@Drew_de_Verdamper , I sympathize with you, I had never heard of anyone experiencing that problem, but it does sound similar to what was said the page prior (wire heated up from bamboo?). I never get any electronic taste or pl astic/weird taste. But, VXH despite users having problems, they have never been less than helpful from my perspective. When I had issues they took care of me right quick and proper, and that seems to be the case with others too. It does suck, but hey shit happens right?
But, I do have to comment as I see you've mentioned this twice, and while it's not my place to comment on how health conscious other users should be (nor do I know your health), I would not worry or have any sort of fear about what I potentially may have inhaled on the two or three hits that tasted off. Don't know your history with herb, but I reckon you didn't start with vaporizers, so there were countless times you actively choose to inhale bad things. Now, you're obviously making the active choice not to inhale bad things by choosing vaporizers, but unless you have some sort of highly critical disease, this seems like a concern that isn't too valid (or maybe not worth worrying about is better term, it is valid).
Just my .02/perspective. I beta tested some chinese vaporizer a month back, the airpath wasn't isolated at all and when I tried it, all I could taste was electronics/warm battery. I obviously stopped using it immediately, and chose never to put herb back in it, but I am also not worried that I will get some sort of illness from the 5-10 pulls I took through this thing inhaling battery off gases and w/e is coming off the electronics (and boy did it taste awful!). All I'm trying to say is, try not to lose too much sleep because while it certainly isn't healthy, in the grand scheme of things I doubt it was all that harmful (in the long run).