Good morning Dogs... I see this place got hit by a Cat 3 shitstorm while I was away.
I'm not going to respond to specific people as I don't see a benefit to the thread but if someone feels slighted and wants me to respond to their comments specifically just say so and I guess I will but I see this as a bunch of people arguing over semantics and that's not my shtick.
The fact(s) of this situation are:
Those are the facts. I'm not shaming anyone, not arguing with anyone, not pointing fingers and have moved on with no hard feelings so hopefully everyone else can chill and do the same.
- I've received 4 Alphas back and tested them and their power supplies extensively on the bench in addition to using them to vape with both ID fitting stems and their OD fitting stems. All worked exactly to spec and produced good high volume vapor.
- 2 of them came back with visible abv/resin on the core which means they need a deep cleaning, 1 was almost totally clean and the last looked unused. I specifically didn't out specific vapes/users because I have no desire to shame anyone. Dirty is totally subjective so no point in arguing about it. I appreciate the users who were able to get theirs fully (or close) clean and accept the rest as-is. Lots of people probably don't have the ability to get them clean enough for resale, we strip them down and clean the cores in an ultrasonic.
- Some people had expectations (microdosing, no stirring needed, etc) that weren't met by the vape. I don't think we advertised the vape as any of those things but we can only control the info that we personally give out and I'm sure there's plenty of inaccurate info on the web.
- We supported our product and gave people full refunds despite having a no return policy in place for the last decade.
Not every vape is for every person and we've never tried to convince or push someone into an Underdog we though wouldn't suit them. It's not our style, goes against our 'code' and there's no financial incentive to do so since demand for UDs generally significantly outweighs our production capacity.
Like I already said hopefully everyone can chill and go their separate ways now with no hard feelings.
If someone wants to argue though let me know I have a clear schedule for the afternoon.
Likewise if someone wants to out themselves as the owner of a specific vape that they think wasn't working properly and have us send it to another Alpha user to see how it performs for them let me know. I'm 100% confident in the vapes running properly so I don't see the point personally but if it'd stop the bickering I'd give it a shot.
You can send one to me as a zero-experience alpha user and see if I can't get it to run right

I usually charge for my 3rd party review services but I would be willing to do this pro-bono