I helped funkyjunky design this device in an irc chatroom.
When I originally offered to help he did not let on that he was going to turn it into a business.
When he told me he planned to create this vaporizer as a business, I asked for 10%, he refused
By your own admission, there was never any agreement from FJ to give you anything in exchange for your input? And once Fj's intent became clear that was the end of your contribution to the project..Yikes. I know it won't change how you feel, but unfortunately that's a really hard argument to win. I'm not trying to shit on ya, I'm just saying that's an uphill battle for sure. I'm sure your efforts were really appreciated
@WafflesVape but...
I do think his design is great and much better than I ever designed myself; I had issues he has improved upon.
So Fj improved upon your initial ideas for the "underlying idea", and solved problems that prevented that idea from coming to full fruition.. That sounds like he essentially created the full project to me

. But I'm no business expert.
I don't think you fully explained what effort you feel you put in that you have not been rewarded for; but take a second to think of the effort that has gone into the device since then. I did this morning and it prompted this response.
Funky refined the heater design into what is found in the Tubo today. He sourced the materials to make to coils, built the coils himself, and tested each one himself. He designed a wooden body to house the heater and mod, sourced those materials, got access to a laser cutter which he learned to use, and designed the files to make the shell. Out of several different woods and in different colours (which required him to learn a bit of painting).
He found a firmware and when the person who was updating/coding it no longer could, he learned how to adjust it. He's been updating the firmware himself for quite a while now. FJ takes our concerns into account and has really adapted the Tubo into a unique device with features not typically found on the market. Every update he sends out the firmware to be tested before release, and changes it accordingly; that's a lot of work and beta testing to get things going.
He also sourced all the glass, screens, tubing for whips (which his partner wraps beautifully), Evics mods, packing materials, started a website, tested batteries etc.. and created his own line of wooden bases to go along with the device. (painted with custom designs).
If you truly feel you deserve credit for all of that effort, or reimbursement, why not seek legal counsel? I don't think anyone would appreciate having their work not be rewarded appropriately. If that is the case here I truly do feel for you.. but if this is a business thing, making claims against a business owner in a public forum is not the most productive way to get the results you desire. If I was FJ I wouldn't give a cent to someone who decided to bad mouth me to my customers before seeking resolution elsewhere, on principle.
I was a little puzzled and intrigued by
Looks nice though but I still have my alpha units based around this design that work equally as good that I put together for 15-20$ in material.

Why would you want a Tubo then?! No offence to FJ, but If I could build this thing myself for 20$ I definitely would not have a Tubo/TuboX on my desk

. I guess maybe it's mostly the recognition you're seeking.. From your response I get the feeling you are very passionate about vaping and do appreciate the effort FJ has put in. Hopefully you're able to reach a satisfying resolution. FC will only be lessened by losing the contributions of another creator.
I'd love to see your take on the design if you feel like sharing some pics or a usage video!