What's the cost of sending it in for repair.???
There is a good chance that it's a simple fix...
Maybe a dodgy temp knob????
Is it just a variable resistor behind there???
You don't have the convenience of living 3 hours driving distance from where it needs to be shipped. So I will walk you through what I encountered.

Well I first sent a message to
SUPPORT@VAPEXHALE.COM. and corresponded. Was reassured and informed that my second EVO is covered under
Standard Warranty and my main EVO was registered upon purchase. So far so swimmingly.
Got a case number in my return msg, Then Logged into Vapexhales site and added the warranty service to my cart.--->
'Simply complete the checkout process so that we may proceed with your EVO™ warranty repair. Service is free, you will not be charged.'
Didn't realize I was supposed to add my S/N and info to the notes section of the repair order and had to scrap that and create a new repair order.

They cancelled the incorrect one a short time after I brought it to their attention I goofed. Which helped me in filling out the second attempt.

Whew! That could have been frustrating untangling that otherwise.
O.K. so, I printed and filled out the proper "Product Repair Slip". With details about what I felt was wrong with my poor EVO. Went to Fed EX and paid $12.35 ground From Central NY to someplace near Scranton, PA. Now it is all in God's hands.
I don't think the bamboo is broken, but I suspect there could be 1 to 2 things wrong. Maybe the board needs calibrating or the element isn't in full enough contact with the glass. So they might just open it up, calibrate the board, re position the internals, tighten things down. Send it to an anxious Cuckfumbustion.
Read the warranty information more closly. Don't foresee anything I would get an invoice for and they are supposed to cover the S&H of having it sent back. I made a point that this is supposed to be a backup for a perfectly working EVO. So hopefully my forthcoming will pay off, fingers crossed.
This is closely linked to my OCD..... So I obsess about the vapes I love, which is why I buy a spare of them, to stop me obsessing....
I loved my arizer eq (and still do) just as much.... It was the vape that fucked combustion for me, so it has sentimental love.....
My EQ might be coming out and assisting me while my second vape gets looked over. I have ELB's that will fit my 19mm wands. So I'll pair the best of both. Also might get some things for my Underdog to get it to heat better. But I still want my other EVO back from the shop.