Man I remember getting my getting my first paycheck at my first job 8 years ago and spending just about all of it on an evo. I was so blown away seeing videos of how much vapor people were getting, I had to get one. Must have spent hours pouring through this thread waiting for it to get here. I was so excited I even had UPS hold my package at the store so I could pick it up right after work the day it arrived incase the package came late that day. One bowl and I knew it was the only rig I'd ever need!!
It's been used HARD since then and the thing just won't quit. I have ABUSED the heater in this thing, running it way too hot, and it still works like the day I bought it. It's been my only piece and until recently I've never felt the need for anything else. Started out with dhgate hydratubes, and after breaking enough of them and getting sick of getting flower out of hard to reach places I just bought a beaker and called it a day haha. Always did miss the function of that matrix perc though, maybe I'll have to pick one up again.
I was so bummed when the company went under. By the time I saw the email the baskets were long gone, and my last two were beginning to fall apart. Just when I thought hope was lost the evo said don't worry and showed me a new trick. I found out the shallow conical bowl that came with my beaker can make a perfect seal with the tip of the evo joint, and the pinch has a flat rim that's the perfect size for a dynavap screen. I decided to try loading some flower in and uping the temp a bit and... wow. Now my evo works like a ball vape!
One of my favorite things to do with my evo now is melt some concentrate on to a bit of organic cotton and vape it this way. It's not the most efficient with concentrate, it builds up in the joint of the bowl rather quickly, but the flavor is incredible. You can also just swab any that ends up in the joint back up with the cotton while the bowl is warm and run it again.
Makes sense that this works, the evo at it's core is basically just an enail coil wrapped around a glass tube with pinches for the airflow. It's got me thinking I might be able to really kick this method up a notch by filling the bamboo with ruby or quartz pearls. I just haven't worked out a good way to secure them in the unit thought so it's just been an idea for now.
Here's to the evo. I really couldn't have asked for more, and it just keeps on giving. Only recently did I invest in a peak pro, mostly because I wanted something a bit easier to use outside. No doubt I'll continue to love my evo for years to come