TinyMight / TM 2


All who wander are not lost...
Also another great option! I do have a couple of stems, that could potentially be even easier than what I do now! I remember seeing your pics of the stem caps a while back and thinking it was a good idea!
Those weren’t my pics or the same stem caps that I did purchase. They’re slightly different than the ones in the pic @angular ocelot posted the same pic/link above for the ones I did not buy - but those would work too!). They work great though! I also bought a similar plug for the stem chamber in case I need to travel with it without a stem in it. Overall this vape has so much flexibility natively and the add-ons and accessories open up many other possibilities.

And did I mention the vape works very well every single time? Love this thing! :peace:


Well-Known Member
I was still answered by "tm maker". and he sends words of gratitude to all those who help here to solve any questions to users .
concrete is no longer received
I hope this will help someone . I hope tm maker solves all problems

my tm hasn't needed help yet for 8 months. and I'm very happy about it.



Well-Known Member
Since a few of you have been discussing portability, I thought I would share my experiences. I've been using my TM heavily for about 6 months during quarantine. I've only had a few problems, they were all solved by taking everything apart, cleaning everything, and putting it back together. I use my TM with S&B dosing capsules. As others have mentioned, this is not an ideal solution. I have to be very careful as I insert the stem, but the dosing caps actually work surprisingly well as long as I am careful with the stem. I put the dial to 8.5, and I get about 5-6 hits. I flip the dosing cap over, and I can get another 2-3 hits. The ABV comes out dark and pretty evenly roasted. I ordered some official dosing caps, they were shipped and should be coming any day now.

Portability is tricky. It's a pretty convenient size, but I am always concerned because the device is relatively fragile. With that being said, I still take my TM with me on hikes. I put the TM in one of the hip belt pockets on my backpack, and two spare batteries and a S&B dosing cap magazine in the other hip belt pocket. It works pretty well and it's very convenient. However, I am always concerned about dropping/breaking the tube as I reload dosing caps. I am also aware that I could easily destroy the TM if I trip/slip/fall. I don't have the same concerns with my Mighty. However, I still prefer taking the TM, on demand is great for hikes!


Less soul, more mind
Why can’t the ABV get fully extracted like my Dynavap? It’s always fuckin yellow around it and on the bottom, like my tubo, tetra did. Got rid of them for this reason. Wish it would be all brown
Same here, my Dynavaps create (or can create) much darker abv than my TM, and like you I don't really go over 8. However, the Dynavaps are hybrids and (depending on the exact usage) heavily leaning towards conduction while the TM is a convection vape. As @Tweakz mentioned, you can darken your abv at higher temp levels, but without any conduction going on the abv will always be much lighter compared to the abv of a conduction vape running at the same temps. That does not mean less substance is extracted and it is typical for any convection device (like the Tubo).


Well-Known Member
Why can’t the ABV get fully extracted like my Dynavap? It’s always fuckin yellow around it and on the bottom, like my tubo, tetra did. Got rid of them for this reason. Wish it would be all brown

Edit: @Siebter beat me to it, but I’ll leave this anyway:

You have to consider the differences between conduction heaters like VapCaps and convection heaters like the TinyMight and Tubo/Tetra.

A VapCap is like a tiny oven that (if slowly and evenly heated) will evenly cook everything inside it, generally releasing everything it can short of combustion by the time it’s all dark.

The TinyMight is more like a high heat hair dryer. Imagine cranking one up, piling your hair up and trying to turn your hair and scalp evenly dark. You’d find that even if it all felt consistently heated, depending on how much direct heat each layer of hair got it wouldn’t come out looking even.

Every pure convection heater I’ve ever seen leaves less dark/even looking AVB than conduction, but I believe the extraction level is about even in the end and convection has some real advantages too.

If you stop getting vapor at a reasonably high temp setting in the TM and try the AVB in a VapCap, I think you’ll find that if you get anything out of it it won’t be worth the trouble.

If you really want dark AVB from the TM though, you can crank it up and get that at the expense of flavor and risk of combustion, I just don’t think it’s worth worrying about.

I get crazy amounts of vapor out of my FlowerPot compared to for example my conduction DaVinci Ascent (which unlike a VapCap can hold a similar amount), and it can get to where it stops putting out vapor without ever getting dark.

If you want it to be a bit more even, stirring definitely can help with any pure convection device.


Well-Known Member
I got a question.... on the tube holder screw that says in manual not to overtighten, how many peoples nut sit flush to lid? When I mentioned finding my issue I neglected to say that both the battery lid as welll as tube holder nut are NOT sitting flush. I tighten both the same , when I feel it tighten I give it a 1/4 turn more that’s it. But what about that tube holder should It be screwed in all the way(flush) or just as far as tension allows? TIA


Microbe minion
For anyone out there thinking they must get the cap flush, my battery cap does not, and never has screwed flush. There is some manufacturing variance in the height of the wooden body, this will make a difference how flush you can get that cap.

