The Toad from Morwood


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How battery hungry is the Toad? With my Firewoods I tend to use ~1 fully charged molicel to fully finish a bowl (~10-20 heatups) since I don’t have the lungs for particularly large rips. Is the Toad roughly the same? I saw some previous posts mentioning 3-4 bowls per battery, but not sure how that translates to heating cycles. Trying to figure out if my usual pair of spare batteries + 1 in the device will be sufficient or if I’ll need to get another pair for weekend trips

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
How battery hungry is the Toad? With my Firewoods I tend to use ~1 fully charged molicel to fully finish a bowl (~10-20 heatups) since I don’t have the lungs for particularly large rips. Is the Toad roughly the same? I saw some previous posts mentioning 3-4 bowls per battery, but not sure how that translates to heating cycles. Trying to figure out if my usual pair of spare batteries + 1 in the device will be sufficient or if I’ll need to get another pair for weekend trips

I think you might expect to see Toad battery life that is better, but it really depends on your usage and other variables with the setup... Since you cannot recharge within the device, another spare pair could be good really if you don't have a charger with you?


No thoughts, head empty
I think you might expect to see Toad battery life that is better, but it really depends on your usage and other variables with the setup... Since you cannot recharge within the device, another spare pair could be good really if you don't have a charger with you?
Makes sense, was mostly wondering if the battery life is about the same as the Firewoods, or a little less since I’d imagine the Toad should have more active heating time? Guess I won’t really know until it’s in my hand and I have my technique down though 😅


Well-Known Member
How battery hungry is the Toad? With my Firewoods I tend to use ~1 fully charged molicel to fully finish a bowl (~10-20 heatups) since I don’t have the lungs for particularly large rips. Is the Toad roughly the same? I saw some previous posts mentioning 3-4 bowls per battery, but not sure how that translates to heating cycles. Trying to figure out if my usual pair of spare batteries + 1 in the device will be sufficient or if I’ll need to get another pair for weekend trips
I have 2 Molicels batteries, and while I use one, the other one is charging. I agree with the 3-4 bowls with one batterie. And I usually need 3 to 5 heatups to finish one bowl, if that can help with the maths. So I would say the number of batteries needed depends on how many bowls you usually go trough, and if you can charge your batteries as you want. For me 2 is ok, but I would say I am a light user :rolleyes:

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Makes sense, was mostly wondering if the battery life is about the same as the Firewoods, or a little less since I’d imagine the Toad should have more active heating time? Guess I won’t really know until it’s in my hand and I have my technique down though 😅

Yeah the estimate is accurate give or take, it depends on your use, but with the pure convection on demand, and the small bowls, depending on the heater and your button usage, it should be faster so you are using the button less ultimately, using less power... Even though it's unregulated so you might need to hold the button longer as the battery gets weaker, but yeah that's basically it


No thoughts, head empty
I have 2 Molicels batteries, and while I use one, the other one is charging. I agree with the 3-4 bowls with one batterie. And I usually need 3 to 5 heatups to finish one bowl, if that can help with the maths. So I would say the number of batteries needed depends on how many bowls you usually go trough, and if you can charge your batteries as you want. For me 2 is ok, but I would say I am a light user :rolleyes:
Ah perfect, that does help the maths! I’m definitely a lightweight at 1-2 bowls (0.1-0.3g total) per session depending on if my wife wants any. Probably can get away with just a pair for the toad + my firewood spares then if I am away from a charger for a while!


Well-Known Member
Question guys... are there like any kind of email updates or anything when you're on the waitlist? About 3 years ago I got an email asking whether I wanted to add to the Toad list and stay on or leave the Nomad list. I replied that I'd like to be on both lists and I've gotten another email or anything. Just wondering... I'm happy to wait as long as I got to, to get one of these I just want to make sure I'm actually waiting in line lol
  • Haha
Reactions: Oden


No thoughts, head empty
Question guys... are there like any kind of email updates or anything when you're on the waitlist? About 3 years ago I got an email asking whether I wanted to add to the Toad list and stay on or leave the Nomad list. I replied that I'd like to be on both lists and I've gotten another email or anything. Just wondering... I'm happy to wait as long as I got to, to get one of these I just want to make sure I'm actually waiting in line lol
For the toad list you’ll generally get notifications every few months about a raffle (most recent was in June iirc). Also got an email when I joined the waitlist a year ago, he might’ve just missed you?


Trenchtown Rock
Question guys... are there like any kind of email updates or anything when you're on the waitlist? About 3 years ago I got an email asking whether I wanted to add to the Toad list and stay on or leave the Nomad list. I replied that I'd like to be on both lists and I've gotten another email or anything. Just wondering... I'm happy to wait as long as I got to, to get one of these I just want to make sure I'm actually waiting in line lol
For reference, I added my name to the Toad list when I received the announcement email on 10-21-21. Dan acknowledged adding me that same day. My next email from Dan specifically about the Toad batch my name came up for was on 4-10-24 when he let me know I would be offered a selection in batch 12. Hopefully my timeline gives you a solid reference point for you to compare.


