Discontinued ThermoVape Evolution


Sorry I can't mind my own business but that looks like a Roughstack. Its switch is rated at 3A so you'll probably kill it with the Evo LV. New switch assemblies are only $15 and it's a solid piece of work for the price so if you feel like trying it, go ahead, but be mindful that the switch isn't suited for this purpose.

so far so good. doesnt seem to be holding it back any. it does get pretty hot though.

it is indeed a roughstack... or gentlemans detonator


Well-Known Member
Hello B., I believe 2clicker is rocking the Maxi Roughstack. As greenbean stated,
the switch is rated a little low. I was unable to fire the LV Evo w/ my Roughstack.
It is slightly smaller than the maxi, and uses a 18350 1200 mah
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in flavor country
Round 2... definitely works best on a fresh charge. I discovered that the charger it came with is very picky, the slightest movement can disconnect the charge, and green light. My first battery must have not really been fully charged because on my second load, vapor was poor, even though it was heating, then I changed the battery out and huge vapor hits again. That is a bit misleading, and might be what is happening for some who get a few good blasts then not such a good hit after a few, it does get really hot still, but just doesn't seem quite hot enough to get that cloud after the battery is drained a bit.

I'm going to let this second round ride a bit, then load a fresh one, and maybe do a short and quick video... Nothing fancy, just showing hits.


I just know from prior experience and frustration that making sure everything is designed to work at the current you plan to use is a good idea. The load on my units was an e-cig atomizer and not a TV product (...yet) but that's really irrelevant to the physics involved.

The fact that TV doesn't bullshit and uses a very standard interconnect is something they should be lauded for. If you don't understand the principles to figure out if your power source can properly handle the Evo, go with ThermoVape's products -- they've obviously taken care to make sure everything works properly and are making some of the highest quality and innovative products you can find in their markets.

If you want to mess with other power sources, keep in mind that the Evo draws more current than most e-cigs are designed to handle. If your equipment can't handle it, things will not work as-designed and may break or provide a less satisfactory experience.


War Criminal

Man, I thought the cloud wound quench my thirst for new toys for at least a little bit, but between thermovape and delta9 there's a lot I want to buy right now :)


Well-Known Member
Round 2... definitely works best on a fresh charge. I discovered that the charger it came with is very picky, the slightest movement can disconnect the charge, and green light. My first battery must have not really been fully charged because on my second load, vapor was poor, even though it was heating, then I changed the battery out and huge vapor hits again. That is a bit misleading, and might be what is happening for some who get a few good blasts then not such a good hit after a few, it does get really hot still, but just doesn't seem quite hot enough to get that cloud after the battery is drained a bit.

I'm going to let this second round ride a bit, then load a fresh one, and maybe do a short and quick video... Nothing fancy, just showing hits.

After multiple sessions I would say this is very accurate. I would be getting little to no vapor but the body would be really hot. Swapped out batteries and got better hits.


in flavor country
**Also noticed that the inside of the cap/sleeve gets caked up with loose herb pretty quick if you draw too hard, and that makes the air holes get a little clogged until you clean it off. I blow everything out between loads to be sure there isn't any crumbs down in the heat chamber, blowing through the threaded end, and now the inside of the cap, be sure it's cooled down :p


Well-Known Member
Just received my Evolution! Charging now... can't wait to try her out. Very impressed with the packaging/display and of course thankful for the nice gift from TV :)
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Pure Vaporist
Just received my Evolution! Charging now... can't wait to try her out. Very impressed with the packaging/display and of course thankful for the nice gift from TV :)
+ 1..'.Evo in the house'..Batt on the charger....Oh and O ring attatched. ;)

Dj Bass

Well-Known Member
Persei with AW 18650 3100Mah+ LV Evo IS boooomb. Don't have my O-ring but I rolled up an element paper and wrapped it tightly around the metal and its airtight now. The Thermo universal adapter really is a finicky sonuvabitch but once you know it is the issue you just watch the light and adjust it as needed (not often in my case, but still) Will post a better review when less medicated.
Dj Bass,
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in flavor country
question about the charger, is it usual for the lights to be red and blink green intermittently while charging? I have had my batteries on there for over an hour and it has been doing that the entire time.


Well-Known Member
I believe the lights will be green for a longer duration as the cell gets more charged.
Mine will eventually be green with an intermittent red flash every so often....


Well-Known Member
I'm back after 1 and 3/4 bowl and I must say... I'm already loving it! I'm quite satisfied with how evenly the load is toasted without ever having to stir. It does get a bit hot but it produces hits I find hard to believe are coming from a portable. I'm managing to get a nice amount of hits and I've only loaded around 50%-60% of the bowl. Yep! So far I'm loving my Evolution. It's just so easy to vape now. I do have one question, though, what kind of battery life are you 6v guys experiencing? I'm on my second load now with the same pair of batteries. How many loads can you get per pair? Should I be charging/re-charging more frequently or should I use each pair until they're spent?


