Just received my Tornado

Man, what’s the deal with this thing? It absorbs heat like crazy. I have a feeling that if I just put it in a sunny spot long enough, it’ll heat up itself
I tried the Wand first, it got hot very fast and gave me a nice one heat extraction at 2nd click, which was surprisingly easy on the throat. Perfect even roast. Then I tried the Ronxs double torch, heating oven and atomizer simultaneously. I combusted hard before any click, and it didn’t take long.
This thing accumulates heat so well, that I have to be very careful testing it out. Right now I’m scared of the torch which I use to blast at least half a minute right on the Anvil’s thermal battery (not the Ronxs though). Doing this with the Tornado would burn everything inside the bowl, at least that’s how I feel about it right now.
The Tornado is much more than just a big Anvil, and it behaves quite differently. It’ll take a while to master, but I can already say for sure that this new love will last. That’s what it has in common with the Anvil, as they’re both very efficient and built to last. But they’re two pretty different devices function wise.
I think it was
@Roffa who mentioned that heat lock is no fun with the Tornado. Turns out that even a hot device is enough to instantly lock the bowl by contact. Happened to me twice within 5 minutes actually

It was a pretty tight lock, so I never want to witness a “real” one.
Regarding the discussion of footballs and golfballs: Whatever it is that John has cooked up in his little kitchen, it just works. The inhale is very smooth and the exhale absolutely surprising, as my throat wouldn’t have expected that much vapor. The 2nd surprise follows quick, since it hits way harder than silly throat said it would.
Speaking of hard hits, I’m stoned af and it took me ages to write this

Hello Tornado, goodbye tolerance.