Discontinued ThermoVape Evolution


in flavor country
ah thanks. My kit made it to the Portland dispatch, so maybe tomorrow... or Fri, Eugene post office can be slow sometimes, hell, everything is slow in Eugene...hahaha
We agree with you. We will put up that we cannot make any promises about the direct performance on another manufacturers power supply. We never killed a Ego battery in our testing, so we were not aware that this would be a issue.

I think the culprit to why we did not see this occur is that "Ego Batteries" come from multiple e-cig manufacturers. We tested the original Joye Ego battery, and a few (of the many) knock offs. It is tough because the quality of the Ego battery is dependent on the manufacturers, with some being better then others.

Consider any device that runs a 14500 battery. These units perform reasonable well, more so if IMR chemistry is used for the 14500 cell and that is a comparably sized cell to a Ego in terms of capacity (although some newer Ego variant are much Higher mAh then a 14500 up to 2X). Some of the better e-cig Ego type batteries are using IMR chemistry wrapped cells in there batteries. Those work well. However because all of these Ego type batteries look similar, or are slightly tweaked and rebranded, it is very difficult to figure out what is quality, what is ok, and what is sub-optimal.

We will get working on advising people that we cannot guarantee the performance of the Evolution on all Ego style batteries.

We do our best to build cross-compatible cross platform vaporizers, we can do our best to control the quality of our products, and give data and option on the performance. The imported e-cig industry is tricky and a lot of factories of differing quality are making these products. It is tough to know how the entire spectrum of Ego style batteries will perform.

We appreciate your support, please feel free to contact us if there is anything we can do for you.



We will

Why dont you just state that you need a mod capable of 5.4(+/-) amps @ 3.7v(and other needed specs), which there is only a handful out there.. Your new warning on the website is kind of vague, really only covers your butt, and is not focussed on protecting your patients(clients) assets(ego/any mod that cant wack it) or worst case scenerio(i like those for safety) your clients wellfare. With that said, just give us full specs needed for proper and safe operation, let us figure out if our mod is up to it, might as well leave that vague warning up also.
Now onto "Ego" batts. I dont think anyone here believes they work, and yet to hear someone pop up and say anything about their ego working "ok" with it, which is your implied testimg results with your "real" ego"s. Im calling BS, aint no way these work with them, I know it, you know it, but some folks(alot of folks) may not, and you seem to not care about people ruining their ecig batteries...marketing??? Ive never heared of any ego, real or not, that is ment for .9 ohm atty's(EVO's) w/5.4amps switch. Here is a quote to think about "Low Resistance(less than 2.0 ohms) atomizers and cartomizers should not be used with eGo batteries."...and e-cig guys aren't trying to hold 20 watts for 2 minutes at a time.


Now, I dont want a replacment eGo, ill burn my other one for science(on video for ya), hell bet i could burn 10 in 20 minutes, but I just feel many other people, patients/vaporist would benifit from some more knowledge on the website (FC aint the only place where specs are benificial).
It would be interesting to know how your tests went with the ego, It seems like it was a glow test... if it glows it works??? Did you stress test them, say maybe a 2-3 min but press by tricking the auto shut-off?
Ego is just 1 of hundreds of batteries, there are so many variables in cheap batts out there, and most of them are cheap and are no where near sufficient to power 20w 5.4amp .9ohms safetly at the amount of time needed to vape a few pulls with warm up time.

Please dont take this as a attack, take it as a gut check, admit it, It does not "open a whole world of devices that can now be a high performance, American made, Medical Device grade, botanical vaporizer"ThermovapeTim, but only "works" on a select few.


Well-Known Member
Just to add to the fray, the LV Evo will not fire/work on a Roughstack w/
18350 1200mah. The LV Evo will not fire/work on a Bolt w/ 18650 1600 mah.
I did have success with the standard Evo on a mod that uses the original
CR123's. However, the case of the unit got so hot that I would not feel safe
to operate it on a regular basis. So, it appears that the original TV power sources
are the best bet for safe/dependable operation. I appreciate the effort by TV
to cater to our wishes. I will stick w/ the original T1 for herbs......


Just to add to the fray, the LV Evo will not fire/work on a Roughstack w/
18350 1200mah. The LV Evo will not fire/work on a Bolt w/ 18650 1600 mah.
I did have success with the standard Evo on a mod that uses the original
CR123's. However, the case of the unit got so hot that I would not feel safe
to operate it on a regular basis. So, it appears that the original TV power sources
are the best bet for safe/dependable operation. I appreciate the effort by TV
to cater to our wishes. I will stick w/ the original T1 for herbs......

what size rough stack are you running? the original smaller one? i ask because my roughstack maxi with AW 17670 pushes my LV Evo with great results. it gets hot yes, but that is the case with any device i would think.

for the record i did try to use a foil dummy cell in my roughstack maxi with one single 18350 and could not get it to fire. i assumed the dummy cell i made was the cause. here is a link to a site with cr123a dummy cells for two bucks ea.


im probably going to order one and try it in the same setup.

im surprised you cant get the bolt x 18650 to work... you sure the contacts are... contacting...?


