Thermal Accumulator by phattpiggie


Lee from Tabletop bong has a heating technique for the TA that seems easy to follow for consistent results. In summary, with a torch such as the big buddy, put the top third of the heater in the hottest part of the flame so it wraps around, heat till flame turns orange. Stop and turn the heater 180 degrees and again heat till orange and stop. Looks like this produces thick Vapor and dark evenly roasted ABV.

Yup, if you go back to proto-TA times, this is basically the original technique most of us used 👍🏽 and I still use it. I've tried using smaller lighters and not been able to get it to the same level of consistency as with a big flame.


Well-Known Member
Ordered my ta3 yesterday on vgoodiez. Finally had a few come in stock. Can't wait to try it on my tempest stem. So I'll need a dab torch over like a triple flame? What's been everybody's favorite ball type?
Yea you’ll want a bigger flame to cherry this cap a lot quicker. I’ve tried a zirc/sic mix, rubies, and put the boro it came with back in. Like how they perform with this one.


Well-Known Member
Yea you’ll want a bigger flame to cherry this cap a lot quicker. I’ve tried a zirc/sic mix, rubies, and put the boro it came with back in. Like how they perform with this one.
Thanks for the advice! I've noticed boro heats quicker and harder than the other balls in my tempest. I've seen you over on that forum. How's the tempest wooden sleave/ cu handle the heat of the TA. Also I'm assuming the reload magnet doesn't work on the TA?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice! I've noticed boro heats quicker and harder than the other balls in my tempest. I've seen you over on that forum. How's the tempest wooden sleave/ cu handle the heat of the TA. Also I'm assuming the reload magnet doesn't work on the TA?
Yea those get pretty warm cause this head gets hotter. It’s pretty big sitting on them too but definitely do-able. Think it’s the TA screw that’s magnetic so it does stick just a little bit on reload. It can be used to de & re-cap with a little finesse as long as you didn’t tighten cap too hard;)


Well-Known Member
Whats everybody's go to for a torch? Any amazon recommendations? With the tempest my go to is an eagle single flame torch that gets probably 2x as big as you'd need for a dyna. I know I'll need something more powerful. Is the big shot the best bet?


Well-Known Member
Whats everybody's go to for a torch? Any amazon recommendations? With the tempest my go to is an eagle single flame torch that gets probably 2x as big as you'd need for a dyna. I know I'll need something more powerful. Is the big shot the best bet?
Big Buddy's what I got, works well with a bunch of glass vapes, etc, is great for this. I usually use the Firefox with the TA, though, just to keep things a little quieter. Works fine, takes a few seconds longer.


Well-Known Member
I've had some disgusting luck with orders over the last few weeks.

After waiting a month for my Screwball parts to ship, they released the glass bowl I wanted before the order had left the country.

Same thing happened with VGoodiez - after waiting about 3 months for them to get in either the TA3 or TA4, I got sick of waiting and made an order last week. They'd posted more TA3s on the website within about 12 hours of my shipping notification :cry:

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Whats everybody's go to for a torch? Any amazon recommendations? With the tempest my go to is an eagle single flame torch that gets probably 2x as big as you'd need for a dyna. I know I'll need something more powerful. Is the big shot the best bet?

I've gotten this one on the recommendation of a member here and I am happy with it.


Very pocketable but small tank (I'd say 5 TA sesh on average).
Very strong flame. Cherry the TA in probably less than 30s.
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I've gotten this one on the recommendation of a member here and I am happy with it.


Very pocketable but small tank (I'd say 5 TA sesh on average).
Very strong flame. Cherry the TA in probably less than 30s.

Glad that torch is serving you well, I've only used it with a Dynavap with the vaphit collar, never tried it with my TA.


Well-Known Member
Been having fun learning the ta3. This $25 special blue smoke shop torch works pretty good. I havent tried with the wand yet, but it seems to fit in my tempest adapter at a good spot. With the tempest i set wand to 600f (with zrc) for a perfect hit everytime. It would be nice to figure out the timing for the TA3. Still need to work on the timing for 1he with the torch. Ive got that hit but repeating is the trick.


Well-Known Member
So far Ive had the Ta3 for 3 days. I feel like I'm having troubles with the heat up. I'm either not giving it enough heat and it doesn't produce much vapor, the I try and reheat and reheat but not go too hot and wind up just wasting it. Or I've combusted by going too hot on the first heat. I did change my boro balls to rubies purchased from vgoodiez, both 3mm. I counted 66 boro balls come out of the Ta3 and I got roughly 80 rubies into it. I'm just looking for some advice on how to get a solid heat going with this. I have several torches. I just got a blazer big shot last night, I also have the micro-torch from harbor freight, a zoocura knock off of the big shot with 2 flames, a few others, as well as a sjk induction heater.


