...im super confused on the load size of an ELB. ive heard things literally all over the place...
...ive heard lots of people say a bowl is .1, a bowl is .2, i've even heard .3 but then ive heard another, not insignificant amount of people say a bowl is .05, or once i even read someone say it was as low as .015???? that seems insane! .12 is how much a fat rip in my bong is, so im just trying to figure out if it will actually help me cut back, im already sold on the idea that it will perform better than my old modded EQ or DBV, but im skeptical about efficiancy. can anyone shed some light on this?...
...as much as id love to take a tolerance break and do a full cleanse, i have cyclic vomiting syndrome and while i dont get sick immediately without it, the shift quickly calls in a CVS attack and its just too painful to resist the easy medication :/

You've heard things all over the place because:
1) Every one doses very differenty, everyone have very different tolerance and very different level of high trying to achieve (and also different mj strains).
Without tolerance, 0.02g can get one nicely high yet functional. But you could also have a tolerance and desire a heavy couch-lock and vape 0.2g for that.
I've been recently experimenting with lowering the tolerance with doses with as good results as you can read in
this thread.
"Less is more" maybe sounds crazy at first, but its actually true if you do the math and practice.
If your condition doesn't need high doses, you could try that too.
It desn't require stopping dosing, just slowly lowering the doses over time and not messing it up with a compulsive 0.2g bowl.
Lowering your tolerance with self-discipline in dosing can save you even more mj that swithing to vaping.
2) The second reason is just because the unit can deal with any size of the load very well, so any load is "right".
...im a cloud chaser so id be using it at higher temps, and i would be packing ideally one rip at a time just like when i smoke my bong.
If you want to the biggest cloud exhales, you actually have to do the exact opposite.
More herb in the ELB gives more clouds (in both density and quantity so its also not gonna be one-hit bowl).
But you can also get very decent clouds from a tiny one-hit bowls. The fuller aones are just bigger.
And second, this could also seem crazy at first and I actuially have no explanation for this - for bigger clouds you set the temp LOWER.
High temps milk your piece thick-white, taste harsher, but the exhale is somehow smaller.
When you take a rip on lower temp, the piece doesn't milk as much, usually more like semi-transparent blue-white.
It will be so smooth you will probably not even feel any harshness on the exhale at all and the exhaled clouds are for some reason much denser than on high temps.
Maybe the high temp vapor has larger particles that stick to lung faster therefore less to exhale, I don't know.
...but the eq was about 90% as good as i wanted it to be in a perfect world. if the Vapexhale is better than the EQ by any amount that is noticable...
I could relate to this, I also had the EQ, which was my first desktop before the EVO. I don't like the bowl design on the EQ, which is very impractical and not optimally performing. You need mod to make it better.
That could relate to your "90 percent ideal", I was feeling the same. The bowl is too big and weird shape on the EQ and the hot air doesn't go through eveny, so you have to stir.
EVO is much better and much user-friendlier. It works 100 percent how it should from the start without any need for mods. The bowl will efficiently vaporize any load from 0 to 0.3g.
It will vape any size bowl better and faster than EQ and you don't even have to stir. I only use EQ when there are people around and I want to use a silicon hose - then the wide base of EQ makes it safer. Or when I want to vape a HUGE bowl, that couldn't fit into one ELB - typically very weak material like leaves etc.