The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie


Putin is a War Criminal
Which ball do you guys prefer?
I tried default, boro, ss and mix of boro with ss and I still think default are the best :D
Brenyo knew what to put as the default ;)
I tried the SIC balls for a while, but I ended up swapping the zirc back in. One of these days when I have some sit around time to play with it I'm gonna try the glass and the steel just for fun. I think part of why I like the zirc best is I've gotten used to it and the timing...


Which ball do you guys prefer?
I tried default, boro, ss and mix of boro with ss and I still think default are the best :D
Brenyo knew what to put as the default ;)
For half bowl quick OHE I like SiC. One of my builds is that one fixed. For the full bowl one I'm not fully decided yet. Lately I've been enjoying ruby 2.5 and they aren't bad at all. I like them to start low temp and ramp up. Zirc are pretty good too, but I think I kind of like ruby better?

Still pretty much testing to do with the full bowl, I've tried Zirconia and Ruby in 2.5mm (SiC I like for half bowl better) and I also have some boro around that haven't tested yet. Soon I should have Zirc in 2 and 3mm too, has anyone tried them?

Tempest has made me go back to enjoy vaping flowers after years of only concentrates, love this thing.

General Disaster

Of cabbages and Kings.
Tried SiC which had good staying power but tended to combust just a wee bit too easy.
Tried Boro which I like with a loose packed full bowl when I want to take it close to the mark with fewer draws.
And the default Zirc's for a slightly denser packed bowl and not quite so roasted.

I've got 2 pests and now happy running Zirc in one and Boro in the other. Both do very nicely using the same Wand setting which is a major plus, but more to the point I think @cybrguy's comment about getting to know a particular setup is the main thing.


Well-Known Member
I too prefer the zirc, I guess there is a reason they are the default choice :D. Others I tried were steel and SiC but I felt steel impacted the taste negatively and with SiC it often got too close to combustion. I have to try it again some time though.


For half bowl quick OHE I like SiC. One of my builds is that one fixed. For the full bowl one I'm not fully decided yet. Lately I've been enjoying ruby 2.5 and they aren't bad at all. I like them to start low temp and ramp up. Zirc are pretty good too, but I think I kind of like ruby better?

Still pretty much testing to do with the full bowl, I've tried Zirconia and Ruby in 2.5mm (SiC I like for half bowl better) and I also have some boro around that haven't tested yet. Soon I should have Zirc in 2 and 3mm too, has anyone tried them?

Tempest has made me go back to enjoy vaping flowers after years of only concentrates, love this thing.
Just got Zirc 3mm and 2mm today. So far I have tried 3mm and I think we have a winner for the full bowl Tempest. But I will keep trying, for science :science:

I would say SiC 2.5mm for half bowl one heat extraction, and Zirc 3mm for full bowl are my favorite for now...


Well-Known Member
A couple of stupid questions that I wasn’t able to find answers for in the search.

I saw that 10mm screens from amazon did fit properly, but I think that same post said that they get gunked up just as fast? Can anyone confirm that? Love the thickness of the wires on the screen, but I think that same thickness causes clogging quicker than I would like.

Also, is the best solution for cleaning zirc soaking in iso if I do NOT own a torch?


Wubba Lubba dub-dub
A couple of stupid questions that I wasn’t able to find answers for in the search.

I saw that 10mm screens from amazon did fit properly, but I think that same post said that they get gunked up just as fast? Can anyone confirm that? Love the thickness of the wires on the screen, but I think that same thickness causes clogging quicker than I would like.

Also, is the best solution for cleaning zirc soaking in iso if I do NOT own a torch?
Screens - you can soak them then rinse them out. no real reason to buy new ones for at least a couple of years if you treat them normally... you can also torch them but that decreases their lifetime (depending on how you do it and with what of course)

Cleaning zirc balls will be a real pain without a least in my experience it was. maybe if you get 91%+ ISO? but still its hard to reach all the surface of the tiny balls...

Having a torch is real useful so I would suggest going to the local supermarket and getting a cooking torch /creme brulee torch... works like a charm

General Disaster

Of cabbages and Kings.
There are much better solvents than iso to remove non-polar organic compounds. If you do use iso, get 99% purity, the less water in it th better it dissolves.
Non-polar solvents will work best, such as light grade petroleum based products or alkanes like butane though flammability and toxicity and handling affect choice - I'd go for a low boiling point petroleum ether (say 40℃ to 60℃, had various names depending where you buy but you can google these. But like most of these compounds - use rubber gloves and glasses and avoid sources of spark and heat.

