The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie


Well-Known Member
@HaggisHunter, i know you said it should only be sticking out a little bit, but i am going to assume mine is out more because beta?
As gnarlyvandal said that's far too deep. Heating the bowl is kind of defeating the purpose of having the balls.

As far as beta goes, I've had mine since November so that's probably not going to make a difference.

When you cleaned the balls did you do a ball count?
I emptied my pre-release unit last night and filled it with 3mm zirc balls, 42 of them.
Then double checked my release unit and it has 87 of the 2.5mm zircs.
Hitting them both with fresh batteries, 3 bowls each, both felt more or less the exact same. If I'm honest I felt I was getting a better roast each time with the 3mm balls, there was also a bit of throat tickle with the 3mm.

If you do have the 3mm balls, it would still be worth trying the 2.5mm.

Your upgrade kit will contain the new induction sleeve/layer, I've had that a while now and it does make a difference, it seems to run hotter than the original one it came with, so that part might make a difference. But at the same time, I can't see anything in the upgrade kit being truly game changing for you, if your not getting the results your looking for now.

I'm happy to be completely wrong, but I still think part of it is the way your drawing on it.

If I use use/treat my tempest like I use my Dynavap, I'm not going to get the satisfying rips I want from it.

Sorry if I sound like I'm being condescending etc, it's not intentional, just trying to help.

When I got the tempest, I was a heavy Dynavap user, more or less solely Dynavaps.
I got the hang of how the tempest worked really quickly, but I still had to learn to alter how I inhale with it as I wasn't getting the results I was expecting immediately.
I even asked here about it, I was questioning how folk got these long sessions where they're puffing on it like a joint etc, I couldn't do that.
It took a few days to get myself more tuned into it, for me the draw needs to be slow and steady, slower you pull, the less heat the balls will lose, more heat gets into material, more vapor is created, I might be totally wrong but that's my feeling on it.

Another thing to try would be to inhale in short bursts, I can't remember what folk call it, but like your lighting a cigar, short inhales one after another.

A change to Boro balls will also give a more aggressive heat up, which might help you here, but in my opinion, they're more for water pieces, and if your not careful you will combust quite easily. I think the kit contains Boro as an extra.
I haven't been able to try the sic or SS balls yet.

Ps, I was up till 4am messing around with my two units, trying to figure out what might be happening here, it's now 11:08am and I'm about to go food shopping still absolutely blitzed 😎


Well-Known Member
I remember a user had issues with the coil position inside their wand, so when they followed the instructions on the tempest manual they were scorching their bowl. It could maybe be something like that happening here? But that doesn't explain the torching problems. Are kind of flame size are you using?


Well-Known Member
I use to use a deeper position on the wand for hash or to get better mtl hits and it gives me a good amount of vapor. So it shouldn’t be a problem
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Putin is a War Criminal
@HaggisHunter, i know you said it should only be sticking out a little bit, but i am going to assume mine is out more because beta?
No, we are all using betas at this point, and none of us have to use the tip depth in the Wand that you are using in that pic. That won't work. The glass of the adapter should barely show past the wand just like the picture @HaggisHunter posted. As others have suggested, it looks you like you are heating the bowl directly instead of the balls. That might explain why you are showing some browning of the load without getting vapor. The included picture shows how mine is.
Some people have wondered if the Wands are not identical and may have slight variations in where the heating source is exactly in the device, but if there are differences we're talking differences of millimeters, not centimeters. You seem to be a centimeter (10mm) off. However, the problems that you're having using the wand doesn't explain the difficulty you're having with the torch. So I am thinking that you have a draw problem along with a potential heating problem. @HaggisHunter above well describes that there may be a slight learning curve for the draw process, but in combination with a heating issue your struggle is understandable. Once you get one of those problems solved the other will probably solve itself.

Once it comes together I suspect you will love this device as most of us do. Be patient with yourself...

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Well-Known Member
No, we are all using betas at this point, and none of us have to use the tip depth in the Wand that you are using in that pic. That won't work. The glass of the adapter should barely show past the wand just like the picture @HaggisHunter posted. As others have suggested, it looks you like you are heating the bowl directly instead of the balls. That might explain why you are showing some browning of the load without getting vapor. The included picture shows how mine is.
Some people have wondered if the Wands are not identical and may have slight variations in where the heating source is exactly in the device, but if there are differences we're talking differences of millimeters, not centimeters. You seem to be a centimeter (10mm) off. However, the problems that you're having using the wand doesn't explain the difficulty you're having with the torch. So I am thinking that you have a draw problem along with a potential heating problem. @HaggisHunter above well describes that there may be a slight learning curve for the draw process, but in combination with a heating issue your struggle is understandable. Once you get one of those problems solved the other will probably solve itself.

Once it comes together I suspect you will love this device as most of us do. Be patient with yourself...

Yeah I think he is cooking his bowl completely with conduction, before he even draws on it.


Putin is a War Criminal
Yeah I think he is cooking his bowl completely with conduction, before he even draws on it.
I think that's exactly right. In the normal use of the Tempest there may be a little bit of conduction assist in creating vapor, especially when doing bowls one after another. But the primary method of getting vapor on this device is convection, heat coming from above the load in the balls being pulled through the load to create vapor.


Well-Known Member
I bought the upgrade kit and just realised that I chose the buy it now option (I did this as soon as the store was open for orders). Anyone know how it's different to pre-orders?


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Does anyone else have the problem that the account password cannot be reset on the EU site? don't get any email


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else have the problem that the account password cannot be reset on the EU site? don't get any email
You probably had a typo in your registered email address. Please send an email with your name and the correct address.
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Well-Known Member
I think for specific issues people are having with ordering or shipment, people should message or email Brenyo directly.

If someone doesn't need input from the community, I don't think the community should be involved. It will just gum up our thread at a time we would all rather see the input, excitement, enjoyment and questions of the new users.


Putin is a War Criminal
Since the Tempest has so many different setups, what would you all recommend for the first bowl? What's the best easy forgivable way to smoke this for those of us getting our feet wet for the first time?
Just as a reminder, the Tempest has a great manual that is very informative and instructive. As @Shorner suggest it is very likely to go perfectly well on your first go. As you use it, you may make adjustments.


Well-Known Member
With this picture I can see that it is the right depth. I dunno if this is how you had it before but I would expect it to perform more or less "normal" at this depth.

I checked back through your comment history in here and I see you did talk about the balls but I didn't see if you ever took them out to clean them?

The simplest thing I can recommend at this point is a full and thorough clean as well as to clean your Wand adapter. Even if the balls are clean there may be some unseen gunk in the oven housing. Either way, the VI housing is extremely dirty looking and a full, thorough cleaning of the entire device certainly can't hurt.

Here's what my oven looks like after not being cleaned for a week when I clean it normally weekly and have had it since early November:

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