Discontinued ThermoVape Evolution


Well-Known Member
Thanks, Of. I will definitely look into the IMR cells. I was doing freelance
with the Roughstack, it did not get hurt during the testing. I sure do appreciate
the clarity. With all the excellent little machines available to us, it gets tough
to stay up to date with the correct/best applications.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, Of. I will definitely look into the IMR cells. I was doing freelance
with the Roughstack, it did not get hurt during the testing. I sure do appreciate
the clarity. With all the excellent little machines available to us, it gets tough
to stay up to date with the correct/best applications.

You're welcome. Gals to help.

By you got that part right, 'you can't tell your players without a program'.... And there's no programs.

While it's true "Out of chaos, comes order", it's also true many of us won't wait for that to happen and find the chaos brings opportunity.....

Glad to hear you're discovering this neat little vape. The secret's getting out. Time to Tim to make us a big old pile of them heaters......



in flavor country
I just found somebody selling off a new set of 3 of the Double Protected 3100mAh 18650 Li-ion Battery - Cell Panasonic, in the ECF classifieds, $30 free shipping, so I jumped on that. I don't need them now, but anticipate that I will soon enough, and they usually go for $12.99/ea so I thought that was a good deal shipped.
And also found this charger XTAR-WP2-II Intelligent Li-ion Charger for 18650, 17670, 14500, CR123 3.7V Batteries...

These are the same ones online:


I just found somebody selling off a new set of 3 of the Double Protected 3100mAh 18650 Li-ion Battery - Cell Panasonic, free shipping, so I jumped on that. I don't need them now, but anticipate that I will soon enough, and they usually go for $12.99/ea so I thought that was a good deal shipped.


i would look into getting a nice charger for them. i think the one they are selling in that link is a good choice for not too much money.


Staff member
Nice, Jam! :cool:

When I got home from work today, I decided to try and see if I could get my ABV more evenly vaped, and I quckly went through 2 small bowls. The ABV was still a little uneven, but I am constantly suprised by how little of it there is. These were pretty small loads (I've yet to weigh them) and after 2 bowls I was pleasantly suprised by how vaked I was! I didn't get a ton of visible vapor, but I sure got high!



in flavor country
I know, I have pushed my threshold today, not a bad thing though, since my shoulder is acting up again, oh the agony!:ugh:
I'm glad to have some time off to rest and vape. Still very pleased with the EVO, and I finally saw a solid green light on one of my batteries, so I can stop worrying about the charger not working right. That new charger I have on the way will work with these bats and the 18650's.

I also found a Sabortouch Mini in the ECF fourm on the classifieds, and had myself a middle of the night madness buying spree lastnight....oy... but that is a nice little unit. I asked the guy who builds them and he said the Mini can handle up to 25amps, so I wonder if that is adequate to try the Evo-LV on, using the passthrough that has multiple voltage, 3.3, 4.2, 5, 6v settings (switch controlled) that goes with the STmini. Here is a pic...it's rainbow and sparkly so I had to buy it :rofl:I'm turning into a vape junkie here...



cant wait to hear more about the Sabor and the PT. im curious to know how hot the tube and switch get.


in flavor country
I think you are misunderstanding something...I think that is just the max rating for the electronics inside, and "touch button" used, Since you can put a variable voltage passthrough on it, so it is really hard to fry it at higher voltage... have you looked at the website, there are some very informative videos on there... vapormoon.com
I looked up the Saber a while back... Looks sweet.... Joe, the switch is rated @ that, actually the new/big units are 30amp I think. Let us know how that is Jamb.
Edit: you beat me


in flavor country
I am in flavor country....it's a big country :mmmm:

My first impulse was to get it good and hot so I could produce visible vapor, but I noticed that with my battery starting to fade down a little, I am getting "softer" hits that taste better than anything I have tasted yet, aside from the Solo. Flavor wise, those two are neck and neck IMO... and I'll say it again, you don't have to see huge vapor clouds to feel it. I know I am still in the throws of getting to know this thing properly, but I am really loving the Evo right now.

**the O ring really helps keep the cap on, thanks for including that TV!


Pure Vaporist
I have to agree with you,,,jam. My hits are lighter than in your video. Taste is great!


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with you,,,jam. My hits are lighter than in your video. Taste is great!

With ya here, guys. IMO if you want to judge it, close your eyes. "Clouds" look pretty, but really don't accurately tell us much worth knowing when it comes to how effective it is. However, it can be useful as a (relative) gauge for how it's running (I often spot my Iolite fading this way, I have some experience of how the hits look under the typical conditions I see them).



