Indeed! For one thing VAS knows no real logic, had the Thermovape T1 and got a Solo to fuck combustion for good two years ago (almost exactly), i wanted a Hopper but just missed the indiegogo so had to waitlist it... Then dealing with Arizer warranty claims led me to a used Ascent which was sold when I got Indica not long after, followed by a used LSV and then an Underdog+vvps which got me to sell LSV as well (too cumbersome and didn't need the power, UD was better for my 1-3 person bubbler use). Then came Elevape for some pure portable convection and I was in love, finally finding a proper evolution from the T1. Then my love of convection and members here got me to pick up a Firefly in October that same year, which was quickly followed by Air temptation upon its Black Friday release... Was set for a while before selling both Solo and Air as they kinda turned on me, whilst I became more and more of a pure convection whore... I got the Lily right when they came out bc my buddy got one of the first Daisys (per my recommendation, he was why I got the T1, though he was still combusting then too, and also had an EQ with his roommate) so I knew how special an analog signature can be, especially one like this. Somewhere in there was the china rise too, got into testing for xmax and Imag, some other freebies I wasn't too impressed with.
Finally then the Zion came around, knew I couldn't resist what looked like the LSV-Solo marriage i never knew I needed. I was lucky enough to get in early at the initial low pricing and was chosen as a beta tester which began in July of this year... I actually ended up killing it (in a way that is no longer possible for the production units btw, this is why we test!) in September I think it was, and was without my most favorite daily driver for about 3 months. In that time my previous DDs of Elevape and Firefly just weren't quite doing it for me though they too are great devices...
So that brought me to Evo, I ofcourse always curious about it, especially for the hydratubes i knew would work woth my other vapes, but could never justify the cost (nevermind that I had spent that cost and then some already on all the above

) so when the October anniversary sale struck, with the first big price drop, fellow Z-Team beta testers
@stickstones &
@IAmKrazy2 convinced me I needed to get one, given my otherwise extensive lineup it was a glaring hole they suggested, despite the fact that by this point my name came up for the Heat Island too... I was tempted by the Firewood3 but passed in favor of Evo.
And long story short (

), you can read my useage posts here, but they were right. Simple reliable automatic temp-regulated unlimited tasty pure convection power. It offered another unique experience and made two months of Zionless waiting for by quite fast. Friends loved it, but all thought price was ridiculous (I mean they all think I'm ridiculous with this anyway, but never stops them from reaping the benefits!).
However once I got my Zion back better than ever (ok ok I have two now, one is a sexy production body to go with the production heaters) the Evo was just not getting used at all. Whipped it out once for my virgin rosin experience on new years eve, and maybe two other occasions on the weekend. I figured it was still a good old reliable powerhouse to keep around for any future portable problems, or big groups, but real group vaping situations just don't happen to me much (like with LSV) and its just too expensive to be used that way probably, it deserves more use, it craves it.
So now that I have a Daisy coming for myself (had to get it while I can!), and see that my HI glass core is going to run a cool 300 or so bc of what i want with it (this one is really gonna be a collectable, can't wait to see it when Alan shares it here), I figured I should probably sell the Evo to pay for the HI, since having both when I'm living in Zion is probably excessive even for me...

haha yeah right
Plus supporting that was the fact I am moving cross country in a month or so, that I had a spare HydraTree I could keep, and the knowledge I could find a good home for it with another FC member here... Also the VapCap was another new toy that came, and MistVape asked me to beta test for them as well. Also coming soon should finally be my pre ordered ss Hopper (then a blue Ti a month later...) and I am expecting an Indica i2 and o2 when they are ready as well (and a mini single batt Zion ofcourse). I'm selling my Firefly to my brother, and trying to fight those FF2 temptations... Finally I know a Venus Apollo (and/or a Helios) will probably be in my future
So yeah, VAS is real people, and having plenty of liquid funds available is the most dangerous enabler (ok ok so is this place!) That is my tale in a nutshell (how big was the nut?!), for anyone who made it this far kudos to you. Now you know how you too can become a certifiably crazy convection connoisseur