Vaporist Extrordinair
I have a question for Thermovape about the video contest. The rules say no illicit or illegal drugs, which varies from state. Will my video be disqualified if I use the evil weed, or should I just use the term 'botanical'?


Just to add to the fray, the LV Evo will not fire/work on a Roughstack w/
18350 1200mah. The LV Evo will not fire/work on a Bolt w/ 18650 1600 mah.

Roughstack has a 3A switch. I'm not sure about the Bolt but they're made by smoktech and I wouldn't expect it to be over-engineered so it probably has a similar limit.

And those 1200 mAh 18350s are probably not high-drain batts. Their protection circuit may have been cutting you out.


in flavor country
Yay, my kit and my extra batteries have both made it to the Eugene P.O. :) should see them today! I'll come back after a quality session w/ the kit and let y'all know how it goes. Crossing my fingers and toes... :clap:
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in flavor country
I have a question for Thermovape about the video contest. The rules say no illicit or illegal drugs, which varies from state. Will my video be disqualified if I use the evil weed, or should I just use the term 'botanical'?

I am pretty sure that means don't show or say anything that is considered illegal. No one can tell what you have in your vaporizer, so just use words like botanical and don't show close ups of the material in question, and you should be good... I read on their FB page, that though it is legal in some states, since it is still federally illegal, they have to honor that level, and won't use vids if the line is crossed.
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Well-Known Member
Big thanks for the info, I figured the switch on both devices would limit the performance.
@2click, I am using the small Roughstack, and the Bolt was connected well, just won't push
enough electrons to get the job done.... Thanks for the replies....

Hey jammie, want to try an LV Evo, I don't have enough juice to run one. I know you have
some cells/cases that may do a better job......


Previously Known as 'ThermoCoreTim'
Why dont you just state that you need a mod capable of 5.4(+/-) amps @ 3.7v(and other needed specs), which there is only a handful out there.. Your new warning on the website is kind of vague, really only covers your butt, and is not focussed on protecting your patients(clients) assets(ego/any mod that cant wack it) or worst case scenerio(i like those for safety) your clients wellfare. With that said, just give us full specs needed for proper and safe operation, let us figure out if our mod is up to it, might as well leave that vague warning up also.
Now onto "Ego" batts. I dont think anyone here believes they work, and yet to hear someone pop up and say anything about their ego working "ok" with it, which is your implied testimg results with your "real" ego"s. Im calling BS, aint no way these work with them, I know it, you know it, but some folks(alot of folks) may not, and you seem to not care about people ruining their ecig batteries...marketing??? Ive never heared of any ego, real or not, that is ment for .9 ohm atty's(EVO's) w/5.4amps switch. Here is a quote to think about "Low Resistance(less than 2.0 ohms) atomizers and cartomizers should not be used with eGo batteries."...and e-cig guys aren't trying to hold 20 watts for 2 minutes at a time.


Now, I dont want a replacment eGo, ill burn my other one for science(on video for ya), hell bet i could burn 10 in 20 minutes, but I just feel many other people, patients/vaporist would benifit from some more knowledge on the website (FC aint the only place where specs are benificial).
It would be interesting to know how your tests went with the ego, It seems like it was a glow test... if it glows it works??? Did you stress test them, say maybe a 2-3 min but press by tricking the auto shut-off?
Ego is just 1 of hundreds of batteries, there are so many variables in cheap batts out there, and most of them are cheap and are no where near sufficient to power 20w 5.4amp .9ohms safetly at the amount of time needed to vape a few pulls with warm up time.

Please dont take this as a attack, take it as a gut check, admit it, It does not "open a whole world of devices that can now be a high performance, American made, Medical Device grade, botanical vaporizer"ThermovapeTim, but only "works" on a select few.

The Evolution-LV is a powerful 20Watt core, we don't promise that it works perfectly on ego batteries. we do promise that it will work perfectly on our 3.7V set-up though.

Its kind of like when people do big engine swaps in little tiny cars, while they may have an engine that runs perfectly they will have to make sure their fuel system is up for the challenge.

Just to add to the fray, the LV Evo will not fire/work on a Roughstack w/
18350 1200mah. The LV Evo will not fire/work on a Bolt w/ 18650 1600 mah.
I did have success with the standard Evo on a mod that uses the original
CR123's. However, the case of the unit got so hot that I would not feel safe
to operate it on a regular basis. So, it appears that the original TV power sources
are the best bet for safe/dependable operation. I appreciate the effort by TV
to cater to our wishes. I will stick w/ the original T1 for herbs......

We are always trying to make our devices work on other manufactures devices, but theres only so much we can do.

