Thanks! I went back through this topic and could find what you were referencing but a solution was not posted (or i didn’t find it).
But with what you said back there made it obvious for me that this is not normal. I can easily pick up the sound with my phone from 15 inches +. It is also louder than the vibration and to be honest quiet annoying at that volume.
I‘ll contact the maker and let you guys know if there is a solution.
Hey fellas,
Sorry I never posted my solution for the noise here.
So the unit I got was quite loud in the beginning, too loud for my taste.
After contacting the maker, who instantly offered a free return for inspection,
I decided to try some more obvious stuff myself.
Used a ton of q tips soaked in Iso and cleaned EVERYTHING I could find and that did most of the trick.
Used the TM a couple of nights next to my half-sleeping misses, she never complained so I knew it was good.
Keeping the contacts of the batteries clean also seems to impact the noise, at least in my unit.
Im not gonna hassle with returns, so the poor guy can work on getting more of these out.
Hope this helps with your unit and might be a good idea for all TM users

Also helped with getting rid of the fish smell faster

Stay safe everyone!