Well-Known Member
So far Ive had the Ta3 for 3 days. I feel like I'm having troubles with the heat up. I'm either not giving it enough heat and it doesn't produce much vapor, the I try and reheat and reheat but not go too hot and wind up just wasting it. Or I've combusted by going too hot on the first heat. I did change my boro balls to rubies purchased from vgoodiez, both 3mm. I counted 66 boro balls come out of the Ta3 and I got roughly 80 rubies into it. I'm just looking for some advice on how to get a solid heat going with this. I have several torches. I just got a blazer big shot last night, I also have the micro-torch from harbor freight, a zoocura knock off of the big shot with 2 flames, a few others, as well as a sjk induction heater.
Ok, so it's partly temperature and partly draw intensity. With a Big Buddy, sorta comparable to yours, I make a strong flame and slowly pull the TA's heater into it while I slowly spin it. I avoid the bowl but I let the body of the heater take heat until the flame is orange (and you've moved in enough to touch the bright inner flame) and then I move up to the top, blasting it until it's cherried. Let that cool until the color is gone and then do a couple test cigar pulls to see where you're at. 3 or 4 tokes and you should have a sense of whether it's hot, in which case you'd continue cigar tokes, mtl, until it cools enough for longer hits. If it's not producing after 4 cigar pulls, it may need a BRIEF blast of maybe 3-5 seconds. When the vapor trails off have a look and if it seems ok have another go, but much gentler, maybe just across the top until you see color. It will be easier to combust as the herbs are drier.


Well-Known Member
Alrighty I'll be give her a go. So it seems to me you're kinda going more off of color of flame, and color of the glowing top. which I have seen lee's video about heating the Ta and the flame turning orange, I think maybe it wasn't far enough into the flame for me, cause I had kinda a hard time telling when it went orange. While in Lee's video it was a clear as day. When I did it I didn't have much flame spilling over the Ta you could say, which is where the orange color seemed to be. The Ta was more towards the end of the flame then it was towards the middle. I read over over in ENT exchange that one guys heating method with the big shot was a 25 sec heat up with 10 sec reheats. I haven't tried that yet cause I combusted yesterday and didn't get around to cleaning the Ta3 and my Terphammer until today. I also received the Angus enhanced this week. Which I'm pretty impressed with.


Well-Known Member
Alrighty I'll be give her a go. So it seems to me you're kinda going more off of color of flame, and color of the glowing top. which I have seen lee's video about heating the Ta and the flame turning orange, I think maybe it wasn't far enough into the flame for me, cause I had kinda a hard time telling when it went orange. While in Lee's video it was a clear as day. When I did it I didn't have much flame spilling over the Ta you could say, which is where the orange color seemed to be. The Ta was more towards the end of the flame then it was towards the middle. I read over over in ENT exchange that one guys heating method with the big shot was a 25 sec heat up with 10 sec reheats. I haven't tried that yet cause I combusted yesterday and didn't get around to cleaning the Ta3 and my Terphammer until today. I also received the Angus enhanced this week. Which I'm pretty impressed with.
Yeah, that sounds about right, the timing. And you want to be touching the inner flame. You'll see how quickly it starts glowing.


Well-Known Member
I have another question what size bowl are you guys using. When I first got the Ta3 the screen wasn't pressed all the way down to the bottom of the bowl with the little screw down there and I was a little disappointed about the size of the bowl. I then combusted and had to give her a through cleaning, while this is where I noticed the screen was down completely and that there is a metal spring at the bottom and I've since pushed the bowl all the way down. Now I'm like holy cow this bowl is huge. So I was curious on what size bowl you guys had yours set to


Well-Known Member
hey I’m new to the community I was wondering if vgoodiez was the only way to get a ta3/ta4 in the states? Is there a place I can check for differences in devices? Also how often do they restock?
Not sure about other places in the US, but my understanding is that sometime this month we should see a restock of TA3 and TA4 on vgoodiez!

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I have another question what size bowl are you guys using. When I first got the Ta3 the screen wasn't pressed all the way down to the bottom of the bowl with the little screw down there and I was a little disappointed about the size of the bowl. I then combusted and had to give her a through cleaning, while this is where I noticed the screen was down completely and that there is a metal spring at the bottom and I've since pushed the bowl all the way down. Now I'm like holy cow this bowl is huge. So I was curious on what size bowl you guys had yours set to
Most of the time I let the screen in the lowest position. If I want a smaller load I just put less in it.


Alrighty I'll be give her a go. So it seems to me you're kinda going more off of color of flame, and color of the glowing top. which I have seen lee's video about heating the Ta and the flame turning orange, I think maybe it wasn't far enough into the flame for me, cause I had kinda a hard time telling when it went orange. While in Lee's video it was a clear as day. When I did it I didn't have much flame spilling over the Ta you could say, which is where the orange color seemed to be. The Ta was more towards the end of the flame then it was towards the middle. I read over over in ENT exchange that one guys heating method with the big shot was a 25 sec heat up with 10 sec reheats. I haven't tried that yet cause I combusted yesterday and didn't get around to cleaning the Ta3 and my Terphammer until today. I also received the Angus enhanced this week. Which I'm pretty impressed with.

I'm not sure if anyone else has changed their TA to having rubies, so the heat up advice I'm going to guess will be a bit different than the default setup.
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