The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie


Well-Known Member
Hello guys
sorry if previously asked but missing from long time :D

I'm in EU and have a tempest beta, I don't find the option to buy in in the .eu website
@Brenyo Will I have to pay duties like last time if I buy again from the website?


Well-Known Member
Tempest has arrived - looking forward to finally giving it a test drive! It has been a long wait but fair play to brenyo for making sure the product works, loads of other companies would have rushed it out especially with so much interest in the device.


New Member
My Tempest also came today. After a few difficulties at the beginning, it slowly gets better and starts to be really fun. Currently I'm still trying around a lot and I'm really glad that I've been reading the thread here for the last few weeks :lol:Thanks for all the helpful advice. they really made it easier for me to get started 😎


Just to say this again, you do get denser vapour, at least in my experience, with the direct tube rather than helix tube. I would try swapping to direct if you don’t want wispier vapour. With the direct tube in, I set the tempest airway to bypass and have been getting great rips, feather the air hole as needed. (Direct tube is also recommended for water pieces in the manual)

I also come from vaping Dynavap mainly, with an armoured cap and fully roasting bowls, this should get you there ✌️
I dunno, when I use the direct it looks like the vapor is whispy coming down. I've looked at the vapor production on videos I recorded. I tried the tempest again and still can't get it to give me dense vapor. I did a "cold start" 3 times on Tuesday. This is where I just put the tempest head into the wand at 550 and let it heat until time over. I then screwed the cap on the unit and draw. This resulted in to top 1/2 combusting. Can someone do a hangouts with me or something? You can keep your video off and tell me wtf I am doing wrong and call me a dukbass.


New Member
Mine shipped yesterday around 6pm and it says it’s gonna get to my house in California on Saturday. That seems way too fast to be right. Anyone else get it that quick?


Well-Known Member
Mine shipped yesterday around 6pm and it says it’s gonna get to my house in California on Saturday. That seems way too fast to be right. Anyone else get it that quick?

Maybe you could use this topic. :)



Well-Known Member
@akp55 so no good vapor with the full helix and direct airflow, more closed or open airflow on the cap, with the herb a little loose, with the wand or with torch…? Even full open airflow cap, triple torch, zirc balls and simple straight stem? :o


Well-Known Member
I received mine 3 days ago and I'm really enjoying it.
The VI is very useful and accurate regarding heating, as for the disk though it clicks a bit too early for my preference but still is good reference.
Additionally, when cooling, the click is a bit late, as the cap has already cooled off by then.
It brings a lot of innovations
Thumbs up for the hard work behind @Brenyo you made it !
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@akp55 so no good vapor with the full helix and direct airflow, more closed or open airflow on the cap, with the herb a little loose, with the wand or with torch…? Even full open airflow cap, triple torch, zirc balls and simple straight stem? :o
yeah. i'm dumb or something as i can't get figure out how to get to this damned thing to work for me. :(:(:mad::(:(

I wouldn’t suggest doing that.
why not?
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Well-Known Member
yeah. i'm dumb or something as i can't get figure out how to get to this damned thing to work for me. :(:(:mad::(:(
It is strange because the basics of the system is simple. Sounds like a friend told me about a defective angus, which allowed air pass with a bad mouthpiece…but in the tempest it is hard to be.
If you take the full head, close the airflow, put your fingers on the air intake of the cap (to avoid any air to go through the balls) and inhale through the 8mm connection…is there any air going on? (I dont see the way it can happen in the tempest, but I ask…even to downgrade the performance like that the air would need to get into the bowl from the screwdable part of the cap).

(I hope it is understandable :lol: im not at 100% right now)


Well-Known Member
It is strange because the basics of the system is simple. Sounds like a friend told me about a defective angus, which allowed air pass with a bad mouthpiece…but in the tempest it is hard to be.
If you take the full head, close the airflow, put your fingers on the air intake of the cap (to avoid any air to go through the balls) and inhale through the 8mm connection…is there any air going on? (I dont see the way it can happen in the tempest, but I ask…even to downgrade the performance like that the air would need to get into the bowl from the screwdable part of the cap).

(I hope it is understandable :lol: im not at 100% right now)
That could be possible on the Temptest if there was an issue with any orings. One of mine was messed up when sliding on so that it made me think the oven stem was bent earlier this year. I used to use a tiny bit of saliva to lubricate but I use an absolutely miniscule amount of the wax that came with my Reolves to lubricate the o rings now with good results.
*makes a return to FC after a Covid break*

I have balls galore to test and am starting to play with them now I can breathe properly (before this goes to "quotes out of context" I wasn't out of breath because of the balls ffs)

The black Tempest with the Rosewood sleeve is my release version of the Tempest :)

** Edit : its been a year today since I came to FC - specifically for the Tempest and the Screwball.... good times
you have to admire his balls


I just wanted to check as I’m a bit neurotic, when the mouthpiece is not locked does it wiggle backwards and forwards slightly? Thank you

edit: Like the metal piece inside the mouthpiece sticks out past the mouthpiece
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I just wanted to check as I’m a bit neurotic, when the mouthpiece is not locked does it wiggle backwards and forwards slightly? Thank you
Yea. Even in locked position it’ll wiggle in there just a bit. Only those 2 o-rings near the condenser base holding the length of the assembly, somewhat suspended, in there :tup:
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Well-Known Member
*makes a return to FC after a Covid break*

I have balls galore to test and am starting to play with them now I can breathe properly (before this goes to "quotes out of context" I wasn't out of breath because of the balls ffs)

The black Tempest with the Rosewood sleeve is my release version of the Tempest :)

** Edit : its been a year today since I came to FC - specifically for the Tempest and the Screwball.... good times
Where did you get the different balls? And sizes? Anywhere you’d recommend?


It’s finally there 🥳 Man, this thing is powerful. I combusted hard at my first 3 attempts with the air intake fully open at the cap and closed at the stem. Closing the cap intake more helps, but I don’t like the draw restriction.

Maybe I’m using the wrong torch? It’s perfect for the Anvil, but maybe too powerful for the Tempest? I held the inner flame 1cm away from the cap and aimed between the rings.

Tried a triple torch with way smaller flames, worked out perfect. I guess it’s because the heat is evenly spread instead of concentrated to one point. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to find a triple torch that doesn’t suck.

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Well-Known Member
Maybe I’m using the wrong torch? It’s perfect for the Anvil, but maybe too powerful for the Tempest? I held the inner flame 1cm away from the cap and aimed between the rings.
Hold it a bit further away from the cap and/or closer to the indicators if you combusted. It will work fine with a single torch as well.


Hold it a bit further away from the cap and/or closer to the indicators if you combusted. It will work fine with a single torch as well.
Holding the flame further away helped a lot, thank you 👍 I’m glad that I can go on using this torch, it’s the best one I could find in the past 2.5 years. Rothenberger Industrial Pocket Torch, perfectly reliable, available at the local hardware store for like 17 bucks.
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