But probably a better way is to stick to pure iso and use an ultrasound bath? I've heard these are effective, and simple/safe to use, I'm sure some people here use this? Personally, one year on and I've not had any need to clean them myself or noticed any loss of function.

Or just spend $10 on a cheap jet lighter and have done with it?


Well-Known Member
Screens - you can soak them then rinse them out. no real reason to buy new ones for at least a couple of years if you treat them normally... you can also torch them but that decreases their lifetime (depending on how you do it and with what of course)

Cleaning zirc balls will be a real pain without a least in my experience it was. maybe if you get 91%+ ISO? but still its hard to reach all the surface of the tiny balls...

Having a torch is real useful so I would suggest going to the local supermarket and getting a cooking torch /creme brulee torch... works like a charm
The screens do soak just fine. But pending which strain I’m vaping, I find that my screens need soaking at the end of the day. Every 10-12 bowls seemed a bit excessive. But it is what it is.

It sounds like I won’t really be able to get my full use out of butane devices without a proper torch. So I may as well admit defeat and grab one. I hear they get great use on the tornado also.


Wubba Lubba dub-dub
The screens do soak just fine. But pending which strain I’m vaping, I find that my screens need soaking at the end of the day. Every 10-12 bowls seemed a bit excessive. But it is what it is.

It sounds like I won’t really be able to get my full use out of butane devices without a proper torch. So I may as well admit defeat and grab one. I hear they get great use on the tornado also.
10-12 bowls (around 1.5g I'd guess) of some high grade sticky icky will gunk up almost anything in my experience.
Recently I'm cleaning my tempest every other day, about as soon as I notice performance degradation. I use the direct tube and usually aim it at the light to see how gunked up it is.
For me, in about 5-8 minutes, with some 70% ISO, around 10 cotton swabs, a toothpick, a cotton pad for outside parts and 2 kitchen paper towels is what it takes to keep it in great condition all the time. The screen is much easier to clean if you do it more often. Recently i just put the screen on my thumb and drop some iso, rub it carefully, then put it between a bit of paper towel while squeezing and rubbing it gently, works surprisingly good.
I find it a good and comforting ritual to clear a bowl then dissasemble the tempest and clean it while listening to some music. Used to clean by ultrasonic bath but I started to dislike the sound and waiting times :D

Ball cleaning with a torch might sound intimidating but it really isn't that big of a deal, simple and fast.


Active Member
I have read the manual and continue to refer to it, thanks Disaster Brother!

Thank you! I think two matched pairs should cover me for quite a bit of use.

I gotta say, since it arrived I’ve been using the tempest almost exclusively. It is a really nice vape.

Also, I have a lot of experience with lithium ion batteries. I can add some general information about what is probably happening with the wand power indicator.

Typical there are two voltages to take into consideration. The voltages are the resting voltage of the cell and the loaded voltage of the cell. The cell might rest at say 3.8V but under a certain load might drop to 3.6,3.4,3.2 etc depending on the load.

Cells like the molicels have a very low internal resistance. This is supposed to reduce the voltage drop for a given load. Empty is when the loaded voltage of the cell passes a certain point like 2.8 V or so. So a cell with higher internal resistance will hit empty for a given load before a cell with lower internal resistance.

To me this suggests that the battery gauge on the wand is showing the loaded voltage of the cells during use which is great. What is interesting to me is that their load would pull a fresh pair of 35A rated batteries down to 1/2 right away. To me that suggests that either the power draw is larger than claimed, the batteries are weaker than claimed, or the display is off or not precise.
Did you register the warranty? I had problems with my wand and they (dynavap) shipped a replacement the very next day


Well-Known Member
Did some anodising the other day on the gen 1 revolve, also did the spare bowls I had.
The purple's don't entirely match, but there's reasons for that, I wasn't looking for perfection anyway.
Stuck on some Dynavap tips and titanium sleeves to start with, but they'll be used almost all the time with the tempest bowls and glass sleeves.



General Disaster

Of cabbages and Kings.
Did some anodising the other day on the gen 1 revolve, also did the spare bowls I had.
The purple's don't entirely match, but there's reasons for that, I wasn't looking for perfection anyway.
Stuck on some Dynavap tips and titanium sleeves to start with, but they'll be used almost all the time with the tempest bowls and glass sleeves.


Show off! 😎

(real nice!)
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