lazylathe I will medicate 4 FLAVOR & need ATM. (DA children in my family use a new way of writing I like?)
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Almost there...
I must admit that I am not half as impressed as I thought I would be. I will give it some more days before coming to a final conclusion for myself, but I expected more somehow...

Sorry to be late to the converstation...Better late than never!
What seems to be your issues with the EVO?

I have a new 2nd hand unit that is about 5 months old.
I still have a Cloud and I had the original Indiegogo EVO a few years ago.
My original EVO did NOT perform as good as the one i have now, so whatever changes they made have been good.
I have no trouble using moist bud or bone dry bud, they both produce excellent vapor and flavor.

This is a vape you need to give some time to heat up the mass evenly.
I usually turn mine on and forget about it for 10 minutes, this way I Know my first hit is going to be a winner!
Fine grind for me with my herbs and about a 1/4 full basket.
Drop it in and attach to your WT/HT and start to inhale.
When the vapor reached your mouth stop and exhale and then hit it for the real deal!
A 1/4 filled ELB can sometimes produce too much vapor for one hit for me...

My way is different to @His_Highness but they both work well.
I just prefer a good heat soak at the temp i want to use because even though the light turns from red to green, I still find it hotter than it should be at my set temp.

Either way works though!!

Let me know how you get along!!!


Well-Known Member
So I see a lot of people still love the evo for concentrates, personally I prefer my SiC nail or QQ, I can't ever seem to get the same flavor without it being really slow whispy hits.... any one here with dedicated concentrate equipment still prefer the evo ? I feel like maybe I'm just using it wrong, tried many different techs and still don't like it for concentrates at all. Don't get me wrong it's a beast with flower but I just don't see the point of using concentrates in it if you have other devices. just curious what others' opinions on this are
I feel the same way. I just don’t think the EVO is that good at concentrates and there are much better options out there but as a flower vape it rips hard. I love makeing my EVO whistle I just wish I could make it produce different tones so I could whistle songs with it!


Almost there...
@ataxian and others. Thanks for your feedback and advice. I am trying to adjust my use/technique with the Evo. I had been filling the ELB's pretty full. Also, I think I need to slow my draw speed... thanks again!

I missed their advice, so here is mine! LOL!
Fine to medium grind your herbs.
Load ELB 1/2 full with medium grind and 1/4 full with fine grind.
Make sure the EVO has been on for at least 10 minutes and load ELB.
I like to draw slowly, just below the whistle for max effects!


@ataxian and others. Thanks for your feedback and advice. I am trying to adjust my use/technique with the Evo. I had been filling the ELB's pretty full. Also, I think I need to slow my draw speed... thanks again!
Today I'm testing CANNABIS strains (NEW 2 ME?)

The EVO is my device for da trial's.

Normally I just get locally grown GSC or GDP.

Like a complete rookie I tested CHERRY GOJI & 3 1/2 hour's latter here I am?

I have these book's I wanted to read?

GSC for study 4 me. (find what work's 4 U?)

GDP 4 sleep.


2 more MYSTERY strain's 2 me? (I bought way 2 much!)
2 morrow maybe?
GSC is all I can handle?

I must confess I am a LIGHT WEIGHT 2 DA MAX?

MY EVO whistle is gone? (maybe I use it 2 much?)
Da FLAVOR of my test strain was very incredible actually?

NIGHT-TIME 4 sure? (day no way)

@lazylathe what strain do U recommend? (4 da EVO)

These R what I'm TESTING?

LOOK'S pretty HAGGERD however WIPES me out? (still work's after I dropped it on a hard surface?)
@R2-D2 the first STAR WAR'S changed the way of technology! (IMO)
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That poor evo... I can't believe you can even use it like that. Do you jam the elb in as far as you can? So many questions!

My wife bought it 4 me!

I break every thing I own?

GLASS like crazy!

My EVO I turn up the heat by about 1 hour over if it was perfect.

It taste insane so I use it even those I cracked the MALE adapter.

I just work around my F^CK up's!

I put a screen in my 18mm coupler & bent the cap that fit's on the EBL which I leave 25% sticking out before I add by WP. (It WORKssssssssssssssss?)
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Well-Known Member
Thanks @lazylathe my original challenge was drawing on the Evo, I was/am pulling vapor, through the whole draw, into my lungs before I pull the base, super dry and coughing. Way different than a breaker bong that fills itself until I pull the bowl or release the carb (old school carb bongs). So hard to describe when super vaped... It's crazy that bong rips feel easier in my lungs than the Evo. Thanks again everybody!


