.... BIG SNIP .....
I think VXL uses 3/8" ID tubing.
I just measured mine (silicone from VXL).
OD is: 33/64" (0.5120 in) - 13mm
ID is: 25/64" (0.3935 in) - 10.0 mm
... I used the Evo and thought it was harsh and went back to the Herbie.
I'm trying to use the Evo more. I thought it would pull like a bong with a tight seal where the glass would fill with vape until the heater was removed (like pulling the bowl). My Swiss hydrotube that came with it whistles while I'm pulling, obviously leaking air which makes it super harsh, like a water filtered pipe rather than a carb/bong.
This is unusual -- as you've already heard from other forum members -- mine does pull like a bong. I believe the harshness you are experiencing is also unusual, as I find my EVO pretty smooth, but you may be getting harshness if you are filling the ELBs too much, too high a temperature, or, perhaps the material you're using.
Might want to take a look at the Calyx....i
I agree with
@Baron23 -- I have a Calyx and love how smooth it is even at higher temperatures (say, 1-2pm on the dial).
To get back to
@R2-D2 on the harshness.
Here's how I use my various water pieces just to illustrate and suggest ... nothing more. I'm NOT saying this is the best way or anything like that. Just what's been working for me.
I use my EVO for flower and concentrates. First I'll describe how I use it with flowers.
Fill the ELB about 1/2 or less, usually less. I sometimes put in some flower, then a sprinkle of some kief and a bit more flower to cover to total =< 1/2 ELB.
I sometimes start right around 1130-noon on the dial, and when I do that, it's usually with water, using either my Precision Hydrabomb Hydratube (most often); Lynx with a Dry Mouthpiece (VXL model); or the Lynx with a whip and mouthpiece (least often).
More often, I start at around 10am with just the straight Dry Mouthpiece -- this is for maximum flavor enjoyment. If I start like this, I will get a few draws like this, and when flavor and vapor subsides, I turn up to noon (after removing the ELB while it heats up) and wait for it to get to temp. I will then go to the Precision Hydratube and can use that up to 1-2pm on the dial.
Now that I have a Calyx, I find I am using things differently. With the Calyx, I can start using it at around 10 and go all the way up to 1 pm with smooth hits. I can start at a lower temp than I can with the Precision with good flavor. If I start at the lower temps with the Precision Hydratube (and water), I don't feel I get as much flavor as I do with the Calyx. I can go a bit higher in temp (say 2 pm) with smoothness using the Precision.
All of this is very smooth, not harsh at all! I really enjoy the flavor at the lower temps, especially without water and just the dry mouthpiece or a smaller piece (Calyx or Lynx).
I also have a Hydrabase Hydarbomb model. WIth this, I can go a bit higher with temps but mostly I use it so I can get a LOT more vapor volume, especially with concentrates. NONE need go to waste
What I do is when I get to about 1pm, I will couple the Hydrabase to the EVO either by inverting the EVO and mounting it right on the Hydrabase (flowers), or else I use a tube and adapters to connect the EVO to the Hydrabase. About 95% of the time I'll sit my Precision Hydratube on top of the Hydrabase (for all the extra volume) and the rest of the time I'll put the Dry Mouthpiece on the Hydrabase output.
Using concentrates, I like to use oil and similar at lower temps (maybe 10-noon), and I'll usually use the Hydrabase with the Precision on top. Occasionally I'll use the Lyxy with whip or better than that is just the straight up Calyx. I'll do this with smaller load-size, otherwise, with the Hydrabase/Precision combo I can take about 6-8 draws on the loadsize I typically use (rice grain size) and that's only possible for me using all the storage of this combo. I'll exhale in between draws as needed while filling that glass up with very milky vapor

for me to partake in with no need to rush worrying about wasting anything
I am about 99% sure I'm going to pull the trigger on a package for the 4/20 sale. I'm looking for an electronic desktop heavy hitter for mostly flower and the occasional dab.
Not sure what glass I want to pair with. I'm thinking Precision Turbine but looking at the Calyx. The CS from VXH says they should have more Calyces in a week or two.
Aside from the less expensive price point, what is the advantage to a Calyx over the Turbine? Should I wait for them to be re-stocked?
I think that the Calyx can be used at pretty wide range of temperatures with good flavors. The Precision Hydratube that I have can go to slightly higher temps than with my Calyx, but at lower temps (10-noon on the dial), I prefer the Calyx now. I like it a LOT more than my Lynx.
I’m looking for something smoother that will still retain flavor for concentrates.
The calyx hydratube from vapexhale is great for concentrate as it is small and retains flavor very well
I agree! I think it's good for flowers and concentrates.
AFAICT the only advantages of the calyx, besides price, are its size and different mouthpiece (assuming you prefer that style).
I would suggest that perhaps another advantage of the Calyx is its increased interior volume relative to a similarly-sized piece like the Lynx. My working hypothesis about the Calyx is that its ability to be very smooth and flavorful at higher temperatures is due, in part, to the extra volume added by the area above the perc. Also, that curved glass arc perhaps cools the vapor a bit before it gets squeezed through the relatively small opening for your mouth. THis is purely my own BS speculation, I assure you that it's not rooted in any measured data.
Just enjoyed my first basket last night. Fantastic experience.
Congrats and welcome to the EVO Cloud

Enjoy it in good health.
Presumably heat expansion/contraction of the bamboo.
That makes sense to me