Well-Known Member
Hey all - I'm on a journey to find a new vape. Is this technically still the best one out there? Is there about to be a new version soon and I'll kick myself for getting this one? 

Hey all - I'm on a journey to find a new vape. Is this technically still the best one out there? Is there about to be a new version soon and I'll kick myself for getting this one?![]()
Do it. Seriously, just do it.Hey all - I'm on a journey to find a new vape. Is this technically still the best one out there? Is there about to be a new version soon and I'll kick myself for getting this one?![]()
Best is subjective , but i can tell you it is top of the line and definitely a top contender with all the high end vapes , personally i have tried many and this by far my favorite desktop. There is always a chance a new model of any vape can come out , some companies choose to keep consumers in the dark and not post about it and some will hype there new models up and post about it. There is really no telling to be honest but you should be more than happy with the Evo . It really is a talented , great machine .Hey all - I'm on a journey to find a new vape. Is this technically still the best one out there? Is there about to be a new version soon and I'll kick myself for getting this one?![]()
And a new Vapexhale Tip Of The Week ( Hydratube Difference's) :
Watching this makes me miss my Turbine...And a new Vapexhale Tip Of The Week ( Hydratube Difference's) :
I honestly have no clue but i really like the colored logos , it adds a tiny touch to a very plain tube. I hope so. I'm not even sure if they are still putting colored logo's on any of there glass , i'm sure it adds to there cost.I love his recommendation to just buy all 3....
If I owned the company I'd be reccomending that too....
I know what he means though....
I really want all 3, actually 4 now with the incycler.....
And the smaller can versions.... So that's 7 to buy....
Better start saving....
But I do really want one of each standard in coloured lodge versions...
Will any incyclers have coloured logos?????
Ouch sorry for your loss buddy. I love my turbine , its my favorite out of the 3 in the video .Watching this makes me miss my Turbine.... RIP good buddy.
........................................................................................Hey all - I'm on a journey to find a new vape. Is this technically still the best one out there? Is there about to be a new version soon and I'll kick myself for getting this one?![]()
All 3 you are suggesting have been around at least 3 years? Right? Nice to have choices.@ManFlies352 , any way you can try an EVO, Herbie, miniVAP before you buy to see what floats your boat?
Each person's wants and needs for vaping are different so what's best for me might not be best for you.
The EVO is certainly a top tier vape. For me, in my desktop niche, I'd rate it #3, with no disrespect as there are dozens below it. It is top notch!
You might want to check into the miniVAP (#1 for me) and the Herbalizer (#2 for me).
For me, flavor and efficiency of extraction are critical. And then ease of use/loading/unloading, versatility, build quality, and so on. Plus, miniVAP is a desktop AND a portable with longest battery life of any portable
EVO is known for flavor and efficiency but the negatives for me were:
-glass bamboo is fragile, not able to survive a drop. Like I said, for others they "must have" an all glass vapor path so it's a huge positive for them
- I am not a fan of the ELB loading system compared to the miniVAP Flexicone modules. Others love ELBs
- I could never get past the ugly to me EVO plastic build. Yes, it is high quality plastic and maybe covered up with a heat shield it would be tolerable to me?? Brings up another point though, I never liked how hot the EVO exterior gets as the miniVAP never gets too hot to hold.
@ManFlies352 , any way you can try an EVO, Herbie, miniVAP before you buy to see what floats your boat?
And favorite/best can change day to day.... in a hurry? Herbalizer can do an entire session (2 good tokes) in under a minute.
That's why you need an array of vapes or VAS
Yes, I wish that the one topic on HT that he would address is the differences between the regular and mini HTs, but he did not. Seems like one of the most often asked questions.And a new Vapexhale Tip Of The Week ( Hydratube Difference's) :
In the latest VapeXhale video (posted above) describing the differences between the Hydratubes, Seibo Shen says that the best unit for Flavor is the Turbine, and the best unit for the Smoothest vapor is the Honeycomb.
However, at the end of the video around the 2:40 mark it displays (I believe) the reverse, that the Turbine is the Smoothest and the Honeycomb is for flavor.
Either I am not understanding this or I need to vape more.
..............................................................Yes, I wish that the one topic on HT that he would address is the differences between the regular and mini HTs, but he did not. Seems like one of the most often asked questions.
Looked like the HTs he use in the vid were minis, yes?
.........................................................................................Even though I only use it at home, I like the portability to move it from room to room with no issues. The pains, for me, are the automated shut down, changing batteries every few bowls, limited life to a bowl ....
The three major vapes I've been looking at as a replacement are The Mighty, Herbalizer & Cloud EVO. These all came up on my radar as high quality vapes that could address the majority of my concerns. I want to be able to potentially keep my weed in the unit and hit it whenever I want over a span of a few hours. For instance, if I'm playing videos games and I just want a hit or two and then come back in 30 minutes or so for another hit and have it already ready that'd be awesome!
@ManFlies352 I was going to PM you but you are not allowing that--didn't want to sidetrack the EVO thread.
IMO, first thing you need to decide is IF you are OK with moving a desktop from room to room (unit and cord) and plugging it in again as Herbie and EVO require that.
Or do you really want/need a top tier portable? The Mighty IS a top tier portable.
The miniVAP is by far the longest lasting battery capacity but the Mighty is probably in second place....
And if you want to expand the mV battery range, start session as a desktop to warm it up ( it takes much more energy to go from 80 F to 400F than to hold at 400) and then switch to battery (3 seconds to change) for moving around. mv has 20 minute shutoff. I always use mV for more than one session, usually a morning microdose at low temp and then finish in the evening at high temp.
You may not be able to get all your wants in one vape, unfortunately. The good news is that you can't really go wrong with the EVO or Herbie or Mighty or miniVAP
Note: to save herb for a later session on any vape, a good technique IMO is to shut off the power and take a couple draws to clear the heat from unit so it will not keep cooking----or shut off just before your second hit (last hit).
Agreed.You may not be able to get all your wants in one vape, unfortunately. The good news is that you can't really go wrong with the EVO or Herbie or Mighty or miniVAP![]()
They do look like the mini's .Yes, I wish that the one topic on HT that he would address is the differences between the regular and mini HTs, but he did not. Seems like one of the most often asked questions.
Looked like the HTs he use in the vid were minis, yes?
If he did, then it was just a mistake. As he outlined it (Turbine for flavor, Honeycomb for 'smoothness', etc) is exactly how they are portrayed on the website)
I was also wondering what the difference were from the mini vs the normal size. I went with the mini hydrabomb in the end because I planned on using my vape most of the time sitting down.
From what I could find online one of the benefits that some people had found was the the bigger hydratubes would tip over easier vs the mini where it is not as heavy on top.
I personally am happy that I purchased the mini hydrabomb as I just leave my vape at my table and use it throughout the day without having to stand up or move around too much as it is at the perfect height for me (my work consist of me sitting most of the day).
I don't think they would sell something that dangerous, but if you want to use some glass with sharp edges on it and don't want to cut yourslef, just take a fine file and grind the sharp edged so they're not sharp anymore. It will look a little worse (like a coarse sanding) but couldn't cut you anymore. And of course rinse well with water afterwards so you won't inhale glass dust.The disclaimers says the grass might have scratches which is fine to me, my issue is the fine print says there might be chips and dents in the glass. Isn't that dangerous? I don't want to end up cutting myself grabbing my glass.