That my friend is a true sound! However! In light of the fact that you've highlighted my post, I get the distinct impression that you see me as some kind of EQ arch-advocate!,
Now I ain't saying, but just for the avoidance of doubt, I personally rate the EVO, but I also don't underrate the Arizer EQ, which, incidentally, I rarely use, as my significant other uses that most evenings to alleviate the fibromyalgia.
Btw the EVO (in combination with Chemdog aka Guard Dog) signed me off into oblivion last night.
Lets just say that I am not in any particular camp, when it comes to what I consider to be the BIG League, as I rate them all, but I would say that I seem to gravitate to the Volcano during the day and the EVO in the evenings, not 100%, but I would say for nine times out of ten, that is the case!
Not saying

, Just saying

, Without saying
