This is what is setting me away from this vaporizer. i am trying to buy my frist vape to say goodbye to tabaco and combustion once and for all, and if i am to pull the trigger on something worth 250€ + accesorys + shipping = 400€ i need to be sure it gets shipped atleast. Getting no response at all is hard to understand, you have google translate you can use it, or any other kind of app or in the worst case, with the number of people that already bought this vape he has enough cash to hire someone to take care of this department for him, this is in his interest. I get it, english ain't is native language, it ain't mine too, and my english is pretty rough, but i still write, speak and try to understand the meaning of words.
Sadly for me, the vapes that i fell in love are:
- Tinymight, that has this problem and a person wonders if anything happens how would the warranty work.
- Tetra P80 that will be impossible to get in a reasonable amount of time (saw the latest drop, got the email but, wasn't fast enough)