Higher, Higher, Baby...
Ok experienced major combustion well I hope that's all it was tube smoked out like lnl's and elb smoking also.removed elb immediately n unplugged unit elb is burnt on bottom dont care about elb longs my evo is good after it cools ill try again
LOL all i saw mad was white clouds coming out the tube, i was like wtf, then smelled n gagged lol my elb was also burnt, so i switched it out. the gong on the cloud also got resiny so i cleaned it before it stained the glass.
she runs pretty hot after 6 or 7 minutes of warming up. ive been y happy with 1030 after a full warm up. maybe closer to 10. just dial back.
Yeah i think this beast is meant to be used in the pre noon settings. im about to get my lazy ass up and medicate for educational purposes