I don't know man. Maybe partially because I don't have tons of time to spent on some vaporiser research. Or maybe because at this stage in life when money is not an issue anymore I always try to get only what's absolutely best or at least best value for money. Btw don't even know what log vapes or 7th floor are

It means would have to look it up first

which again means time... And as I said in previous post the high tolerance is an issue with me for some mysterious reason. My younger son who is still at uni smokes weed almost every day. When he comes home on holiday we often blaze together and whatever makes him high as a kite makes me just a bit dizzy. So I was looking for the hardest hitter the money can buy in vaporiser world.
Since you mentioned vaping vs combustion I've noticed some strange thing with me. I'm non smoker generally and when I smoke a joint or two I feel no difference in my lungs apart from longer lasting smell in my breath (wife complaints a lot about this). But if I vape for a couple of days like now with EVO without a water tool next day I feel like I've tortured my lungs. Have you vaping enthusiasts ever heard about such experiences?
Firstly, yes hot vapor can really dry out your throat, for some more so than smoke, hence the water filtration. Also lengthening the vapor path can do wonders, hence whips. 7th floor also makes these tamers you put in the freezer for icy hits. Since you weren't such a smoker before it makes sense you didn't have as much irritation even with a joint, whereas I knew I was done with smoking when I coughed up some blood after a bong hit once... Vaping allowed me to increase my consumption without the pain and health risks.
Anyway, so desktop power really is another level than any electronic portable for the most part, but a big driver is the way the herb is heated. Desktops and portables like Firefly, Daisy, Grasshopper all use pure convection (hot air then drawn over herbs to create and inhale vapor instantly). It is more like smoking, getting you as close to combustion as possible with just one hit and easily the most efficient. The Air uses conduction primarily, with a bit of convection, but is underpowered, requiring a slow steady draw and a session that constantly cools your herb even without inhaling. MFLB is conduction on demand, still underpowered but not as limited as a session style device (pure conduction session would be Pax, Ascent, Alfa, FlowerMate, etc. Common for portables).
So basically, in my humble opinion of course, spending that kind of money anywhere without extensive research is being an ignorant consumer. Like buying a Mac laptop bc its the most expensive, when it is absolutely not the best by any means... Of course best is subjective, Evo offers a lot of value for many making it worth the price, but without proper research for a purchase like this, you risk not finding what meets your own needs.
Though it is a small industry there are still a lot of different options, many work just as well in terms of getting you really stoned effectively and efficiently, but they differ in many small ways that make all the difference for the end user. We are diverse in our useage and so are the creators, even smoking offers many options, though the extraction (and lack thereof, as so much good stuff is wasted in the burn) there is always the same basically.
So yes, you are clearly busier than I (older too), but that's precisely why I am here to help, I have put in the absurd time to research pretty much every vape available, beyond the ones I own and have tried, I read about all of them to make informed decisions for myself, and then help others do the same more quickly than I. For example there is an Ask FC thread (and Reddit is built around this) where you can ask us "experts" for opinions and suggestions on picking a vaporizer based on your own needs, preference, and experience.
This is not a review site that then links you to buy from affiliates with commission, this is real consumers reporting their experiences, many of us obsessively reading everything we can find to remain informed and to then share for the rest of the community. This industry is still so young, but this place houses very knowledgeable people who were at the forefront of the movement, which brought in manufacturers who want feedback and to take advantage of this incredible resource here...
Anyway, it would be better to keep this discussion centered around the Evo, so feel free to start an ask FC thread for full discussion (we have other broad thread sections too), but given that value and appearance are of equal importance to you as power and efficiency, you truly must look into log vapes (Underdog, E-Nano, Heat Island, and UK specific models even used to be around as well). A SSV or LSV would also offer you similar power to Evo but a bit more technique involved, far cheaper and plenty of ways to use dry without water. A torch vape like Daisy is its own unqiue experience and it is frankly unrivaled, even compared to a desktop. Finally the Firefly, is a lot like a high class convection mflb, pricey but the body really feels like it in hand as well. I knew Evo had the cheap plastic shell before buying, so I wasn't surprised, it just sheethes the glass in a lightweight way, I made an extremely well informed decision, and it pains me to see others fail to do so (but I do that for any major purchase, I am an obsessive analyitcal researcher. More reason for you to benefit from my gift/curse, and those of everyone else here)