On a Permanent Vakation
Yes the top is REALLY hot. Right where I hold it at the top. I hope they include wristbands with mine. I use my cloud inverted only.
I don't believe wristbands to help with this heat. I too had formed a habit of gripping from the top wristband ladened Cloud/Cloud+. In the case of the Evo, I had to change my habit as the bottom as absolutely cool to the touch.
@darkrom, as someone else who used their Cloud inverted quite a bit, and also held their unit from the top almost primarily, I can attest that holding the EVO by the mid/bottom section feels totally natural after just a few sessions, weather upright, inverted, or transitioning from one to another. After using this now for a few straight days, I can say I no longer reach for the top of the unit, even when it hasn't been on long enough to get uncomfortable at the top.Layers of rubber wristbands would help. A single layer is helping out a bit.
Now while I agree with what @MacRadish and @Deadshort480 are saying, I also side with @max, in that the unit only gets uncomfortable if left on. And, needing to leave it on has nearly become a thing of the past. I say nearly, as some users medical needs might override the minimal nature of the "couple minute" heat up time. What I'm saying is that the heat up time from a cold start has been reduced to such a small time that most can afford to leave the device off, and turn it on when they need to use it; as the heat up time is nearly equivalent to the time needed to prepare ones flowers, glass, etc. However, for someone with any number of medical issues which require the user to medicate at a moments notice, that "couple minute" warm up time might as well be hours.
So, if you don't ever need to vape at a moments notice, then you're probably better off leaving the EVO turned off when not being used actively. As much as one would think they need it at the ready, it really does take about the same amount of time to heat up as it does to prep meds.
Personally, certain times of the day, I will be leaving the EVO on non-stop via WeMo switch, as I know that I am prone to nausea coming on at a moments notice, and recently it has been narrowed down to certain settings. I carry my Dr. Dabber pen for immediate needs, but when I'm home, and I know I'm feeling like I'm going to need it at any moment, the WeMo is on. Otherwise, when I'm feeling particularly good and am only medicating for pain, and / or recreational purposes, I leave the EVO off...as I know I'm bound to spend the same amount of time as the EVO will spend getting heated up, or more, preparing my meds, cleaning glass, packing an ELB, doing other things etc.
So, for me, the Top half of the unit isn't always hot, but because it is at times, I never go for it. I keep the 1 wristband included in my EVO shipment at the halfway mark on the EVO, so that I (and others) have a quick reference of where it stays cool/gets warm/hot. I find it very comfortable/natural now to grab the unit midway or lower and use it as needed. The light-weight aspect, especially when unplugged, lend to the EVO being very maneuverable without one feeling like the EVO is at risk. I love the new design and it's weight reduction. Yes, at first, it had that "well there goes the quality with the weight" feeling, but after my first session, and getting used to picking up what I expected to be heavier, it's just right!

There's never been any need for either of those things...but my thought and reasoning behind the TwoCap method, was to keep the mess to a minimum, and vape it a little bit better/efficientlyAnyone else notice that there is no longer any need for the two cap or the mini elb? I filled like absolutely nothing in the elb and it hit just fine? Also I threw in some kief all by itself and it also hit great?
...My OG always vaped kief just fine in the ELB, just made a bit of a mess, and the ELB didn't stay clean as long. This also just seemed to vape kief a little quicker and more uniformly than the ELB. The MiniELB was a result of wanting a small bowl, that was easy to handle, and easier to eye-ball dosage-wise...I can scoop up a bowl the same size every time. Also, it provided better clearance than the Two-Cap did in some pieces with finicky GONG joints; and it made for a convenient bowl for more runny but still sap-like oils.Yeah, this method was definitely spawned out of a necessity to find a better way to use kief, and powdery concentrates/dry sift, etc, without clogging bowls, and also, to vape it quicker/easier.
Too fast for you?One con I noticed is that light turns green way to fast.
Seriously? Talk about nitpicking.Wait a minute. If this is true doesn't that mean the the green light is useless? I thought it was supposed to turn green when it is on that temp that you set it at? Is that not the case?

Yes, the temp light goes green when it is up to temp. The nature of a device with a beastly heater like this, however, is that heat will continue to soak into the device, and it will heat more. Overall ambient temp will rise, etc. The green light is an indicator of when the temp sensors have agreed that things are up to the temp you set it to. But, as time goes on, the temp will rise a bit.
What you're seeing is characteristics of "un-typical" usage. As someone such as @max states, the unit should be turned on, let heat up until green at desired temp, used, then turned off. That's why the heater is as powerful as it is, as well as for concentrate use at max temps, etc.
If you leave it on for more than one session, you're likely to see the temp/vapor production rise up over what it was at the initial "green light."

The top half of the EVO only gets 'Cloud hot' after it's been on a while. I can get absolutely zombiefied before it's even a decent handwarmer. And it heats up so fast from a cold start, compared to the Cloud, that it's no problem at all for me to just turn it off if I'm good for a while. The long Cloud start up time was a major weakness, and the huge improvement is much appreciated in my house. That long start up time prompted a 'keep it on' attitude, and you therefore had to deal with a hot Cloud. Now it's no longer a pain in the ass to wait for vaping temp, so you don't ever have to deal with a hot top end if you don't want to.
Oh yeah, expect an actual review from me here when I'm not stuck at work...If I can hold back from replying for a little while longer, maybe there will still be something left to review that no one has touched

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