The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie


Well-Known Member
It’s finally there 🥳 Man, this thing is powerful. I combusted hard at my first 3 attempts with the air intake fully open at the cap and closed at the stem. Closing the cap intake more helps, but I don’t like the draw restriction.

Maybe I’m using the wrong torch? It’s perfect for the Anvil, but maybe too powerful for the Tempest? I held the inner flame 1cm away from the cap and aimed between the rings.

Tried a triple torch with way smaller flames, worked out perfect. I guess it’s because the heat is evenly spread instead of concentrated to one point. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to find a triple torch that doesn’t suck.

I was a huge Torch guy (have a big collection) before i bought the Wand just to try it out.
Its crazy absolute game changer. No more spinning handfree even when windy perfect roast in seconds.
If anything its a little too easy :D
I get single hit extractions with my Dyna that get me teary eyes that i could never do with torch. I will likely never go back :lol:


Well-Known Member
So for the lucky people who have received their Tempest, how are you getting on with it?
It’s going very good. I had to switch to CBD cause.. well, you can imagine 😁 There’s a learning curve to it that will take a little while to master. But the not-perfect results are great, so I’m as patient as a person that I’m totally not 😄

I was a huge Torch guy (have a big collection) before i bought the Wand just to try it out.
Its crazy absolute game changer. No more spinning handfree even when windy perfect roast in seconds.
If anything its a little too easy :D
I get single hit extractions with my Dyna that get me teary eyes that i could never do with torch. I will likely never go back :lol:
Strong statement indeed. I’m not quite ready for IH as I love the simplicity and compactness of torches. But if it changes the experience (aka make you higher) this much, it seems that it’s kind of a must-try. Unfortunately (or very fortunate) I just recently invested my last money in the Vestratto Tornado, so the Wand have to wait.
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Well-Known Member
It’s going very good. I had to switch to CBD cause.. well, you can imagine 😁 There’s a learning curve to it that will take a little while to master. But the not-perfect results are great, so I’m as patient as a person that I’m totally not 😄

Strong statement indeed. I’m not quite ready for IH as I love the simplicity and compactness of torches. But if it changes the experience (aka make you higher) this much, it seems that it’s kind of a must-try.

I was super skeptic for a long time. I thought it would be slow and whispy hits.

The Wand is not much bigger than my (good) torch. Its a little heavier but everything else is so much better. It last me 3 days on Dyna and im sure it would last me 2 Days on Tempest even when vaping out some friends.
I just wrote this as i was in the same mindset but now i will never look back. I was shocked and didnt think i would like it this much.
It made me fall in love with my Dynas (Tempest not here :shrug: ) again.


Well-Known Member
How much boro glass should there be in th Tempest head? I put the whole package - 90pcs if I counted correctly but I can't tighten the screen 🥵


Active Member
How much boro glass should there be in th Tempest head? I put the whole package - 90pcs if I counted correctly but I can't tighten the screen 🥵
I'm pretty sure you put double what you need, with the device you get two sachets but one is additional


Well-Known Member
Fill it until just below the bowl screen threading, you have to be able to screw down the screen completely until the end of the thread.
I took out all the Zirc balls that were installed and there were 90 of them. So someone put too many of them in mine head during production? :p

To sum up - there is no specific number of how many should be inside? I don't want to put in too little or too much


Well-Known Member
I took out all the Zirc balls that were installed and there were 90 of them. So someone put too many of them in mine head during production? :p

To sum up - there is no specific number of how many should be inside? I don't want to put in too little or too much
No, just a specific weight that you can find in the manual for each type. The balls can vary in size slightly.


Active Member
It’s going very good. I had to switch to CBD cause.. well, you can imagine 😁 There’s a learning curve to it that will take a little while to master. But the not-perfect results are great, so I’m as patient as a person that I’m totally not 😄

That is good to hear. I do use CBD as well as "the good stuff" so I'll do some test runs with my hempflower

I went with a black / ebony model and a blue Reload


Active Member
So it arrived! I patiently waited till after dinner before I opened my package. I gave it a little dip in ISO, thoroughly rinsed off and let it try.

