The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie


Hit It & Quit It
Could anyone who used the device with hash explain how?
Used it with vaping cotton? Sandwich method? Hemp fibre? Or just throw the stuff in the oven?
All methods you mentioned work.
I'd only sandwich rosin, so it doesn't spill while heating...and harder hash on top of herb bowl so it's closest to the heat source.


So after the last week of really put in some time with this thing my favorite setup i think has been SiC balls, Skull Kandy Carbon Fiber Insert, 530f on the wand, and i have the insert sticking out the bottom a lil bit with the wand being propped up by the stand.

I've found the biggest factor really in me getting the ideal extraction is the position of the adapter in the wand, i have it sticking out quite a bit more than the manual photo, and in my current setup the second click will happen almost in unison with the wand reading "time out" which is perfect, i do find myself sometimes having to watch my inhale speed though cause it will combust if you start off too aggressive.

But personally i like to ride that line and extract to the fullest! cheers! What are some of your favorite setups you've discovered?


Well-Known Member
Just received the Tempest! Can i use it straight out of the box?
Give it a quick clean (don't be surprised if the swabs come away pretty clean), and then you're good to go. Reading the manual is a really good idea though.
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Vapor Mainline

Vapor (Ent)husiast
So after the last week of really put in some time with this thing my favorite setup i think has been SiC balls, Skull Kandy Carbon Fiber Insert, 530f on the wand, and i have the insert sticking out the bottom a lil bit with the wand being propped up by the stand.

I've found the biggest factor really in me getting the ideal extraction is the position of the adapter in the wand, i have it sticking out quite a bit more than the manual photo, and in my current setup the second click will happen almost in unison with the wand reading "time out" which is perfect, i do find myself sometimes having to watch my inhale speed though cause it will combust if you start off too aggressive.

But personally i like to ride that line and extract to the fullest! cheers! What are some of your favorite setups you've discovered?
this sounds like exactly the way I like it too! Are you using the direct flow or helix air tube?
Vapor Mainline,


Well-Known Member
have it sticking out quite a bit more than the manual photo
Remember if it's too low you end up heating the bowl and not the balls. Cool that it works for you though. I've tried setting it quite low but didn't like it much.
Is it actually in stock? I was about to order one, but I saw that the button says "Pre-order" not "Purchase".
Assuming it's still pre-order as it's not immediate dispatch while devices are still being packed and shipped.


Remember if it's too low you end up heating the bowl and not the balls. Cool that it works for you though. I've tried setting it quite low but didn't like it much.

Assuming it's still pre-order as it's not immediate dispatch while devices are still being packed and shipped.
yeah in the photos on the manual im like right at the top of the two lines, so I should still be alright, i am indeed happy with the results either way :)


Well-Known Member
This is anodized titanium so the colors are a oxide layer of the titanium itself.
its not done like a aluminum anodisation, waay different processes, just same name.
And to clear up any further confusion, same name cos same principles involved.


Well-Known Member
Pretty stunned by the universal positive reviews for something that is fiddly, and has too many parts that can potential fail.

Last week I received a head that only clicked once, when I took it apart the spring was mangled.

I've received replacement parts really quickly, including a fully assembled spring/disc section, which I was super grateful for... until I've used it twice today, and the bowl appears to have seized to the oven while I put the head on the wooden stem (which was too small). I've heated it, I've cooled it, I've put it in water. Nothing will unthread it.

Starting to get pretty disillusioned to be honest, I've had a total of 3 proper bowls out of it, and have had 2 major failures that prevent me being able to use it.


Well-Known Member
Pretty stunned by the universal positive reviews for something that is fiddly, and has too many parts that can potential fail.

Last week I received a head that only clicked once, when I took it apart the spring was mangled.

I've received replacement parts really quickly, including a fully assembled spring/disc section, which I was super grateful for... until I've used it twice today, and the bowl appears to have seized to the oven while I put the head on the wooden stem (which was too small). I've heated it, I've cooled it, I've put it in water. Nothing will unthread it.

Starting to get pretty disillusioned to be honest, I've had a total of 3 proper bowls out of it, and have had 2 major failures that prevent me being able to use it.
Potentially tightened the head too much? Not ideal. Should open eventually though right? It is just a screw on thread with no locking clips.. I’m wondering how hard you screwed it on.

Nice you got your replacement parts so quick, I did 2x burn offs after cleaning a few weeks back and ‘over-compressed’ the spring, ordered a new one and tweezers and still waiting on shipping. Not overly in a rush though, as although I’m eager to have a working VI again, actually vaping the tempest has, in my experience, been extremely pleasant and a notch above my other vapes. I believe it has for others too, hence the universal positive praise.


Well-Known Member
Pretty stunned by the universal positive reviews for something that is fiddly, and has too many parts that can potential fail.

Last week I received a head that only clicked once, when I took it apart the spring was mangled.

I've received replacement parts really quickly, including a fully assembled spring/disc section, which I was super grateful for... until I've used it twice today, and the bowl appears to have seized to the oven while I put the head on the wooden stem (which was too small). I've heated it, I've cooled it, I've put it in water. Nothing will unthread it.

