Shit Snacks
Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
The rimmed screens are custom made by the maker of the extra long stem and are not available anywhere else unfortunately... Everybody gets one! I tried to ask for more
You’re kidding me! There’s no where else to buy these rounded screens without any trim? I noticed my basket screens from my stempod that I found on Amazon fit perfectly & I bought a bunch off them but I was trying to get the ones without any rim, just all screen.
I wonder if these will work...I may take the gamble unless the seller of the glass stem sells then himself cheaper somewhere?
1/2 Inch Pipe Screens - Stainless Steel Wire Mesh Preformed Concave Bowls 30 Pack
Okay I am confused, could have sworn you were asking about the rimmed basket screen that comes with the extra long stem... That one is custom made to have a narrower rim than all the other rimmed basket screens available, those ones get stuck in the TM pulled out of the stem when you remove it, so yeah we just get one with the extra long stem and that's it...
For rimless basket screens, they do sell spares of those direct from TM (that's what I was given instead of spare rimmed screens when I asked) and there have been many alternative options posted here, even recently, you can search or skim back through, I posted the ones from mistvape that work in the stock TM stems recently as well...
More than $1 a piece for screens seems a little much, but whatever the market will bare. As long as they last I guess.
I have no better suggestions. I am glad I have backups from previous purchases.
I have lots of rimmed screens and they are widely available (like Amazon or Ebay) but they don't work well in this application. I suppose if I ran out of rimless ones I could try cutting off the rim with a tin snips or something.
Has anyone tried using a dremel or something to reduce the outside diameter of the rims? Did they fall apart?
There is someone here who used to dremel on the regular rimmed basket screens, making them narrower so they fit fine in their stems. Definitely possible, though not for many of us! You and I are lucky we have so many old RBT rimless screens

I seem to be having problems, held down the button during on-demand mode and it never vibrated but I heard a weird noise and realized the heater was on. Hit it but it combusted.
Afterward it won't work right and seems to be a burn mark near the heater. Did I accidentally push the screen down too fair while putting the stem in?
I have a sneaking suspicion this is my fault lol
edit: definitely had to be this lol the screen was pushed too far in and I guess made contact with the heater for anyone else who may make the same dumb move lol
need a replacement screen any suggestions?
Oh man dude that sucks, hopefully it is still working okay though? Could have shorted out the heater!
One suggestion to help prevent this in the future, is to flip the metal ring that holds the screen, that will put the rim in a more protective position for the heater, holding the heater screen more stable making it so the stem cannot go through either (but yes when inserting stems always do so carefully so you can feel the stopping point) I did this little mod on my second TM not that I ever had any issues with the original setup myself...