This vape is the greatest of all time in my humble opinion.
The vape was designed around the experience, "the hit!"
The original Vapexhale was an ugly looking thing. But the original idea was "glass vapor path, tremendous power, glass interactivity." THEN the design evolved from there. Now this company is doing great, their customer service is really solid, and the product is the best in class.
The design wasn't as concerned with it's aesthetics as it was/is the user's experience "the hit". There's a lot of technical vapes, bluetooth etc. I believe the best vapes are the simplest, yet deliver amazing clouds repeatedly.
I guess taking a huge visible toke has an effect on my perception vs having to convince myself that dainty little hit actually did something.
So I owned this vape for prolly 3-4 years now. I hit it for years with the standard mouthpiece, and it put out some legendary draws.
Sadly, my home state is in transition with our laws. I use this to medicate myself for my Crohn's disease, when it becomes full-fledged medically legal, I will be the first in line to sign up. I get really solid materials, but not the stuff you get in a full-fledged medical-rec state. So extracts, ect didn't cross my mind
I fawned over the hydratube for years, finally bought it and it's been fucking supreme.
I finally got some live res which is a big rarity for me, and my vapex-nail is coming ups any day now.
I dabbed a bit of the live stuff on the herb basket and it was the tastiest experience of my life.
Big draws, small draws, small packs, large packs, small lungs, scuba diver lungs, this product delivers! I am so happy to have it in my life, and finally with the hydratube.
For the guy asking about the factory seconds. I wanted to order a mouthpiece in case (god forbid) my tube breaks, so I opted for the hydra mini-tube and it's also excellent. The glass looked brand new, I inspected it thoroughly, and it was totally fine cost me around 20 some bucks. Maybe I got lucky, but again, this is the best vape on the planet in my opinion, and they back their product.
Thanks Seibo and the Vapexhale founders, tremendous product designed the right way.