Induction Heater UFO intelligent Activation Technology Induction Heater for Dynavap


Well-Known Member
Just a quick update. This induction heater has changed how I vape now. In nearly 7 days of daily use it’s made my dynavap my go to device. The flavour, when you find your sweet spot, is incredible. I’d all but given up hope with my dynavap using a torch.
Since getting the ufo I have now invested in some glass stems and different heads. I can see how the dynaverse can get costly.

Sincerely recommend the ufo, from my experience it’s changed everything.


Well-Known Member
UFO is still rocking! I've got no complaints, nice , basic heater for a reasonable price.
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Well-Known Member
Mine worked for four or five months before it just stopped charging. I pulled it out of a box just a while ago to see if I could get it working again and I just get some occasional red flashing lights. Is there a way to jumpstart this thing or should I just toss it in the garbage? It was great with my DV while it worked.
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cantre member
don't throw it away send it to me for experimentation:science:
I've had mine for 3-4 months light daily use, still works like new. LOVE the form factor! I broke the open tube 1 day, so worked a technique with the stock one. still combust sometimes if I'm not diligent about pulling it. Seems to have a very sharply focused induction field making position and timing critical compared to the wand, which takes longer, but is way more forgiving of lax technigue.


cantre member
magnets came off mine, need to get some epoxy to put'em back on miss having them. popped it open to see what batteries. There's 2 102540 1000ma flat cell 3.7v wired together, not sure if they can be swapped or bypassed to use an 18650 w/out having to flash the firmware?


Well-Known Member
I got one last week and I am loving it!!!
It is way more agressive than the wand and that works perfect with the way I use my dynavaps (mostly with traditional hash).
It came with the 3 glass tubes but I am using the one that came installed
Very happy with it!!


cantre member
I got one last week and I am loving it!!!
It is way more agressive than the wand and that works perfect with the way I use my dynavaps (mostly with traditional hash).
It came with the 3 glass tubes but I am using the one that came installed
Very happy with it!!
faster than wand for sure, way better than wand in the truck, but all my combustion happens over-heating in UFO, almost never in the wand.
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