Mr ring doesn't get anywhere near flush unless I remove the o ring and aluminium tube.


Westchester, NY
And just as an update to this post, I got a shipping email, but no info as to whats inside it lol. Oh well, at least somethings on its way.

Again, not to speak to soon, knocking on wood and all of that, it seems like they're maybe starting to catch up? Based on other posts here it seems like more people are getting responses/signs of CS

On another note, back to my CS issue, just as an example of the frustrating communication, I had send this email 4 or 5 times:

And this was the response I finally got, over the weekend. BTW, seems like many of us have suddenly been receiving responses, and more frequently, so at the very least things seems to be improving there:

But yeah just frustrating as they didn't address the majority of the rest of the email... Like should I be ordering the additional accessories myself or will they include/charge me? I'm sure theres somewhat of a language barrier so I dont expect communications to be perfect, but if you could manage the response I got, you would think you could manage the rest? Weird. I guess I'll wait and see what shows up with my WPA, if anything, and then order whatever else I wanted.

My stem cap isn't flush, I dont think it would be without removing the oring. I just spin till I can start to feel a little resistance, go a tiny bit more, and thats it.

I like it tight enough I can hold the device by the stem, but much more than that is too much IMO.

Edit: @Djsleepy you may find yourself fiddling with it. As things expand/contract with heat, depending on if you're swapping stems, reloading, etc.... one minute you may find it a bit too tight and the next it may be too loose. Since you're going through that many stems hourly, heat expansion/variances in different accessories is probably more noticeable to you.
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Well-Known Member
And just as an update to this post, I got a shipping email, but no info as to whats inside it lol. Oh well, at least somethings on its way.

Again, not to speak to soon, knocking on wood and all of that, it seems like they're maybe starting to catch up? Based on other posts here it seems like more people are getting responses/signs of CS

My stem cap isn't flush, I dont think it would be without removing the oring. I just spin till I can start to feel a little resistance, go a tiny bit more, and thats it.

I like it tight enough I can hold the device by the stem, but much more than that is too much IMO.

Edit: @Djsleepy you may find yourself fiddling with it. As things expand/contract with heat, depending on if you're swapping stems, reloading, etc.... one minute you may find it a bit too tight and the next it may be too loose. Since you're going through that many stems hourly, heat expansion/variances in different accessories is probably more noticeable to you.
That is a fantastic point! I will continue to gently tighten and keep on eye looseness/tightness of stems ! BTW also probably due to my usage I decided to do a break down and clean CUs and man were they gummed up...... I’m sure The goo was snagging some of my vapor and flavor.......Will let you know how much it helps! Thanks again!


Westchester, NY
Yeah I definitely find it hits harder with a clean CU! Pulls better, tastes better...they can gum up rather quickly especially if you have some particularly sticky flower. Mine are probably about due for a cleaning too!


Westchester, NY
I'd have to have like 10 CU's and batch clean them every week or 2 lol. I probably get maybe 10 full stems out of a CU before it needs a real cleaning? 15 max I would say. Never thought about it in terms of stems or batteries.

When I was using the TM exclusively I was averaging 1-3 stems a day, and cleaning around every 5-7 days.

3-5 would have been my ideal speed, but laziness prevails.

7-10 days was about as dirty as I could live with.

If I was going through a stretch of leaning towards heavier usage it would be down closer to 5 days max for me.

I also never stir.


Less soul, more mind
For anyone out there thinking they must get the cap flush, my battery cap does not, and never has screwed flush. There is some manufacturing variance in the height of the wooden body, this will make a difference how flush you can get that cap.

Ah, that's interesting – does that mean it won't screw down at all or that it's just very tight at some point?

Again, not to speak to soon, knocking on wood and all of that, it seems like they're maybe starting to catch up? Based on other posts here it seems like more people are getting responses/signs of CS

Yeah, sloooowly getting better....

Edit: @Djsleepy you may find yourself fiddling with it. As things expand/contract with heat, depending on if you're swapping stems, reloading, etc.... one minute you may find it a bit too tight and the next it may be too loose. Since you're going through that many stems hourly, heat expansion/variances in different accessories is probably more noticeable to you.

For me it never expands, it's totally a set and forget kind of a deal. There might be some variation, but I find it easy to find a tightness level that is never too loose and never too tight.


Microbe minion
Ah, that's interesting – does that mean it won't screw down at all or that it's just very tight at some point?
Nope, if I remove the battery the cap can actually screw slightly below the surface of the top plate. My body just isn't tall enough to accommodate the battery and fully screw down the cap.


SEARCH for the treasure...
Nope, if I remove the battery the cap can actually screw slightly below the surface of the top plate. My body just isn't tall enough to accommodate the battery and fully screw down the cap.

Odd, that’s almost what I would expect if one were using a taller “protected” battery.
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