Well-Known Member
I feel the same way. I just don’t think the EVO is that good at concentrates and there are much better options out there but as a flower vape it rips hard. I love makeing my EVO whistle I just wish I could make it produce different tones so I could whistle songs with it!

I agree too. I never use the EVO for concentrates. That is the domain of the Errlectric.

However, it is the best flower vape I have ever used......and I have used pretty much all of them thanks to having a friend with a vape shop :-)


Well-Known Member
I really need to clean the bamboo on my Evo.
I've been advised to use a plug/wine stopper and pour some iso in for a soak.

These are 17mm as far as i can tell.. (website has a ,mistake)
it says they fit an 18mm joint.
Shall i order some?

Anyone know of an equivalent product in Europe? fed up with customs' charges :c


I really need to clean the bamboo on my Evo.
I've been advised to use a plug/wine stopper and pour some iso in for a soak.

These are 17mm as far as i can tell.. (website has a ,mistake)
it says they fit an 18mm joint.
Shall i order some?

Anyone know of an equivalent product in Europe? fed up with customs' charges :c
U ever use WINE-O-VAC stoppers? 18mm
My friend's from SWITZERLAND turned me on to them.


Good grief @ataxian - you've got a Fanatic unit there with a lifetime warranty! Send that puppy in and it will get new guts (better performance) and a replacement bamboo!

Da EVO is my driver ATM!

They wanted a lot of money to fix it so I just use it like it is.
I adjust and use some adapter's to use it.
@backtothevape I will look?
In the mean time get what is available 2U?

Da BAMBOO makes noise when clean?
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Almost there...
Good grief @ataxian - you've got a Fanatic unit there with a lifetime warranty! Send that puppy in and it will get new guts (better performance) and a replacement bamboo!


Does that cover broken bamboo as well?
I thought it was for electronics coverage only but that was a long time ago...Almost in a different galaxy!

As far as i remember, the bamboo was not covered in any of their original IG campaign.


Does that cover broken bamboo as well?
I thought it was for electronics coverage only but that was a long time ago...Almost in a different galaxy!

As far as i remember, the bamboo was not covered in any of their original IG campaign.
@lazylathe we live on a PALE BLUE DOT on the edge of the UNIVERSE!

I'm just glad I have CANNABIS 2 MEDICATE as a CIVILIZED EVO user!

SHERBET strain tasted so amazing in a EVO!
After espresso (COFFEE is more habit forming than most thing's)
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Almost there...
@lazylathe we live on a PALE BLUE DOT on the edge of the UNIVERSE!

I'm just glad I have CANNABIS 2 MEDICATED as a CIVILIZED EVO user!

SHERBET strain tasted so amazing in a EVO!

1 pale blue dot and I am certain there are other pale blue dots out there...
It's the greatest experiment in the history of the universe!

I have some PURPLE SHERBERT and it is amazing!!!

Sun is shining and the sky is blue!
What more can we ask for?


1 pale blue dot and I am certain there are other pale blue dots out there...
It's the greatest experiment in the history of the universe!

I have some PURPLE SHERBERT and it is amazing!!!

Sun is shining and the sky is blue!
What more can we ask for?
CANNABIS this SERBERT strain looks kine da PURPLE to me?

I have 7 grams of it! (I like this one.)
Need more of this!


Ready 4 lift off!
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Apostle, Church of Vaporization
Da EVO is my driver ATM!

They wanted a lot of money to fix it so I just use it like it is.
I adjust and use some adapter's to use it . . .

Da BAMBOO makes noise when clean?

Does that cover broken bamboo as well?
I thought it was for electronics coverage only but that was a long time ago...Almost in a different galaxy!

As far as i remember, the bamboo was not covered in any of their original IG campaign.

The Fanatic warranty is the same as the standard warranty, except that it does not expire. The bamboo is not excluded, but like other components, it is covered for any form of "failure" but "abuse" doesn't qualify. That said, there are potentially a number of reasons to justify sending the unit in. E.g., my power switch started acting up; VXL replaced the electronics assy (it's cheaper than remounting the switch) and the bamboo (for various reasons). Arguably other symptoms of poor performance or inconvenience since resolved would be a basis for a claim. Can't hurt to try.

