yesyesyes! the video is awesome!
very glad the new dual is well received!
as for naming convention i prefer to refer to this iteration as the "DUAL" (new units with tetra heater, first twenty with triple tubo heater). after all are built we will move on to proper "TETRA"s (you read right, plural). i think it will take me around 2-3 months to go through the evic vtc duals i have stocked. a new thread will be opened in time to announce everything, until then further info is kept secret
there is one new thing i want to show. finally got around to get this produced. very effective dry smoothing/cooling. 22mm joint length (you are welcome other vapes!). the NUB cooler!
and for those not watching closely on instagram you can hack a smell proof case for stems with a 18650 silicone battery sleeve. works on shorter glass mps as well.
both available on the store! thanks for looking
edit: TUBO and TUBOx respectively tetras should be able to perform exactly the same when things are set up. the all in one models include the calibration to the built in mod by me, 510 models are calibrated to my cuboid200. unfortunately the mods dont read the resistances the same even within the same model, therefore the recommended value i hand out with T***xes might not be exactly the right one. increase resistance number to make it generally hotter, decrease it to make it generally colder, also rtfm