Ok so far so good after another evening of testing the CEO out, I have been having a bit of trouble working this keyboard thinngy out but I think I'm on top of it now

Any way as far as second impressions I am very impressed, I got home from work and decided that in the name of science I should just dive right in so I grabbed Cera and took her to the back verandah. I used the battery I had used last night for about 15/20 minuets and she got up to temp in a decient time about 60 seconds (not sure about this I always forget to keep track), and gave off some nice vapour for about 10 minuets, at which point I was thinking about swapping out the battery because production was really starting to drop so smashed a new battery in and got back to the grindstone. After about another 5/10 minuets I was done so I put her down, at this point after 20 odd minuets of on time (cycling on off after a few/five minuets continuous) she was pretty warm the cap and part right around the heater the hottest, but still not hot enough to burn, you wouldn't want to put your lips on the bit where the cap joins the body but can still hold it in the palm of your hand (just, and don't blame me if yours gets hotter or you have sensitive hands and manage to hurt yourself) but somehow the mouth piece stays quite cool and actually seems to cool the vapour a little on the way through, although I may be imagining this bit.
When I picked cera back up a few hours later and fired her back up I started getting decent vapour in a minuet or two and headed along the same lines as before but not long after she warmed up I started thinking that it was getting a little thin, I knew the battery should be good for at least another 10/15 if not more, so decided to try adding more wax and boy it supprised me.
Last night I couldn't get the wax to soak in no matter how runny it was, (in the end I actually got my mini butane torch and blasted the top of the little puddle sitting on the ceramic plate just enough to liquify it and it finally went in).
Tonight it just heated up bubbled a few times and then dissapeared into the sponge. Now this is where the supprise comes in, after I loaded I just chucked the cap back on and pulled away willy nilly

Bad move, it nearly blew my socks off.
Flavour was amazing maybe not quite as full as a dab (the jury is still out so don't quote me on that) but very clean and smooth I took in way more than could from a dab without coughing my lungs out, before I even knew what was going on, I felt like I was breathing out vapour for ages. I put her down after that as I just couldn't go on. I just couldn't I say.
I do have a question though, as far as cool down what opinions do you guys have about the battery would you take the battery out when your done to let it cool down quicker or leave it in Cera to cool down slower closer to the same time it takes to warm up? It still is staying quite a bit cooler than everything around it.
Also I should be getting some buds tomorrow so can have a go with the LL cart and let you all know, if I'm capable.

Sorry for the long ass post but you guys deserve to know.