I am really starting to get the hang of this. I let it run 10 or 12 seconds to get it warm enough to taste the vapor starting, and start to take 5-7 second med/slow pulls while switch is activated, then let go and keep drawing a few more seconds (trying to conserve battery) and have been getting some really tasty vapor. Once the initial heat up has been reached (doesn't need to be as blazing hot as I originally thought it needed to be) I can sip on it, turning it on for just a few seconds at a time. I am finding a gentle draw, and short bursts of heat at the beginning of the hit are working just fine, now that I am not going after big clouds. If you want to impress a friend though, on a fresh load/battery, you can heat it up enough to blow out some pretty impressive vapor clouds, but I don't really need to do that to be medicated properly.
I have also noticed that my load tends to pull up towards the top of the cap after a few pulls. When I load it, I gently pack it down, and after a few puffs I notice the vapor starts to diminish so, I pull the cap up and the herb is at the very top of the chamber. Had a couple of spills while removi I pack that back down, and continue to get much better vapor than when it was pulled up, away from the bottom/heat. I am getting pretty even ABV, maybe a few lighter or darker specks, but over all it's pretty evenly toasted.
Now that the learning curve is flattening out, I am starting to feel I enjoy this device as much as or more than I was enjoying my solo, well, with the current stem set up. ** I am in no way saying either is better, or that I am not going to use my solo, I am just waiting for a few stems to be released that are supposed to improve airflow for the solo. Until then, or until the "newness" wears off, the Evo has my full attention, as I am getting tired of the headaches I keep getting from having to pull so hard to get a good solo hit.
One of my batteries is DOA, I charged it all day yesterday, and it did not power the Evo at all, so I am getting a replacement sent from Lighthound where I ordered it, and they are even paying for the return shipping for the dead cell, they have a policy if you don't return the dead cell within 30days they will charge you for the replacement, but they offer a prepaid envelope sent with the replacement. Fair deal IMO. They were very fast to respond and ship a new one with no problem. Good company to get extra batts from.
What I was going after with a portable vape was relatively quick warm up time, and the ability to sip hits from it casually instead of having to cram it all into a limited time frame while the heater runs. So far I am finding the Evo is fitting this just fine, a few seconds to heat, and I am taking pulls as I need them, then setting it down again. I know it's easy to chain vape with a new device, while trying to get to know it, but in most practical circumstances, I only need a few quick toots, and I'm good for a while.
next up will be connecting the Evo to my water pipes...