Tornado by Vestratto


Active Member
Ill give a quick 2 week ownership update.

I haven't turned on my Terp Hammer or T360 in the 2 weeks since getting the Tornado. I've just had 0 desire to use anything else which is very surprising to me (except the Venty and Anvil on occasion).

I've had the Tempest arrive today and that's complementing the Tornado perfectly. One vape gives the smoothest monster rips that really do feel like they hit different, and the other I can puff on like a joint and get incredible flavour.

I have the Vapman and Anvil for micro dosing, but discovered you can microdose even more easily and with greater efficiency and effects in the Tornado. I love the Vapman ritual, but again - the Tornado is just... incredible at everything?

I genuinely think my ball vapes are about to start collecting a LOT of dust.

Wife still uses the TM2 all the time (she loves it) and the Venty gets used occasionally (might see less with the Tempest, but it's still the best vape to bring out imo and will be seeing the beech a lot again this summer!)


Well-Known Member
Tell you what, for all the hype another recently released butane-powered(/IH powered) device is getting, my first impressions of this are much, much better. Easy to use, massive rips, and there's something going on with the vapor - it clouds up the bowl like friggen gangbusters, but also seems like the thinnest, easiest to draw vapor I've ever had.

I do hope I'm in the midst of a breaking in period though, cos using my Ronx torch turned right down with a single flame, the first click is still overcooking the weed. So I need to get a smaller lighter and use an even slower heat up, which is somewhat laborious.


Company Rep
Tell you what, for all the hype another recently released butane-powered(/IH powered) device is getting, my first impressions of this are much, much better. Easy to use, massive rips, and there's something going on with the vapor - it clouds up the bowl like friggen gangbusters, but also seems like the thinnest, easiest to draw vapor I've ever had.

I do hope I'm in the midst of a breaking in period though, cos using my Ronx torch turned right down with a single flame, the first click is still overcooking the weed. So I need to get a smaller lighter and use an even slower heat up, which is somewhat laborious.
I Know this sounds odd but try turning your torch to a larger flame to get a lesser "roast" my theory is with all the thermal mass in this thing, the small flame is actually storing more energy before heating up the click disks to temp.

This is what happened with mine, I make the inner blue flame of the ronxs the same size as the airflow holes to the top of the bowl. Also try to avoid torching directly in the airflow holes.


Well-Known Member
I Know this sounds odd but try turning your torch to a larger flame to get a lesser "roast" my theory is with all the thermal mass in this thing, the small flame is actually storing more energy before heating up the click disks to temp.

This is what happened with mine, I make the inner blue flame of the ronxs the same size as the airflow holes to the top of the bowl. Also try to avoid torching directly in the airflow holes.

Thanks for the tip, that's a really interesting idea. I'll give it a go tomorrow and report back.

It also just occurred to me that I could be over roasting it cos I'm rotating it as I heat. I'm not even sure why, I've never done that with the Anvil! Possibly cos I've been using the VerdaVap (and Tempest) recently, which performs better when rotated during heating.

My major, major criticism of the device is that it would've been nice to get even some cursory instructions. Once you start the torch or put it in the induction heater, you're 100% on your own. If you didn't have experience with the Anvil, it might take you a while to figure the Tornado out.


Company Rep
My major, major criticism of the device is that it would've been nice to get even some cursory instructions. Once you start the torch or put it in the induction heater, you're 100% on your own. If you didn't have experience with the Anvil, it might take you a while to figure the Tornado out.
I agree, it is quite clear that vestratto just leaves instructions for their devices outside of a little cue card up to the community. Kind of hard to position something as a medical device if you expect patients to search the internet high and low for proper usage instructions.

Which is really a shame considering how simple the tornado is... compared to the IMO complex style of the other vape you mentioned (which has amazing instructions).


Are you happy owners all torching the bowl housing instead of the branded gasifier part? I use to torch my Anvil directly at the thermal battery with the inner flame touching it to get the hit I want. I wonder what that does to the Tornado.

Mine was supposed to be delivered today, but it’s stuck in customs. Should be a matter of days now.


Company Rep
Are you happy owners all torching the bowl housing instead of the branded gasifier part? I use to torch my Anvil directly at the thermal battery with the inner flame touching it.

Mine was supposed to be delivered today, but it’s stuck in customs. Should be a matter of days now.
I torch the atomizer for about half the time total, other half is spent on the oven.
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Since I saw @Whiff heating the oven and getting near green AVB, I thought that a more aggressive heating might be better suited for me. My Anvil AVB is well roasted from one heat up, I’d like to achieve the same with the Tornado.
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Well-Known Member
Speaking of the lack of instructions.. I still remember getting my first Anvil, and it genuinely took me about an hour of trying to work out how to open the airflow before I gave up and searched online to find the answer.

That old airflow valve hated me. I ended up leaving it fully open to stop it wobbling and got the integrated stem as soon as it dropped.

I do look back now and laugh at that hour of utter confusion though, thought I’d received a dud :lol:


Well-Known Member
Since I saw @Whiff heating the oven and getting near green AVB, I thought that a more aggressive heating might be better suited for me. My Anvil AVB is well roasted from one heat up, I’d like to achieve the same with the Tornado.
Larger flame and instead of rotating I heat along the entire length of the device, gasifier + oven until click. Just moving the flame slowly up and down


Well-Known Member
x-post from the Vestratto Discord:

Not sure if this has been posted already (this channel is moving crazy fast), does anyone have dimensions for the head of the Tornado (oven with bowl screwed in)? I want to get a scruffywoofers stand made for it, and I couldn't find specs on the Vestratto site.

Echoing what others have said, this thing is amazing. I've been using it on the USA (sans condenser), and while I don't love the stability of the connection, it's been great hitting it through the 3TM. Crazy amounts of vapor, very smooth, and better taste than the Anvil (IMO). No real comment on the physics / chemistry of it all beyond saying that to me, it seems like there's something going beyond just XXL Anvil. Also, this is weird, but it almost seems like there's something liquid in the stem / mouthpiece area.

Also, confidential to everyone, you can (but probably shouldn't) heat the Tornado with an iSpire / iSpure Wand; just set it to max, remove any adapters (it'll get stuck in the Tempest adapter), and insert from the bottom while staying the hell away from the glass lip at the top; you'll see an E01 message if you hit it, and I assume there's some potential to brick the Wand so it no longer senses devices (similar to the Forge). I got at least one click after it stopped heating but before time-out (solid yellow light instead of flashing) with medium brown ABV (my preference over near-black ABV I've gotten with two clicks using a torch).
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