Well-Known Member
For reference, I added my name to the Toad list when I received the announcement email on 10-21-21. Dan acknowledged adding me that same day. My next email from Dan specifically about the Toad batch my name came up for was on 4-10-24 when he let me know I would be offered a selection in batch 12. Hopefully my timeline gives you a solid reference point for you to compare.
So yeah sounds like he missed me... I'll send him an email about it later. Luckily I accidentally archived the email so I still have it.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)


Have not even gotten to try it yet, also need to take better photos, you could see it better in my previous post with the photos from GVB... Had to share these for now though!
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Well-Known Member


Have not even gotten to try it yet, also need to take better photos, you could see it better in my previous post with the photos from GVB... Had to share these for now though!
You're toad is really cool! What's the button?

Really curious to hear what you think of the WPAs with the Toad. May need to start stocking up on glass with my Toad arriving imminently :D

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
You're toad is really cool! What's the button?

That is orange lichen! It is a basic cherry(?) pear(?) toad, but the slate blue sleeve color has a bit of splatter for extra effect, so just slightly more expensive than the base price

Really curious to hear what you think of the WPAs with the Toad. May need to start stocking up on glass with my Toad arriving imminently :D

Whoops accidentally attached the wrong photos before! Just updated above, those WPA are not for the toad actually, one is loose fitting for Tinymight, and the other is loose fitting for Solo3 (ironically loose fitting for the S3 is actually toad size, however I foolishly did not think to request that WPA stem be made longer so it could fit in and be used with the toad too) having all one piece should be better than having WPA with separate hook, even though I have a wide variety of different glass attachments, but I don't think I would ever want to use toad through water personally? Unregulated

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
For sure, that's why I was curious about it. Wasn't sure how an unregulated would go in a WPA, but I'd guess combusty

I've done it before, it is a game of timing and other variables, but you also have to visual see filling and know to stop heating in advance accordingly, Milaana (and ZM) not unlike trying to use Lily Brick type torch vape honestly, but yeah just tricky and not as rewarding... Easier to sense the vapor with direct mouthfeel, at least better with hook I think, plus usually more enjoyable flavor and smooth temp step experience with these style unregulated, we'll see how u-turn is!


Well-Known Member
Yay Toad #159 has officially landed! I still have a chunk of work left today but deciding whether or not to knock off early and test it out. Will hopefully get some glamour shots this weekend
Mine arrived yesterday! Been messing around with it since, still trying to get cloudier hits, but probably just need to preheat a bit longer


No thoughts, head empty
First impressions:
Wow. I haven’t used a manual device since my MFLB so I wasn’t quite sure what I was in for, but everything from the tempo of the draw to the texture of the glass stem was instantly familiar and conjured vivid memories of wandering through the woods with my MFLB back in college. I went with a high heater and 2 glass stems (1 with beads and 1 without) but the nostalgic part of me is regretting that I didn’t grab a wooden stem to complete my old kit.

Does anyone know of a woodworker who might make a toad stem with a flat end like the old MFLB dart stems?

First session was with the plain glass tube, but before loading I spent several minutes just turning it over in my hand and admiring. Felt very soft and smooth like my Firewood 7, but with a much finer wood grain to the edges (think the wood in this one is cherry?). The vapour was very nice but a little unsatisfying, though about 2/3 of the way through I realised the screen was set too high. Slightly adjusting ~2mm towards the heater end fixed that, and got a nice roast before the flavour was too far gone for the last few hits.

Performance overall felt a little sluggish with the heater getting overpowered about 5 seconds into my draw every draw, but my batteries are about 18 months old so betting it’ll be a better once my new cells arrive next week. Breath control probably is also a factor since I felt no restriction whatsoever and was definitely hitting it like I’m used to with my Firewoods.

Tonight’s session is going to be with the second glass stem filled with beads and properly adjusted from go, should be a nice evening in the woods!


Well-Known Member
Mine arrived yesterday! Been messing around with it since, still trying to get cloudier hits, but probably just need to preheat a bit longer
I think Dan recommended this at some point (using the low heater) : 7s preheat then 10s inhale for the first draw.
And then, you can do 6s preheat then 10s inhale. Repeat until you see no more vapor. :lol:
This has worked great for me.


No thoughts, head empty
I think Dan recommended this at some point (using the low heater) : 7s preheat then 10s inhale for the first draw.
And then, you can do 6s preheat then 10s inhale. Repeat until you see no more vapor. :lol:
This has worked great for me.
Should be 6-7s preheat for low heater, 3s for high. I’ve been doing 3-6-6 (preheat-hold button-release button) with my high heater (gonna try 4-5-5 tonight), vs 6-6-6 with the low heat recommendation. Adding the link I received, the count timings start in image 2 and are the only captions for images 3+

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