Director of Vapor Research Labs™
Sold my TV kit to my friend, but he didn't like it. :uhoh: I told him I'd take it back, so I already ordered a Evolution to see how it works with my T1. I liked the original flower bowl, but this seems better somehow. Pretty much what B. said... I guess I am fully addicted to vapor toys!! I am also pretty excited to get hold of a Persei/8 one day too...It just seems inevitable! :rockon:


Staff member
I do have one question, though, what kind of battery life are you 6v guys experiencing? I'm on my second load now with the same pair of batteries. How many loads can you get per pair? Should I be charging/re-charging more frequently or should I use each pair until they're spent?

I have been meaning to test the battery life, but I can't help myself from swapping in new bats for each bowl. Force of habit, I guess. :shrug: I, too would like to know how many hits/bowls they are getting from a single set of batteries. (6v version here)
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Well-Known Member
I have been meaning to test the battery life, but I can't help myself from swapping in new bats for each bowl. Force of habit, I guess. :shrug: I, too would like to know how many hits/bowls they are getting from a single set of batteries. (6v version here)

I do the same thing (swap out batteries for a new bowl) because I noticed that a fresh pair of batteries gives me better performance. I think you could get 2 bowls out of 1 charge, but halfway through the second bowl I notice the vapor production diminishes compared to a fresh set from the beginning of a second bowl. When I did try the 2 bowls per charge, I would throw in a new set after it seemed the bowl was cashed and was able to get 2 more good hits.


Well-Known Member
Just got my o-ring today, and was pleased to see an extra included as well!
Works better than I expected, really finishes off the evolution nicely.:tup:

As for batteries it's actually better for the battery to keep it pretty full, if you run it all the way down you will notice slightly less life on the next charge. When I'm done with the session I take out the battery, let it cool down fully, then pop it on the charger. Now you can see the benefit of having a lv evo and two 3.7v batteries, instead of the 6v version where you need two sets of two batteries for no downtime...


Pure Vaporist
if you run it all the way down you will notice slightly less life on the next charge.
Confused. Are implying the 'initial use' or each time you run it all the way,,you get less life on the next charge??? If so,,how would you ever get 1000 charges? Edit: Ok, gotcha Joe. Keep it up as much as possible and avoid total discharge. Kinda like the wife. :lmao:INITIAL USE OF THE LV EVO: Hits were light. I only loaded little over half way,,,but I could tell initially, that hits will increase with self edumacation usage.


Well-Known Member
Confused. Are implying the 'initial use' or each time you run it all the way,,you get less life on the next charge??? If so,,how would you ever get 1000 charges?

You can get 1000 2000 or 10,000 charges very easily, it just means the battery won't last more than a few seconds by the end of it. The more you push the ions/chemicals back and forth the more it degrades the battery structure.

Some googling:
5 Tips for Extending Lithium Battery Life
4 Tips to Extend Your Lithium Battery Life

A very interesting one:

Similar to a mechanical device that wears out faster with heavy use, so also does the depth of discharge (DoD) determine the cycle count. The smaller the depth of discharge, the longer the battery will last. If at all possible, avoid frequent full discharges and charge more often between uses. If full discharges cannot be avoided, try utilizing a larger battery. Partial discharge on Li-ion is fine; there is no memory and the battery does not need periodic full discharge cycles other than to calibrate the fuel gauge on a smart battery.


in flavor country
so how long should it take for the 3.7v batteries to fully charge, seems like it's been over 3 hours and I still have red lights that blink green every second or so...


Well-Known Member
so how long should it take for the 3.7v batteries to fully charge, seems like it's been over 3 hours and I still have red lights that blink green every second or so...

They must be 18650's or some other large battery, but if it's blinking it means it's almost done. I take it off if it's blinking every two seconds or longer, it's just topping it off at that point. Wrong charger lol, the WF-188 just does the red light green blink until it's charged and gives green solid. I think...


I have been getting 2 fully vaped loads from 1 charge with the 17670. im interested in what the 18650 can do for the LV Evo.

so how long should it take for the 3.7v batteries to fully charge, seems like it's been over 3 hours and I still have red lights that blink green every second or so...

im in the same boat. on my WF-188 charger they take what seems longer than 4 hours. i have not remembered to keep track yet tho...


Well-Known Member
Hello B., I believe 2clicker is rocking the Maxi Roughstack. As greenbean stated,
the switch is rated a little low. I was unable to fire the LV Evo w/ my Roughstack.
It is slightly smaller than the maxi, and uses a 18350 1200 mah

I'd double check that battery. With that capacity it can't be an IMR which means it's not even close to rated for this current......

There's more to this than size, voltage and big capacity numbers. There's a reason THC doesn't use these instead of the more expensive, lower capacity IMRs they do.

I'd invest in a couple of the appropriate chemistry, they're plenty cheap but lower in capacity (typically 500 mAh or so).

After multiple sessions I would say this is very accurate. I would be getting little to no vapor but the body would be really hot. Swapped out batteries and got better hits.

I think this is a key point, easy to overlook, ignore or forget. We need to keep reminding each other to question charge status when the hits get thin. Low battery charge will still get very hot, just doesn't produce much vapor. Just like when you're running out of concentrate. Put more in instead of a fresh battery and it becomes a bigger problem.

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