However, I did discover when I contacted VXL Support that they knew virtually nothing about the Fanatic warranty. I needed to do some pushback, especially when I demanded that the original Vectra housing be used instead of being given back the "standard" housing. I was about to be given a different SN too; I objected strenuously against that for obvious reasons. Apparently VXL was (is?) simply replacing units altogether that needed service like mine. This isn't unusual at all, at least with a major repair, as the cost of most of the EVO materials is much less than the associated labor. Anyway Support had to escalate my claim to Seibo, who being the guy we know him to be, not only verified the warranty but also instructed the upgrades to be made (i.e., good business sense). My claim was at about the 1yr mark, so I don't know what if any relevant policy/procedure changes have been made since. In any event, even if I would have only received a partial upgrade, I'm sure I would have been given a reasonable price on the remainder to be done. And having had work done, my EVO performs better now than it did at release.

@ataxian I suppose it's conceivable that with enough build-up of grime and reclaim that the airflow whistle could be affected, but I would think there would have to be a lot of gunk for that to happen. If you are referring to a new, hence clean, bamboo ... your unit's bamboo was made when there was a wider tolerance allowed, resulting in some units with no whistle at all while other whistles were very loud. That tolerance has been tightened, and from what I read now, it appears that nearly all units have some amount of whistle (though this is largely influenced by setup and personal technique) albeit less extreme than the first units sometimes were.

Given your guys' long-term loyalty to the EVO (and especially if you were original Cloud owners, too) I would think (hope) that you would get good treatment by VXL re a warranty claim and/or upgrade price. It may take a message to Seibo, but he knows who you are.



The Fanatic warranty is the same as the standard warranty, except that it does not expire. The bamboo is not excluded, but like other components, it is covered for any form of "failure" but "abuse" doesn't qualify. That said, there are potentially a number of reasons to justify sending the unit in. E.g., my power switch started acting up; VXL replaced the electronics assy (it's cheaper than remounting the switch) and the bamboo (for various reasons). Arguably other symptoms of poor performance or inconvenience since resolved would be a basis for a claim. Can't hurt to try.

However, I did discover when I contacted VXL Support that they knew virtually nothing about the Fanatic warranty. I needed to do some pushback, especially when I demanded that the original Vectra housing be used instead of being given back the "standard" housing. I was about to be given a different SN too; I objected strenuously against that for obvious reasons. Apparently VXL was (is?) simply replacing units altogether that needed service like mine. This isn't unusual at all, at least with a major repair, as the cost of most of the EVO materials is much less than the associated labor. Anyway Support had to escalate my claim to Seibo, who being the guy we know him to be, not only verified the warranty but also instructed the upgrades to be made (i.e., good business sense). My claim was at about the 1yr mark, so I don't know what if any relevant policy/procedure changes have been made since. In any event, even if I would have only received a partial upgrade, I'm sure I would have been given a reasonable price on the remainder to be done. And having had work done, my EVO performs better now than it did at release.

@ataxian I suppose it's conceivable that with enough build-up of grime and reclaim that the airflow whistle could be affected, but I would think there would have to be a lot of gunk for that to happen. If you are referring to a new, hence clean, bamboo ... your unit's bamboo was made when there was a wider tolerance allowed, resulting in some units with no whistle at all while other whistles were very loud. That tolerance has been tightened, and from what I read now, it appears that nearly all units have some amount of whistle (though this is largely influenced by setup and personal technique) albeit less extreme than the first units sometimes were.

Given your guys' long-term loyalty to the EVO (and especially if you were original Cloud owners, too) I would think (hope) that you would get good treatment by VXL re a warranty claim and/or upgrade price. It may take a message to Seibo, but he knows who you are.

Look I can afford it!
My wife never has tried CANNABIS, however feel's it is the best 4 me.
She bought me the EVO I had pictures of it in my garage and wanted one so bad!
My BUD TENDER 2012 told me U only need one unit?
He said the XHALE product from a person named, "SEIBO" was the best bang 4 da buck"!

Let me tell U like a broken record: Da FLAVOR is great!
Function's well through H2O
EFFECT depends on the quality

I buy CANNABIS with no problem.
I have way too many VAPORIZER'S and GLASS (my kid's say, "Your crazy")
The EVO I will use until death the way it is! (My wife is so cool)
The GSC from SANTA BARBRA is best for study!

The other's R different! (more STONY)!
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