Hey guys ! Please remember that ,resistance value changes when unit is hot,and if you update it while hot it might accept the current resistance as default. The default value can be found at the lid of the battery department.Not being at the right number might be one of the reasons for the temp jumps . (someone can correct me if i am typing bullshit
Another reason for temp jumps is that unit isnt heated well. It is normal that temp variations are bigger at cold start ,it can be easily seen via the device monitor tool of the NFE toolbox.
Also as you see tubo measures the temp few times per second,so some minor jumps are normal considering it is interacting with environmental temp and radiation from the body itself,many values play and they change very rapid,,but when you see how it performs on the GRAPHIC of the device monitor you see well that it keeps a pretty straight line which is getting flatter the more it is heated.
Maybe i sound like a broken record but you should really download the NFE TOOLBOX and see what is really happening with your device. You will also notice that after a small drop for a fraction of a second temps are getting more stable when draw continues ,than the value displayed when heating
@little maggie Can you please explain what exactly is troubling you in setting the cruise temp. It is done with - + not different than setting it at ON DEMAND mode. Maybe you should go
to MENU>VAPING>ALGO and check if it is set to PID.