@Shit Snacks
I'm going to disagree here. I use an OctoTaster type stem with glass and ruby beads. Don't get any rougue bits reaching my mouth, and the flavour is DEFINITELY better for having no post herb metal. I use an slx grinder which has a medium fluffy grind. I suppose drier weed or finer grinds might be different. All my herb is dried/cured to 58-60% RH.
Of course not, because you have glass and ruby pearls between the ratchet screen and your mouth, obviously that would be catching all the debris lol how are you securing those pearls in the top of the stem?
I use a variety of different grinds with a variety of different herbs and different BCGs (used to have the SLX before them, absolutely hate it now lol)
Maybe I'm sensitive to it but I can 100% vouch for the flavour being better. Plus the burn is more even IME. I do still use a short stem with an external collar and the original CU if I'm out in the garden where there's a risk of dropping it. So I compare the two daily. The all glass option is miles nicer.
I am sensitive to flavors, personally, but I don't know what you mean by external collar on the short stem...? But I don't even use the original CU, it's been years, since I originally got my first TM, obviously it would taste better than that... Aside from the metal, the CU just robs a lot of reclaim vapor flavors, I've been using open glass pathways for a long time, the only metal is the steel mesh basket screen holding the herbs in the WPA... And yes the flavor is fantastic this way as I've said that is how I use my TM and recommend it, clarifying from the stock setup (wish it came with WPA)
As I said on occasion I will use my 3in1 WPA with the glass honeycomb screen, whole nug or super chunky grind, to get some next level flavors, but the vapor is different, it's not the same type of extraction, so even though I love flavors, it is not my normal method because I can get great flavors and better extraction with more of a grind in my usual stem setups...
I read up on this a while back and the phenomenon is known as galvanic tongue stimulation. It inhibits flavour. Heating metals causes it and the proximity to the source makes a difference. Try drinking a nice coffee or wine from a steel mug and you'll experience it. Pre herb metal won't cause it as the herb acts as a barrier/buffer. Personally I don't like a vague hint of dirty penny and suppressed flavour in my weed.
Okay, first off I actually despise coffee and alcohol, maybe I would like them better from a steel cup if it covers the flavor of them! And in my experience, absolutely can taste different metals in the heating elements, away from the herbs... (using a variety of glass stem-based pure convection on demand vapes with different metal heater constructions) and this affects my enjoyment of them as I too only wish to taste the purest herbal flavors without any adulteration (and by the way this is all totally subjective, no matter how objective you attempt to frame it, believe me I've been there)
ETA: in fact Mr snacks, I'm willing to make and send you a stem and if you don't agree I'll eat my AVB.
As it was said I have the octo taster, I tried using it dry, I have still not tried to load balls into it, and secure with a mouthpiece, because I hate that ratchet glass disk screen, and I have such nicer options now (part of what I really like about the GVB stems is the balls are already in their fixed permanently in the stem for me, trying to deal with loading, adjusting, cleaning emptying, my own pearls, has felt so tedious that I have not tried it despite having all the ingredients including brand new quartz etc.)
But please do not lick your reclaim or eat your AVB on my account, as someone who appreciates good flavors (and fortunately does not need to use every last bit of their product), I cannot encourage such yucky behavior