I would make another attempt to get a facsimile receipt from the seller. So from what I understanding, the unit has an S/N and VXL could tell how old it was from that? If so, that would shed some light as their S/N system.
Another point, I don't know if you are a new user or a new buyer with some experience with the EVO. You are doing all the normal things like letting it ramp up from red to green, etc?
I'd say the clock slowly starts ticking. You can leave it, but some heat does conduct from the glass wall and rising heat. This also depends on how high you have it to begin with.
Oh yea, you had an EQ before like me. The EQ is about saving the heat and calibrating temps and modding the glass. The EVO it's more about how full the basket is in relation to the heat. I've overheated/roasted/combusted more from over packing then the dial setting. The EVO is more efficient. Try more dose control and try to stack the goods as opposed to trying to fill the basket. Playing with the temps can get you more hits per bowl and I stir the contents of the ELB one more time for another round.
I pull the ELB out of habit, but it's not critical. The ELB's do get warm. So that's enough reason for me to bother. But not be bothered if I forget.
Hope this helps.