Starting to get pretty disillusioned to be honest, I've had a total of 3 proper bowls out of it, and have had 2 major failures that prevent me being able to use it.
Dang! Maybe you cross threaded the head to the bowl?
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Pretty stunned by the universal positive reviews for something that is fiddly, and has too many parts that can potential fail.

Last week I received a head that only clicked once, when I took it apart the spring was mangled.

I've received replacement parts really quickly, including a fully assembled spring/disc section, which I was super grateful for... until I've used it twice today, and the bowl appears to have seized to the oven while I put the head on the wooden stem (which was too small). I've heated it, I've cooled it, I've put it in water. Nothing will unthread it.

Starting to get pretty disillusioned to be honest, I've had a total of 3 proper bowls out of it, and have had 2 major failures that prevent me being able to use it.
I think it's probably because most of the issues people are having have been related to the VI and click disks, and although it's good to have these working properly it doesn't technically affect the performance of the device.

For me personally, even though I've had the VI issues, the performance on offer here blows everything else I've tried thoroughly out of the water.
Additionally, the community here is very helpful, and the customer support on offer is top notch, so I'm confident that if I have any more issues they'll be able to be resolved


Well-Known Member
Pretty stunned by the universal positive reviews for something that is fiddly, and has too many parts that can potential fail.

Last week I received a head that only clicked once, when I took it apart the spring was mangled.

I've received replacement parts really quickly, including a fully assembled spring/disc section, which I was super grateful for... until I've used it twice today, and the bowl appears to have seized to the oven while I put the head on the wooden stem (which was too small). I've heated it, I've cooled it, I've put it in water. Nothing will unthread it.

Starting to get pretty disillusioned to be honest, I've had a total of 3 proper bowls out of it, and have had 2 major failures that prevent me being able to use it.

Too many parts to fail🤔
Click discs and vi?
Many have click discs...So only the vi extra..
Another way of looking at it is that Brenyo made these easily user replaceable...

Only ever looked at my spring when I received my beta upgrade parts. Worked fine throughout beta,upgraded with the discs ,works sound now. I have no reason to look at it again...

From what I've seen MH's QC is top notch. Unlucky you received a mangled spring.
Mine only clicks once in the wand , twice with torch. Lucky you took it apart to check why it was not clicking I guess.
My Anvil only clicked once initially, till I'd used it a few times...
Would have done the same with the Tempest...

🤷‍♂️ Thought it was common practice to slightly loosen after attaching the bowl to the oven. To not over tighten. Tbf if you overtightened an Anvil the same would have happend.
Have you tried using the underside of the reload?


Well-Known Member
Thats actually the reason I still love my Tempest, after bending the spring I just pushed it back in, now I have a broken VI and one-clicking-disc but it's still my main driver since I'm using the wand with the timeout.
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Hit It & Quit It
Finally got to order upgrade beta kit and some extras! Sooooo excited :D

Cant really decide what IH to grab and on the other side I do like torching and using VI and clicks of Tempest.

So thinking of adding TA4 and Flare, as an IH setup...while having Tempest as a torch one.


Vapor Dreams
Hello gentlemen!

I have a Tempest about 2 weeks now. I extensively tried @kokolokokolokon beta unit last year too.

Seeing the inconveniences some of you have i wanted to share my grain of salt and my experience with this unit so far:

As I had already tried an used Tempest before, the first things that i noticed when i received mine brand new was that the flavour was way off and clics took ages to cool down enough to click again. The bowl screw was too tight and it would have cost me a lot of effort to unscrew if i hadn´t bought a reload too.

Luckily, after about half a dozen heat cycles the flavour came back and after some more the second click started working perfectly.

It took about one week of daily usage for the bowl to become looser and it is now almost perfect. Anvil´s threading is so much better but i like that the Tempest unscrews in a single hand movement.

Right now the first clic works well once the unit is cold but it still takes north of 5 minutes to make the cooldown click so i dont use it when doing bowls back to back.

The visual indicator works wonderfully with flame, when reheating it is absolutely reliable but it is not the case if using the wand.

In my point of view there is no reason to ever open the cap and fiddle with the spring or discs unless mechanical failure which is extremely unlikely to happen in the long term if the unit is properly heated. No need to disassemble for cleaning because it can be cleaned as a whole so my suggestion is not to touch there and be patient the Tempest needs a break-in period and after it will work as intended


Well-Known Member
I too think that the threads are too fiddly. Said so nine months ago 🤷‍♂️ the device is still amazing though. Flavor and vapor production is as good as my desktop ball vapes.
Only real issue im having is the smell. This thing is very smelly. So much so, that my gf does not want me to use it when she is in the room. So i can only use my desktop ball vapes when not alone. They do not smell at all. I think its the rest of the load still cooking in the hot cap that causes this. It might be preventable by emptying it right after finishing the bowl? I never tried as i dont have a reload yet and none of my dyna mags allow this while hot.

mike butta

Well-Known Member
Long time lurker first time poster. A question or two.. Once you put the head unit on two the stem and it is locked in place are you not supposed to be able to take it back apart? My head unit feels fused to the stem now. Not sure how much of an issue that could be as it leads to my next question. Cleaning. Is there a video online somewhere that demos deep cleaning? Could I dump the whole thing in some ISO and then rinse it well and dry? Can the oven piece with the VI and balls just be dumped in ISO and then just rinsed and dried? TIA
mike butta,
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