Follow up: Got my terpedo from TRWW a couple of days ago and started trying to get it working with the Wand.
TLDR: So far no dice yet but only because I haven't found a metal sleeve that'll fit yet from hardware stores. Needs to be metal and really thin because the terpedo is much bigger than the vaponic and fits inside the wand but with little clearance.
I tried some wire wrap but screwed it up by wrapping a bit too thick and it wouldn't fit in the Wand. Doh!
Not giving up though. I'll try again with a thinner wrap of wire while I continue to look for a thin metal sleeve. Any suggestions where to find this are appreciated. Haven't measured exactly yet but think I'll need about 19mm diameter and maybe 3-4cm long.
In the meantime, I totally took a left turn and bought a small dual flame torch

. Never thought I'd be a torch guy but I just HAD to try the terpedo.
It didn't disappoint. Nice tasty clouds for days. It really is a vaponic on steroids! Likely the heaviest hitter I own right now because I really have only dabbled in battery portables and Dynavap/IH setups so far. Also I haven't combusted yet. Bonus!