Tornado by Vestratto


Company Rep
Yes it will make an excellent evening vape.
But not for the day, or enjoying the terps.
Only to experience the joys of powerful effects lol.
Always good to add diversity to your range, and for my part I would like to integrate a conduction-dominant vape into my collection.
I use mine to get medicated usually around 5:30am.

It's a very versatile device, with many use cases.

I would recommend trying the device before drawing your conclusions. But to each his own:ko:


Well-Known Member
I think certain kinds of medical users love the Anvil and use it all day, and nothing else. I didn't like the signature for daytime use personally. As you said though, it had a nice stoney edge to it for evening use.
The Anvil is very good for micro-dosing. Tornado is even better for that. Reducing material gives great results.


Well-Known Member
I use mine to get medicated usually around 5:30am.

It's a very versatile device, with many use cases.

I would recommend trying the device before drawing your conclusions. But to each his own:ko:
I'm lucky enough to use weed just for the effects and to relax.
I have no health problems.
I imagine that its effectiveness is great for becoming medicalized when this is the case as for you, and quickly and effectively benefiting from the benefits of cannabis.
But for my part I prefer the less sedative effects... of this type of vape.
I tried an anvil a few times at a friend's house and it actually works well and strong! But I'm sorry to say it like that, but the flavors weren't there, and I still had this really disappointing metallic aftertaste.

But ultimately I'm going to take a Tornado and I'll give my opinion on it myself of course.
Even if I am convinced that it will not be a vape for flavor hunters.
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