@invertedisdead What hole size are you aiming at , i am seeing 30+ holes 14mm diameter,it might be a bitch to clean. Hammer vaporizer already had this kind of stem btw,and holes were much larger.
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I have two other stem ideas one is featuring tornado percs ,but i dunno if 14 od can be produced.
Maybe 4 ot 5 spaced 1cm in between

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The other one is based on the Apollo screen/cooling system. There will be a couple of discs with a single hole positioned zig-zag the vapor travels maximum distance. Both those ideas would require a lot of labor.
Best res pic i could find of it.
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They would be ~1MM holes, like the hole size in a S&B capsule. I'm honestly not sure about cleaning without trying it, you know how these pesky things can vary in theory vs in practice

but I did anticipate this layout to be fairly easy to clean considering the amount of cooling, as long as it doesn't clog easily. And I guess the question would be: are smaller holes harder or easier to keep clean? I'm thinking smaller holes would help resist clogging, to a point. I'm not sure if the glass screen thing is ultimately a pipe dream or what, but I love the ease of cleaning on fixed screen glass stems. Of course, the holes could be much larger with a mesh screen used, that lowers the price considerably, as the price changes per hole lol. I think I was quoted around half the price on a 13 hole variant.
I had some stem ideas similar to both of those concepts too, but I was expecting those might be harder to clean than this one. I thought about spacing a few honeycombs or vortex percs out like my multi perc water bong, but I think separating the hole patterns into segments/breaks would be harder to clean than this straight through pathway, because with this design everything is accessible with a poker, stacked tornado percs wouldnt be able to fit a tool through.
The second one with the bubble plate style hole stack seems like it would be especially tricky to clean as a 1-piece unit if the internal piece wasn't removable on o-rings. I agree the labor would be very involved to build out of glass. I was thinking stacked tornado percs would make for a neat heater design, since that would negate fouling as an air heater versus an oil cooler.
This stem idea was designed to be machined, but I have a few simpler cooling ideas that could be made by hand. One idea was to fuse a wound glass coil internally to the length of a glass stem for a high surface area, ribbed cooling surface. By using a hollow coil, the insulative air space between the coils walls should reduce heat transfer to the stems walls. For ease of cleaning the air would go over the coil, instead of through it (like the Dimroth Condenser)
Maybe the mouthpiece can be slightly tapered as well? For mouth feel?? A slight smooth narrowing

(we would pre order)
I think you would lose out on the dual bowl size options by tapering the mouthpiece, but I agree it would probably be more ergonomic and comfortable, which might be more important. I'm a big fan of the flattened/pinched mouthpiece style myself. I think one of those would fit better on a hand made stem design though, maybe on the coiled idea above as this one is designed to be machined rather than hot worked. I learned from my desktop vape that the combination of flame working and machining can
really add up lol