Well-Known Member
@Vapodudule i cant take credit for the solo tube mod @GTAVaper has been the real engineer of the apollo so far. @virtualpurple has a real sweet set up too.
All the possibilities and the ways it can be used is really really fun. Keeps the toy fresh and interesting. I also really like how easy it is to adapt this peice, seems like every user has new ideas they are bringing to the table. I sit at work dreaming of how im going to adapt the apollo next.
The vap cap is modular and i got mine last night pretty cool so far. But the apollo is the real mod peice so many options and set ups already, and not even been out that long. I have seen vapes out for 3 or 10 years that dont have this many options and mod.
Once @villekille2 catches up with orders it will be interesting to see what comes out from his end as far as accessories/mods, im sure the community here has given him some ideas.
Thanks for the shout out @Milkytime and it was an interesting choice of words that you used. Either ironic, or you caught a glimpse of my left hand in the video I posted
However, I can't take the credit because I only thought of the Solo stem mod because I had seen a reference to an eNano stem mod either earlier in the thread (perhaps @Nssl?) or maybe elsewhere on the internet by another early pre-order....can't remember for sure......and then thought that since I didn't have an eNano that perhaps an Underdog or Solo glassware might work.
The UD glassware was too narrow but the Solo bowl at the end (with a little silicone around it) worked perfectly. I am also going to try some teflon tape around the UD and maybe even Solo glassware this weekend and see how that works.
But it was Pictures of Pot's Instagram video that first made it clear to me that the Apollo fits perfectly onto the end of an 18mm male joint......and then I remembered that I had an 18mm nectar collector stored away - which works perfectly with the cap as a very well functioning carb.
But I guess that perhaps I've been one of the most verbose and long-winded FC'ers in posting about the Apollo though ......which may not always be a good thing for the "tl;dr" crowd
I think that a few different custom borosilicate glass tubes for the Apollo are a must ......especially for direct draw since the vapor is so hot.
I say borosilicate, because apparently except for the straight tubes manufactured through an industrial process and cut to measure. Working with quartz requires a special torch as well as precautions taken to avoid the toxic off-gassing and can be quite expensive. At least that is what Robert from PlanetVape told me when speaking to him on the phone recently.
Apparently constructing a glass joint would cost far more than the quartz tubing itself - which I found online for $55 USD/4' section - although I'm not sure how hard it would be to cut this tubing down to size and polish the ends.
But borosilicate tubing also doesn't come in that sizing apparently and some additional work is required to construct tubing of the proper Apollo sized tubing. I am thinking that a coil within a borosilicate tube that is either placed in vacuum or surrounded by glycerin (such as a SSV vapor tamer) that can be placed in the freezer prior to using the Apollo might be a nice option.
Also, a tube with an integrated bowl at the end (Solo sized) and with the associated slightly reduced diameter (but still a bit larger) could sleeve perfectly into the lower part of the herb chamber and then include a high temp o-ring just before the tube widens out to the current Apollo tube size to help make this an airtight seal would work very nicely. An 18mm male joint at the end would then provide a gong connection to a water tool.....or even a vapor whip - or alternatively an 18mm female end could be made available for someone with an 18mm oil rig or for use with an Extreme Q whip.
This is the amazing thing about FC......there are a lot of creative people and manufacturers who are members of FC that can share information and help each other with optimizing each others vaping experience.
This is the FC community performing at it's best and I believe the spirit in which this forum was originally a source of information and a resource intended to promote cooperation and positive vibes towards helping one another achieve their ideal vaping experience .....whatever that might be.
The Apollo as it was released was the incredible brainchild of one very creative man from Finland......but the ideas that have come about through the discussions on FC have made an awesome vape even better with the mods that have been created......which I'm sure has provided Ville and perhaps some aftermarket accessory manufacturers such as PlanetVape with some ideas.
I can't say that I actually know Robert since I've only spoken to him on the phone .....but he seems to be a pretty nice guy and happy to chat whenever I've called. The last time I spoke to him I encouraged him to reach out to Ville and connect with him and see whether or not they might arrive at some mutually beneficial arrangement in producing Apollo accessories.
Whether or not that happens is another story since I am sure that North American glass work is probably going to be just as pricey as Finnish glass work. Then in the end - whatever is created, whether it be in Finland or North America......if the Apollo becomes popular enough, then the Chinese glassblowers will clone it all anyways.....and people will buy it.
I'm not pointing fingers, just stating a fact - I have a DHMobius stereo matrix clone myself and am considering the matrix pillar Sovereignty clone too since I can't afford a $1400 bong that I can get for $70 USD from a DHGate store.....even if it isn't as perfect in function as an original
But I really do hope that the Apollo becomes very popular because it is an awesome vape and its success can only mean more good things coming out of Ville's shop in the future as well as more retail Apollo accessories being available to purchase .....instead of having each Apollo owner having to construct their own mods.
I also wish hard work, creativity and innovation to be rewarded and for that reason I also hope that Ville does very well with his business in the future.
I am really looking forward to the Helios!
Please, please give me my RGBW LED bluetooth remote control vapor disco lights Ville .....and if I'm making crazy wishes - perhaps a bluetooth enabled thermocouple at the vapor stream so that I can have a read out of what the real time vapor temperature is on my smartphone or tablet - as I am boosting - so that I don't over-boost and combust my loads
Yes, I can dream .....but it is always far too easy to suggest .....rather than create and manufacture .....and only Ville would know what would make the most sense or what is even feasible from the production perspective to include in the feature set of the vaporizers he creates.
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