I just did a 2 min stress test on my 510 Ego battery and a 2 min test on a m601 ego battery. Both worked enough to get good vapor from even though the batteries were getting pretty hot, with enough cool-off time in between they were able to significantly drop in temperature.

The 510 ego is my own personal one ive had for a year or so, its been beat to hell and has a ton of charges on its record. Maybe mine just happened to be the golden egg of Ego batteries, but it still worked!




in flavor country
Hey jammie, want to try an LV Evo, I don't have enough juice to run one. I know you have
some cells/cases that may do a better job......

(if that was meant for me) I have one now, and one in the kit that should be here today, so I think I'm set for a while. Thanks!!


Well-Known Member
Hello Tim, thanks for the response. I realize that TV tries to make their gear able to
work from others' power sources. I was reporting my results just so others might
know what "not to buy". Personally, I look forward to the LV T1. I know the 6v Evo
rocks, just need more practice.....


in flavor country
I just did a 2 min stress test on my 510 Ego battery and a 2 min test on a m601 ego battery. Both worked enough to get good vapor from even though the batteries were getting pretty hot, with enough cool-off time in between they were able to significantly drop in temperature.

The 510 ego is my own personal one ive had for a year or so, its been beat to hell and has a ton of charges on its record. Maybe mine just happened to be the golden egg of Ego batteries, but it still worked!



2 mins isn't really much of a stress test. I ran mine for maybe 10 mins off and on, it got pretty hot before it would produce decent vapor. I did not realize at first that my battery was getting messed up, It worked fine for a couple of loads, up to the point when I went back to it the next day, and no workie... It took more than 2 mins to mess it up, but it was misleading because it was KIND OF working, so I kept on going with it which is what sealed it's doom I am sure. The pitfall is having to get it up to temp for good vapor production, which overheats the battery. (I would love to know where you found the M601 ego batt)


Well-Known Member
Hey jbp3, hit up sessnet, he posted a slick little stealth unit w/ a 601
cell and a Omi cart. Pretty trick!!!


in flavor country
OK!! Got the kit :) put the battery on to charge, light turned green after a minute or so, loaded a fresh med. ground bowl about 1/2 way full, Popped on the heat core (using my 510 extended adapter to give more of a heat buffer between the core and the body) Let it heat for about a count of 20 sec... and started a slow even draw, and VISIBLE VAPOR!! I kept the switch on, took another pull, and MORE VAPOR!! I did a 3rd pull and still hitting like a CHAMP! I would say easily equal to Bruno's video right out of the package. Now the true test is to see how performance holds out over more use. I am just so glad it is working as it should. I set it down to type this and just checked, it's cooled down considerably, but still a bit warm. Did another 10 sec. warm up and got 2 more big rips. I use the touch test, once the bottom of the heat core starts to feel too hot to touch, it's ready to hit. Works for me anyway. So there you go. The anticipation and build up end in happy results! I'm feeling my medication, so I'm going to go enjoy my day. See y'all in a bit.


so i just went through another bowl, but this time i removed the mouthpiece and ran it straight through the downstem on my straight tube. once heated properly it produce some very decent rips. then i noticed the tube/gong coupler ive been using with my Dart sitting there, and how it would make for a nice long "sherlocky" make shift mouthpiece. so i popped the TV mouthpiece back on, then the tube set up and began to rip it some more. the 14mm gong joint was a little large for my lips as a mouthpiece, but it still worked really well. i was not getting any hot vapor or "throat hit" with the extended piece. here is a pic.


im starting to think that if you pull faster when its up to temp that you get bigger clouds. pulling slow is good when warming, but after that i feel a faster draw is needed for maximum vapor production. i also think pulling to slowly was the cause for my slightly charred specs in my first 2 bowls. havent had any since.

btw i am sitting down right now... :rockon:


Great Scott!
im starting to think that if you pull faster when its up to temp that you get bigger clouds. pulling slow is good when warming, but after that i feel a faster draw is needed for maximum vapor production. i also think pulling to slowly was the cause for my slightly charred specs in my first 2 bowls. havent had any since.

btw i am sitting down right now... :rockon:

Thats how it seems to work with the T1 so it would make sense. It is convection after all.


War Criminal
2clicker-what brand is that in your pic? I like the look of that unit a lot.


2clicker-what brand is that in your pic? I like the look of that unit a lot.

Sorry I can't mind my own business but that looks like a Roughstack. Its switch is rated at 3A so you'll probably kill it with the Evo LV. New switch assemblies are only $15 and it's a solid piece of work for the price so if you feel like trying it, go ahead, but be mindful that the switch isn't suited for this purpose.


War Criminal
Sorry I can't mind my own business but that looks like a Roughstack. Its switch is rated at 3A so you'll probably kill it with the Evo LV. New switch assemblies are only $15 and it's a solid piece of work for the price so if you feel like trying it, go ahead, but be mindful that the switch isn't suited for this purpose.

gotcha. thanks.
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