Last time I posted was about my hyrdabomb waiting to be replaced as
@stonemonkey55 said he would sort me out as long as I submitted a ticket with VXH. I sent them this link detailing my issue :
I also copy and pasted a screenshot of Mr shen's agreement of helping me out.
As I purchased my unit from , I have to wait for them to receive stock from VXH before I can swap my second faulty HT (exactly what I did 2 months ago for my faulty turbine)
Quite disappointing how little stock is available from VXH in the UK, it is impossible to get anything for the evo besides ELB's here.This is the second time I'm having to wait for a single piece of glass .
The annoying thing is I have to wait three weeks just to see if the Hydratubes they receive will be of better quality then the substandard one I'm stuck with now - if it is I will have to wait another 3 weeks ? I have glass to use, but I would like want the quality product I payed for over half a year ago.
Two chinese Hydratubes have been produced and manufactured and delivered to my house in that time frame . They both functioned better then the VXL glass products I received. Not what I was expecting

I am sure if I was in the US it would have been swapped already, maybe for another faulty one like what happened to me for the second time now or with most recently
@mrbonsai420 . I don't want to wait another three weeks just for another faulty substandard item.
This was the last correspondence with VXL regarding this matter :
Yes I am almost certain we have taken care of those defective
> Hydratubes and taken them out of stock.
> BUT, just to be sure, when you do communicate with Vapefiend about your
> replacement once in stock, just make them aware of why you are
> returning the one you have and that you don't want to get another like
> it, and you should be ok.
> Let us know if you have any issues.
If they have taken the rectified glass out of circulation , why would I still need to explain to the retailer that I did not want another faulty product for the third time now ?