Pure Vaporist
So I'm supposed to judge this vape with my eyes closed now? :clap: How about this?? Since I'm already blind in one eye,,,I'll just close the other. :lol:


in flavor country
I am really starting to get the hang of this. I let it run 10 or 12 seconds to get it warm enough to taste the vapor starting, and start to take 5-7 second med/slow pulls while switch is activated, then let go and keep drawing a few more seconds (trying to conserve battery) and have been getting some really tasty vapor. Once the initial heat up has been reached (doesn't need to be as blazing hot as I originally thought it needed to be) I can sip on it, turning it on for just a few seconds at a time. I am finding a gentle draw, and short bursts of heat at the beginning of the hit are working just fine, now that I am not going after big clouds. If you want to impress a friend though, on a fresh load/battery, you can heat it up enough to blow out some pretty impressive vapor clouds, but I don't really need to do that to be medicated properly.

I have also noticed that my load tends to pull up towards the top of the cap after a few pulls. When I load it, I gently pack it down, and after a few puffs I notice the vapor starts to diminish so, I pull the cap up and the herb is at the very top of the chamber. Had a couple of spills while removi I pack that back down, and continue to get much better vapor than when it was pulled up, away from the bottom/heat. I am getting pretty even ABV, maybe a few lighter or darker specks, but over all it's pretty evenly toasted.

Now that the learning curve is flattening out, I am starting to feel I enjoy this device as much as or more than I was enjoying my solo, well, with the current stem set up. ** I am in no way saying either is better, or that I am not going to use my solo, I am just waiting for a few stems to be released that are supposed to improve airflow for the solo. Until then, or until the "newness" wears off, the Evo has my full attention, as I am getting tired of the headaches I keep getting from having to pull so hard to get a good solo hit.

One of my batteries is DOA, I charged it all day yesterday, and it did not power the Evo at all, so I am getting a replacement sent from Lighthound where I ordered it, and they are even paying for the return shipping for the dead cell, they have a policy if you don't return the dead cell within 30days they will charge you for the replacement, but they offer a prepaid envelope sent with the replacement. Fair deal IMO. They were very fast to respond and ship a new one with no problem. Good company to get extra batts from.

What I was going after with a portable vape was relatively quick warm up time, and the ability to sip hits from it casually instead of having to cram it all into a limited time frame while the heater runs. So far I am finding the Evo is fitting this just fine, a few seconds to heat, and I am taking pulls as I need them, then setting it down again. I know it's easy to chain vape with a new device, while trying to get to know it, but in most practical circumstances, I only need a few quick toots, and I'm good for a while.

next up will be connecting the Evo to my water pipes... :science:


in flavor country
So I'm supposed to judge this vape with my eyes closed now? :clap: How about this?? Since I'm already blind in one eye,,,I'll just close the other. :lol:

I have one bad eye, very poor vision in that eye, but damn lucky to be able to use it at all (had eye surgery at age 6 to save it) But you can open your third eye all you want while vaping, you'll be amazed at the things you will see
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Well-Known Member
Hey jam, thanks for the review. I have yet to get substantial practice w/ my Evo.
Its good to hear that this device is a "as needed" instead of "get it while its hot" endeavor.
I will try some IMR cells as suggested by OF and hopefully will master the LV version.
By the way, I think jeppy was referencing his "southern" third eye......


in flavor country
Hey jam, thanks for the review. I have yet to get substantial practice w/ my Evo.
Its good to hear that this device is a "as needed" instead of "get it while its hot" endeavor.
I will try some IMR cells as suggested by OF and hopefully will master the LV version.
By the way, I think jeppy was referencing his "southern" third eye......

I know, just thought I'd steer the focus back ^UP^ HA! :p

Also want to add my appreciation for how well machined these are, the threads just glide together with ease taking the parts on and off. I have had a few mods that would easily cross thread and you had to be very careful changing batteries and what not... thanks for paying attention to that level of detail TV.

** just tried putting my pureflow filter on the cap, it doesn't really want to seat in properly, and just falls right out. Maybe a larger gasket might help?? The extended mouthpiece that came with the kit (thanks) fits in pretty good though.

Also have had a few times now where I pull the cap off, and my herb just dumps out all over, because it was pulled up inside the top of the cap 'overflowing' the chamber. I found gently tapping the bottom of the battery chamber on my desk top (like packing a cigarette) packs it back down enough to keep it from spilling out when I pull the cap off...
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