Tornado by Vestratto


Feel like I’m winnin’ when I’m losin’ again
not sure I’m noticing as much of a difference as others here


ETA: I guess I’m lucky, I missed out on Anvil when it was first dropping and never made it back around. So whether it’s a big Anvil, or a truly new experience, it will all be new to me! :)


Well-Known Member
I think we are seeing some honeymoon effect. It's a big Anvil. People are trying to see magic where there is none.

My guess is because hardly anyone is filling the bowl. So they need to justify the need to own it to themselves. When in effect using a half filled Tornado is practically identical to just using the Anvil they already owned.

BTW I think a big Anvil is awesome. I don't need any magic to justify that.

Could also be due to differences in heat application or loading more than you would in the anvil without realising. Seems it has more convection potential too. There’s also less vapour condensing with that new full length copper core keeping everything hot

I’m always fascinated that people can use the same device and get such different experiences, and the subtleties of why that may be


Well-Known Member

Could also be due to differences in heat application or loading more than you would in the anvil without realising. Seems it has more convection potential too. There’s also less vapour condensing with that new full length copper core keeping everything hot

I’m always fascinated that people can use the same device and get such different experiences, and the subtleties of why that may be
Yeah I might be being overly skeptical. I'm interested in getting one anyway, then I can see for myself.

I have a feeling it's just a big Anvil, and that will not disappoint.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I find it interesting how the general consensus is splitting into two groups as more of these are getting into people’s hands.
It's a situation we find quite often imo, for most vaporizers, there are the enthusiasts, the conquered, the skeptics and the anti... On the Tempest thread, for example, we have fans and those who find it harder to get the best out of it, the convinced and the disappointed.

In any case, a well-filled, well-extracted bowl of Tornado is one hell of a smooth slap in the face.:D (having said that, I tried a bowl, not filled, and was amazed by the amount of vapor produced.)


I have a feeling it's just a big Anvil, and that will not disappoint.
I disagree. From my experience the Tornado is more convection leaning and the vapor is smoother. Also it’s reacting quite differently to heat, it’s built differently… and it’s just not an Anvil, even though it’s noticeable that it comes from the same stable.

But I agree that you won’t be disappointed anyway 😊


Well-Known Member
I disagree. From my experience the Tornado is more convection leaning and the vapor is smoother. Also it’s reacting quite differently to heat, it’s built differently… and it’s just not an Anvil, even though it’s noticeable that it comes from the same stable.

But I agree that you won’t be disappointed anyway 😊
Yeah to be fair, the smoother vapour has been commented on by quite a few people. So must be something to it.


Well-Known Member
I think we are seeing some honeymoon effect. It's a big Anvil. People are trying to see magic where there is none.

My guess is because hardly anyone is filling the bowl. So they need to justify the need to own it to themselves. When in effect using a half filled Tornado is practically identical to just using the Anvil they already owned.

BTW I think a big Anvil is awesome. I don't need any magic to justify that.
I've had it for 3 weeks now, I think the honeymoon would be over. One thing I discovered: I had to unlearn some of my Anvil technique. I've started torching Tornado with a long flame covering the entire length of the device. Maybe give it some time? Reason I started micro dosing: if I vape large quantities with Tornado, I can't handle the psychotropic effects. I'm a daily user, high tolerance. The amount of flower I used for Anvil, once used in Tornado got me too medicated to do my work. I can assure you from personal experience (have had the Anvil since the user edition, now on thermocore and xl bowl) that it's not the same. Hard to put my finger on it, but there we are.
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