I was actually surprised at how compact it is. I've been checking out lots of pics and a few videos, and for some reason I thought it was slightly bigger. It is beautiful though. I went with the black /ebony model and it looks amazing after little buff with beeswax

I set my wand depth as per the manual. I'm using auto mode, 290c and waited for the time out.
Tempest set with Restricted airflow, half bowl. I took it for a test drive with some CBD hempflower.

I was hoping for a joint like experience, and the first impressions are..... It lives up to the hype🥳. I got multiple draws with nice clouds. I didn't start to cough until right near the end. When I checked the avb it was light brown, so I did another cycle. I think I'm in love

I think going through this thread for the past few weeks help me set it up how I wanted it.

Sorry for the long post. I just had a second bowl of THC, and I feel blasted.


Well-Known Member
I tried it tonight and it was really amazing 😍 so flavorful! For sure it will need some time getting used to but also it's fun and part of the experience 😄

One experience for me was that the click disks behavior seems to be very different than vapcaps. The first click is as expected in the middle of the VI but the cool down click comes minutes after the VI is already well past the low point. Is that for you too?

Another question: When do you guys normally reheat a bit? :)


Well-Known Member
The first click is as expected in the middle of the VI but the cool down click comes minutes after the VI is already well past the low point. Is that for you too?

Another question: When do you guys normally reheat a bit?
Great to hear that click is at the middle marker. Now I won’t have to look at it anymore :tup: Yea my beta cool down click takes a bit. If you have it on a magnet or steel grinder, it’ll be quicker. I’m usually loading another bowl when it does that. I’ll heat again right away.. minding it’s already hot.


New Member
So it'll be here in two hours. Did everyone clean the tempest with iso before first use or did you use it as it came. My iso will be here not before monday sadly..


Well-Known Member
So it'll be here in two hours. Did everyone clean the tempest with iso before first use or did you use it as it came. My iso will be here not before monday sadly..
I did both, first dry run with plenty of smokes so I decided to iso bath it 😅
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Well-Known Member
So it'll be here in two hours. Did everyone clean the tempest with iso before first use or did you use it as it came. My iso will be here not before monday sadly..
I gave it a 30 minute soak in iso then used a q tip on the inside of the bowl and stem which left a slight residue on the q tip. I then did tŵo cycles of heating to burn off anything as well. I am a bit paranoid!


Well-Known Member
One experience for me was that the click disks behavior seems to be very different than vapcaps.
I'll usually get one click when I'm refilling the bowl, and it'll click back again once when reheating a bowl. The other takes longer to click on cool down, probably 3/4 minutes, and that's in a cooling stand, it takes so long than the rest of the head is barely warm at that point.
Another question: When do you guys normally reheat a bit?
I don't reheat bowls as it's always spent, I just hit it, empty and refill. If you're reheating the same bowl, go easy with it, it'll be easier to combust that way.
Use the indicator though, and take off the heat earlier than you think to start with, you will be able to do this without issue it's just learning how the indicator reacts etc.
Yes. And it’s a pretty loud one, I eventually flinched 😅
I've done this, had my session, I'll be having a puff of an e-cig and the damn thing will click so loud I nearly crap myself 😂
Did everyone clean the tempest with iso before first use or did you use it as it came.
I'd always suggest cleaning everything, if you don't have iso and need to use something, you could either use a tiny bit of washing up liquid and really hot water, making sure that the head/balls/indicator and it's housing is properly rinsed - make sure the soap is totally gone from the indicators..
Or you could also put it in a pan of water and bring it to the boil, then give it a really good rinse with hot tape water.
Failing that, vodka or maybe even lighter fluid?
No sure how the safe lighter fluid is for o-rings though, someone else might be able to say whether thats a good or terrible idea.


Well-Known Member
Mine arrived today :party:, did an one hour ISO soak and a short rinse with water. Probably won't have the time to test it out today though but did two heat cycles in the Wand to get rid of residue water.

So many options though :uhoh:... is there a sweet spot configuration for decent cooling and clouds?
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