The Fanatic warranty is the same as the standard warranty, except that it does not expire. The bamboo is not excluded, but like other components, it is covered for any form of "failure" but "abuse" doesn't qualify. That said, there are
potentially a number of reasons to justify sending the unit in. E.g., my power switch started acting up; VXL replaced the electronics assy (it's cheaper than remounting the switch) and the bamboo (for various reasons). Arguably other symptoms of poor performance or inconvenience since resolved would be a basis for a claim. Can't hurt to try.
However, I did discover when I contacted VXL Support that they knew virtually nothing about the Fanatic warranty. I needed to do some pushback, especially when I demanded that the original Vectra housing be used instead of being given back the "standard" housing. I was about to be given a different SN too; I objected strenuously against that for obvious reasons. Apparently VXL was (is?) simply replacing units altogether that needed service like mine. This isn't unusual at all, at least with a major repair, as the cost of most of the EVO materials is much less than the associated labor. Anyway Support had to escalate my claim to Seibo, who being the guy we know him to be, not only verified the warranty but also instructed the upgrades to be made (i.e., good business sense). My claim was at about the 1yr mark, so I don't know what if any relevant policy/procedure changes have been made since. In any event, even if I would have only received a partial upgrade, I'm sure I would have been given a reasonable price on the remainder to be done. And having had work done, my EVO performs better now than it did at release.
@ataxian I suppose it's conceivable that with enough build-up of grime and reclaim that the airflow whistle could be affected, but I would think there would have to be a lot of gunk for that to happen. If you are referring to a new, hence clean, bamboo ... your unit's bamboo was made when there was a wider tolerance allowed, resulting in some units with no whistle at all while other whistles were very loud. That tolerance has been tightened, and from what I read now, it appears that nearly all units have some amount of whistle (though this is largely influenced by setup and personal technique) albeit less extreme than the first units sometimes were.
Given your guys' long-term loyalty to the EVO (and especially if you were original Cloud owners, too) I would think (hope) that you would get good treatment by VXL re a warranty claim and/or upgrade price. It may take a message to Seibo, but he knows who you are.