I'm a HIPPIE and proud of it!......you are both nice...strike that....great people...sometimes true meaning gets lost ...in words.
....and I was just telling my oldest the other day...
"the hippies were fucking great"..ok...time to move on...
The bamboo is a sealed tube right?
Surely there is no danger?
the two end of the bamboo started turn in opposite directions
Wait, is the bamboo turnable????
This would have helped my issue....
But I assumed it would have something coiled around it, with electronics and what not.... so wouldn't be twistable...?
As for cleaning, I will stick to long q-tips...
I found out the hard way that is not the case by doing exactly what was said
pour iso. then rinse with distilled water. to my horror while dry it with rolled up paper towels the two end of the bamboo started turn in opposite directions
it at least two pieces or i manage to break it into two piece while mantaining enough of a seal that i used it as my daily driver till last month when drop it and really broke the bamboo
that my experience trying to pour liquid in it carefully with both end plugged
yeah at some point i drop it on base. which cause the bowl shape on the bottom to become a Y shape and the tube slid up and down a tiny amount
so i put some o ring on both end and i would tell people to rock it back and forth while taking off a water tool but people including myself would try twist of a stuck GonG connection
so it seem like there was a gong feeling connection somewhere in the middle of the bamboo
@mrbonsai420: I must of broke it perfectly cause it only leaked as much as a GonG and it never combusted it just felt like when you try turn something in a GonG.
till last month when i really broke the bamboo and it started combusting. i guess now that i think about it I guess maybe i broke the bamboo below where the heater wraps around the glass
I would put that temp at 230 to get that real badass kick (but then again that's just me!!)
Anyway, just get me right, by that I mean- I AM NOT saying the Arizer is better than the EVO, per se!
Indeed I rarely use ours, but as I said previously and will continue to say, the Arizer EQ can certainly do its thing, and I whilst I actually agree the Hydratube is more suited to the EVO, as that what its primarily manufactured for. All that I am saying, for the avoidance of doubt, is that Hydratube can be used with the Arizer EQ for GOOD results, although I KNOW that the waterpiece most suited to the Arizer EQ is actually the vacuum one.
Btw, I tried to post a few pics, but as I said before, all the messing about to upload pics from my PC, just ain't worth it! Besides, and more to the point, I am AGAINST posting any of my things via a third party - who maybe (or not!) fronting for the Feds, (like Facebook et al)! So I'll apologize for no pics but at least I've explained my self!!
Anyway just to say; I have had my EVO for a while now and I know from empirical testing, that it's good at what it does, (when it does it) which for me is mainly only evening/night work! But so is the EQ and the notwithstanding the Mighty, Plenty and the Volcano - which I am about to load up right now!
I guess it all comes down to the knack and technique!
Not saying, Just saying
, Without saying
I believe it says on the Vapexhale website that you are not supposed to use a power inverter with the EVO.@mrbonsai420 for some reason my girl will only use my pax2 , she doesnt like the huge clouds just the medicinal properties it gives to her, i guess i got off lucky and my Evo should live a long life lol. Question for everyone - I am thinking of taking a drive down to Florida in a few months. I cannot use a desktop where i will be staying, definitely bringing a few portables but most of my vaping will be done outdoors . I want to bring the Evo to use in my truck for late night , Has anyone tried a power invertor with the Evo from there cigarette lighter ? If so what are the requirements needed ? Will a cheap one make do ? as i'll only need it for a few days .
Just got these today to try with my vapexnails tonight :
Ok thank you , if that is the case it will stay at home and only portables will come with.I believe it says on the Vapexhale website that you are not supposed to use a power inverter with the EVO.
I've been about to pull the trigger on the Evo for about a week now. Ever since I found the cord for my Q and started playing with it again. This post has me wondering if it'd be worth it, though. I mean, my Q is pretty modded. To the point that with a short whip, I can milk my 18in double perc bong at 230c. But it does get pretty harsh. And packing the tiny screen over and over in a pain.
I've been thinking the Evo would be hands down better, all around. What kinds of improvements can I hope to see? Will I at least get better hits at lower temps? I'm hoping for that, better ease of use, and better flavor.
Is something wrong with me?
I like to plug in = CIVILIZED
I tested both and PLUG-IN was far more effective?
Plus I hate batteries. (very lame)
If I was a young gun I would just smoke JOINTS?
The EVO blow's away portable's according to my testing?
You @HellsWindStaff your the best!It was as awesome as I remembered!
To you guys cleaning the bamboo, didn't your EVO come with red caps? I've never cleaned mine but if I had to id cap it!
@Seek you live in EUROPE?These caps are probably not water-proof enough.
The liquid could probably leak slowly around.
Maybe the top one could be tight enough, but I'm not sure on the bottom.
Wait, is the bamboo turnable????
This would have helped my issue....
But I assumed it would have something coiled around it, with electronics and what not.... so wouldn't be twistable...?
I've been about to pull the trigger on the Evo for about a week now. Ever since I found the cord for my Q and started playing with it again. This post has me wondering if it'd be worth it, though. I mean, my Q is pretty modded. To the point that with a short whip, I can milk my 18in double perc bong at 230c. But it does get pretty harsh. And packing the tiny screen over and over in a pain.
I've been thinking the Evo would be hands down better, all around. What kinds of improvements can I hope to see? Will I at least get better hits at lower temps? I'm hoping for that, better ease of use, and better flavor.
I can be very vocal!I would definitely give the EVO a go, especially if you have the glass! The EVO will give you a blast that you won't get from the Arizer EQ at low(er) temps!
In answer to your question, expect the equivalent of what you'd get from a 230c Q, at about 200c in the EVO! BTW, The Hydratube really does compliment the EVO, cos without it, the vape is just as harsh, as the EQ, if not harsher at higher temps. imho!
Not sayingJust saying
Without saying
I can be very vocal!
Sorry to be so outrageous!
The EVO kicked my ass today with FLAVOR!
I have a "EQ" and like it as well.
However the EVO is a step above.
This is my bias option.
I have both and like them both for different uses.
I know my opinion does not matter in the real world!
However I like my world! (you may not)?
I like CIVILIZED living!