Vapor concierge
I seem to always have a tiny bit of water in that bottom chamber and I don't have a hydrafoot.
My EVO is running without issues.
My EVO is running without issues.
I always lean my hydratube against a cushion now...Be Careful with removing your HT from the foot. Breakage can occur. I merely lifted this piece off the hydra foot, and it broke.
I load mine just like in the video.
Don't mind me yelling at my gf for not being close enough lol
Holding a single pole switch in between open and closed is most likely going to cause arcing within the switch housing. The crackling you're hearing is electricity jumping around within the housing. Switches are made to be in the open/off position or closed/on position, not in between. I would suggest not doing that on purpose.Today, I've failed to switch off the EVO properly - didn't push enough and the switch went back on - it made the unit go into red light glitch instantly.
There is a gray area in the middle of the power switch. The faster I flip the switch on, the less probability of it starting straight into some glitch mode or error message.
As it goes faster through the gray area and spends less time in there.
If I purposely hold the switch in the middle of the on/off I can hear the switch sparking and the unit goes into error/glitch.
I think eliminating this gray area could also help make these unit less prone to errors.
Less is way, way more.
Here are my findings, so far:
I'm using, for a single dab in the VXN, just about a crumb of shatter/crumble (either one - a bit less shatter than crumble, per se). About a fourth, maybe, of what I would use for a dab on the oil rig (which is about half a "normal" dab size, from what I see in person and on YouTube)...
we tried to weigh one, a couple of different ways, and the closest we could get was about 0.03 g (excellent scale from amazon).
The EVO is set to Noon. I have not detected any advantage, yet, in going lower, and going higher seems less desirable to me at this time.
Try not to drop the VXN into the bamboo. I am catching myself.
It starts vaporizing so quickly, that I don't really need to pre-clear the tube.
I can almost finish the vapor cloud... the rest burns off nicely; just about when the bamboo goes green again, at full max, the residue is gone.
I've got a video, that pretty much sucks. I'll be back soon to post it. Really.
Oh, hey... and the effects I'm getting from this tiny crumb of concentrate, at a lower temp, is really, really deep.
Where did this rumor come from? I've heard whispers of a portable unit, haven't heard anything about an EVO +.Is there any truth to the rumored new design
Cloud EVO + on the way?
The solo with a gong has the same form as a cloud. Only thing to take into consideration is draw resistance and volume of the piece. I enjoy it with my d020 and vapor blunt chandelier perc (similar to vapexhale glass)Having an EVO or even a cloud makes finding a portable a tough choice. Would be nice to find something that could cross platform to HT's.
Thought you wanted something that pairs well with a HT? HT are not typically pocket friendlyHad more of a pocket/travel portable in mind.