I find the standard CU and short stem too hot native, even with glass balls added, so when I am mobile with the TM (Not often my FW7 is better suited as a traveller) I use a short 4 inch length of whip that fits very snugly inside the stem.
I kind of like the long cooling stem but fiddly basket and too big to travel so may as well use a WPA.
Really like the universal all glass WPA. It does let particales through so I use a glass hammer pipe dry. I would think a standard j hook would be too direct and you would end up with bits in your airways. The hammer pipe's complex airpath catches everything without water. I got a few cheap from dhgate and have 3 in rotation so always have a clean one ready.
I also got one with a glycerine filled 'vapor tamer' spiral stem. You can remove the stem and put it in th freezer and get actual cold vapour. It is a really cool experience, so fresh and you absolutely cannot tell how much you are getting so always take too much